... 350,000 262,500 87,500 600,000 240 ,000 360,000 950,000 502,500 44 7,500 The overall chargeable gain after taper relief is 44 7,500, which, using a CGT rate of 40 per cent, produces CGT of £179,000 ... for the full 40 per cent STR The overall calculation of chargeable gain is set out in Table 4. 3.1 Table 4. 3.1 Chargeable gain for CGT Gain A £ Chargeable gain Less taper relief 75% /40 %...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:15
... 31 .4 116.0 101.0 46 .4 46 .4 131.0 125.0 52 .4 82.5 1.5 84. 0 82.1 0.0 82.1 101.0 12.5 113.5 125.0 0.0 125.0 65.0 30.0 32.5 4. 0 131.5 47 .5 60.0 30.0 1.3 4. 0 95.3 –13.2 55.0 30.0 5.5 4. 5 95.0 18.5 50.0 ... 20 04 2005 2006 4 250 20 18 5,000 4, 500 200 80 220 216 76 140 200 20 18 4, 000 3,600 150 80 170 170 60 110 200 20 18 4, 000 3,600 150 80 170 76 94 33 61 225 20 18 4, 50...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 4 doc
... Depreciation Pretax profits Tax Aftertax profits 2000 2001 2002 2003 5. 84 1 .45 4. 38 1.53 2.85 6 .40 1.60 4. 80 1.68 3.12 7 .41 1.75 5.66 1.98 3.68 8. 74 1.97 6.77 2.37 4. 40 9.39 2.22 7.17 2.51 4. 66 Assets ... and profitability in Chapter 12 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition I Value The Value of Common Stocks CHAPTER © The McGraw−Hill...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu McGraw.Hill - Brealey & Myers - Principles of Corporate Finance, 6th Edition Slides docx
... Investors Depositors Policyholders Investors Principles of Corporate Finance Brealey and Myers u Sixth Edition Present Value and The Opportunity Cost of Capital Chapter 11 Topics Covered w Present ... PV of C1 = $400 at 12% 400 PV = = 357 + 12 PV of C1 = $400 at 7% 400 PV = = 374 + 07 20 Rate of Return Rule w Accept investments that offer rates of return in excess of t...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 1 potx
... Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition Front Matter x © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 Preface PREFACE same time we have rewritten Chapter 14 as a free- Of course, ... Educational Version of Other examples of expanded coverage include be- Market Insight In total there are now over a thou- havioral finance (Chapter 13 ) and new international sa...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 2 pps
... “Economics and Ethics: The Case of Salomon Brothers,” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance (Summer 19 92) , pp 23 28 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition I Value Present Value ... opportunity cost of capital Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition I Value Present Value and the Opportunity Cost of Capital ©...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 3 doc
... two years The present value of your year-2 cash flow equals PV ϭ C2 100 ϭ ϭ $86.21 11 ϩ r2 11.0772 33 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition 34 I Value How to Calculate ... 12.1 133 .1 ϩ 13. 3 236 ϩ 24 612 ϩ 61 10,672 ϩ 1,067 1,252,7 83 ϩ 125,278 17,264,116,042 ϩ 1,726,411,604 205,756,782,755 ϩ 20,575,678,275 ϭ Balance ϭ 110 ϭ 121 ϭ 133 .1 ϭ 146.4 ϭ...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 5 docx
... each of the following statements holds: NPV ϭ Ϫ1,000 ϩ 800 150 150 150 150 150 ϩ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϭ0 ϩ 50 1 .50 2 1 .50 2 1 .50 2 1 .50 2 1 .50 2 and NPV ϭ Ϫ1,000 ϩ Ϫ 800 150 150 150 150 ϩ ϩ ϩ ϩ 1. 152 11. 152 2 11. 152 2 ... rate of return (4 Ϭ 5) *Rounded Straight-line depreciation over seven years is 400/7 ϭ 57 .14, or $57 ,140 per year † Capital investment is $400,000 in year 16 140 55 57 2...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 6 ppt
... 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.90 2.99 3.75 7.22 6. 68 6. 18 5.71 5.28 4.89 4.52 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 4. 46 2.25 (MACRS) Table 6. 4 summarizes the tax depreciation schedules Note ... Pretax profit (6 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ 9) 11 Tax at 40% 12 Profit after tax (10 – 11) 11.9 71 .6 4.4 76. 0 27.0 9.2 15.5 11.9 Ϫ9 .6 Ϫ3.8 Ϫ5.8 23.9 59 .6 7 .6 67.2 51.3 17.4 15.5 11.9...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 7 potx
... Cost of Capital 65 45 25 -1 5 Dell Computer -3 5 Aug-96 Jan- 97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 85 Return, percent 65 45 25 -1 5 Reebok -3 5 Aug-96 ... Jan- 97 65 45 25 -1 5 Portfolio -3 5 Aug-96 Jan- 97 FIGURE 7. 7 The variability of a portfolio with equal holdings in Dell Computer and Reebok would have been less t...
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Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 8 ppt
... deviation 187 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition 188 II Risk © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003 Risk and Return PART II Risk Proportion of days 0.14 0.12 0.10 0. 08 0.06 ... Risk,” Review of Economic Studies 25 (February 19 58) , pp 65 86 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition II Risk © The McGraw−Hill Compani...
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Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 9 pot
... 10 -2 0 -1 0 10 20 30 -3 0 -2 0 August 198 8– January 199 5 -3 0 -2 0 β = 52 (.10) Exxon Mobil return % 10 -1 0 10 20 30 February 199 5– July 2001 -3 0 20 -1 0 -2 0 -3 0 -1 0 -1 0 -2 0 R = 28 Market return, % -1 0 ... Market return, % -3 0 -2 0 -1 0 β = 2.02 (.38) 30 10 20 30 Market return, % -1 0 -3 0 -2 0 -1 0 -1 0 -2 0...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 10 potx
... the cost of capital was percent in nominal terms 283 Visit us at www.mhhe.com/bm7e Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, ... mod- Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition III Practical Problems in Capital Budgeting 10 A Project is Not a Black Box © The McGr...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, 7th Edition - Chapter 11 docx
... the value of existing one- and two-year-old plants? Existing plants must continue using the original tax depreciation schedule Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition ... million ϩ a NPV ϭ Ϫ1,000 ϩ a 11. 202 t 11. 202 20 tϭ1 Brealey−Meyers: Principles of Corporate Finance, Seventh Edition III Practical Problems in Capital Budgeting 11 Whe...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20