cae plus test 1 paper 3 key

cae plus test 1 paper 3 key

... account C reason D thanks 10 A upshot B result C conclude D arise 11 A arrive B realise C reach D achieve 12 A scared B worried C frightened D feared Part For questions 13 -27, read the text below ... foot on the moon during the US Apollo space programme between 19 69 and 19 72 Some have since ( 13 ) household names - like Neil Armstrong, (14 ) made the original 'giant leap for mankind'...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:59

6 13,7K 26
ready for cae course book 1

ready for cae course book 1

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2014, 09:59

90 627 5
Bài thi CAE (Reading - Part 1)

Bài thi CAE (Reading - Part 1)

... initially be judged on: - the general maintenance and cleanliness of the area - evidence of individual and/or communal composting - provision of waste disposal for non-compostable items In the ... HOMEOWNERS TURN TO GROW-YOUR-OWN More homeowners are focusing on health by planting their own vegetable gardens this year, rejecting the rising cost of food and fuel, and pesticide-lade...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 14:31

4 391 2
CAE Use of English (Test 1)

CAE Use of English (Test 1)

... the degree of personal (10) as well CAE Use of English Part - Gapped Sentences USUAL INTEND EQUIP OCCASION CREATE CHARITY PROFIT WORLD APPRAISE REAL SATISFY ) For questions 1-5, think of one word ... of stress are increased tiredness, irritability and (15) inability to cope with certain situations CAE Use of English ) Part - Word Formation Read the text and then write th...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 21:29

5 731 5
Đề thi CAE Use of English (test 1)

Đề thi CAE Use of English (test 1)

... even if initially you had no (1) of turning it into a business USUAL INTEND Depending upon the hobby, the necessary (2) can be expensive and the idea of (3) offering items up for sale can ... (9) However, not forget the degree of personal (10) as well REAL SATISFY Part - Gapped Sentences For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2015, 17:26

4 1,4K 0
 1+1 = nhiều hơn 2

1+1 = nhiều hơn 2

Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2012, 23:14

9 1,3K 2
IELTS Practice Test Plus 1.pdf

IELTS Practice Test Plus 1.pdf

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2012, 09:57

179 11,4K 153