danny meadowsklue introducing iab europe 4.1
... IAB Europe Reformatted, rebranded IAB Europe (EMEA)as IAB Europe, explanations IAB Europe added, context added, distributed, Executive and library IAB Finland IAB Denmark IAB IAB Poland IAB IAB ... 18 European IABs New research – from partners Research given by IAB Europe partner (E.g Jupiter) IAB UK IAB Germany IAB France IAB Spain The world’s interactive a...
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 15:49
... option, 1 14 autoupdate of Silverlight 3.0 applications, 391 axd extension, 316 Azure API, 43 1 43 2 Azure Storage, 43 1 43 2, 43 6 43 8 AzureDataServiceContext project, 44 2 AzureRawHttp application, 43 6 ... 40 7 40 9 Elliot, Graham, 173–1 74 Johnson, Rusty, 40 7 40 9 Lerman, Julie, 2 04 205 Morgridge, Dane, 205–206 Invoke( ) method, 146 , 153 invoking workflows, in Windows Workflo...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
... using System; public class EntryPoint { static void Main() { VarArgs( 42 ); VarArgs( 42 , 43 , 44 ); VarArgs( 44 , 56, 23, 2 34, 45 , 123 ); } static void VarArgs( int val1, params int[] vals ) { Console.WriteLine( ... a bad attempt of the same problem with a language that supports only single inheritance Figure 4- 4 shows you that this solution is hardly a good one Figure 4- 4 Exam...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_2 pptx
... behavior with this example between the NET 1.1 and NET 2.0 and later runtimes In NET 1.1, the exception is swallowed while it is logged in the console, and execution then continues Starting with NET ... be sure to read about how NET 1.1 and NET 2.0 and later treat unhandled exceptions differently in this chapter’s previous section, “Changes with Unhandled Exceptions in NET...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_3 pot
... IL_001b: stelem.i4 ldloc.3 ldc.i4.0 ldc.i4.0 ldloc.0 call IL_0020: IL_0021: IL_0022: IL_0023: IL_00 24: IL_0025: IL_0026: IL_0027: ldloc.2 ldc.i4.0 ldelem.i4 stloc.1 ldloc.3 ldc.i4.0 ldc.i4.0 call instance ... main facets of dealing with strings in C# and the NET Framework Additionally, I’ll cover the important topic of globalization 2 14 CHAPTER ■■■ Working with Strings Within the NE...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_4 pot
... defined within the scope within which T is valid It is generally considered to be bad form to hide outer argument identifiers within nested scopes, just as it is with variable name identifiers within ... and are valid within a specific scope Within the confines of a method, for example, any local variable identifiers declared within the curly braces of the method are available only within t...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_5 potx
... { } static Int 64 AddInt 64( Int 64 val1, Int 64 val2 ) { return val1 + val2; } static Int 64 MultiplyInt 64( Int 64 val1, Int 64 val2 ) { return val1 * val2; } static Int 64 DoubleToInt 64( double d ) ... Int 64 MultiplyInt 64( Int 64 val1, Int 64 val2 ) { return val1 * val2; } static Int 64 AddInt 64( Int 64 val1, Int 64 val2 ) { return val1 + val2; 356 CHAPTER 11 ■ GENERICS }...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_6 doc
... System.Threading; System .Net; System .Net. Sockets; public class EntryPoint { private const int ConnectQueueLength = 4; private const int ListenPort = 12 34; private const int MaxConnectionHandlers = 4; private ... test showed that using the Mutex took more than 44 times longer than the Interlocked class and 34 times longer than the Monitor class Semaphore The NET Framework supports se...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_7 docx
... Here’s the output from running this example: US format: (1.12 346 2.12 346 ) DE format: (1,12 346 2,12 346 ) Object.ToString(): (1.12 345 678 2.12 345 678) In Main, notice the creation and use of two different ... you know about it with a friendly warning And because we’re all diligent with regard to building our release code with zero warnings, we should take the compiler’s word seriou...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_8 pot
... Smails" }, new EmployeeId{ Id = "333-33-3333", Name = "Ivan Ivanov" }, new EmployeeId{ Id = "44 4 -44 -44 44" , Name = "Vasya Pupkin" } }; // Build nationality collection var empNationalities = new List() ... EmployeeNationality{ Id = "222-22-2222", Nationality = "Irish" }, new EmployeeNationality{ Id = "44 4 -44 -44 44" , Nationality = "Russian" } }; // Build query var query = from emp in em...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing Dot Net 4 With Visual Studio_9 potx
... base, 44 , 43 1 43 4, 595 contract implementation and, 157–159 derived, 44 , 145 – 149 generic, 311–3 14 leaf, 70, 43 1 nested, 71– 74 new keyword for, 103–1 04 non-nested, 71 partial, 76–77 sealed, 69, 145 , ... arrays, 243 –255 covariance and, 247 – 248 declaring, 243 – 244 implicit typed, 244 – 246 jagged, 253–255 multidimensional, 251–255 param, 123 rectangular, 251–253 searchabili...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_1 pot
... get: int a = 200 000 000 0; Console.WriteLine(a * 2); Console.ReadKey(); Surely the result is 40 00 000 000 ? Running this code will give you the following answer: -2 949 67296 NOTE VB .NET won't even ... http://blogs.msdn.com/ncl/archive/ 200 9 /07 / 20/ new-ncl-features-in -net- 4- 0beta-2.aspx • http://www.danielmoth.com/Blog/ 200 8/11/new-and-improved-clr -4- thread-pool.html • http:/...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_2 potx
... task4 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => doSomethingElse()); } static void doSomething() { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 500 000 ); } static void doSomethingElse() { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 500 000 ); ... archive/ 200 9/ 04 / 14/ 9 549 246 .aspx Parallel Debugging Enhancements Writing parallel and threaded applications is hard To help, Microsoft has added additional debugging features to t...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20
Apress Introducing dot NET 4 0 with Visual Studio 2010_3 ppt
... post by Damien Guard (who works at Microsoft within the data programmability team) at http://damieng.com/blog/ 200 9 /06 /01 /linq-to-sql-changes-in -net- 40 Why Use EF? The sections below cover the benefits ... out the fact that as of NET 4. 0, LINQ to Entities will be the recommended data access solution for LINQ to relational scenarios “ http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/ 200 8/ 10...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20