Writing task 1 band 8 - 9
... Way increased significantly from 19 93 to 19 99 , the same year in which methods to slow down traffic was introduced There were 600 cars in 19 93 and 91 1 cars in 19 99 However there was a slight reduction ... cars in 19 93 to 14 00 cars in 20 01 However, the number was stable during the following year at 14 00 cars The evidence reveals that the number of cars on Harper Lane rose...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:31
... years of schooling in 19 80 to nearly 11 years in 19 90 From 19 80 to 19 90 , the number of scientists and technicians in industrialised countries almost doubled to about 70 per 10 00 people Spending ... major cities over a period of 13 years from 19 89 We can see that house prices fell overall between 19 90 and 19 95 , but most of the cities saw rising prices between 19 96 a...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2016, 09:39
Writing task 2 band 8 - 9
... This essay is too long (3 09 words instead of advised 25 0 -2 6 5) Otherwise this work is a very good one; it covers the task, your position is clear, the ideas are well-organized, expressed, explained ... workshops This essay is extremely long (3 38 words instead of the advised 25 0 -2 6 5) It has a sound structure, your position is clearly expressed, the information is well-organized...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:31
Public writing task 1 band descriptors
... IELTS Writing Band Descriptors: Task (Public Version) Band Task response • fully addresses all parts of the task • presents a fully developed position in ... adequately address any part of the task • does not express a clear position • presents few ideas, which are largely undeveloped or irrelevant • barely responds to the task • does not express a position ... ideas but the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39
... https://www.facebook.com/notes/t%E1%BB%B1-h%E1%BB%8Dc -ielts8 0/t%E1%BB%95ng-h%E1%BB%A3p-t%C3%A0i-li%E1%BB%87ut%E1%BB%B1-%C3%B4n-thi -ielts/ 204554 519 738563 + Simon http:/ /ielts- simon.com/ +Dominic Cole Written ... nhỏ phần để luyện tập Khi làm quen với viết IELTS Đừng “trâu bò” ngày viết 10 task hay task làm Thay vào viết 10 introduction Task 1, 10 câu overview, 10 paragraph...
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 19:47
IELTS writing task 1 simon
... to only 15 % for the healthy sports diet Writing Task - Simon Page 18 Map 5 .1 Village of Chorleywood The map shows the growth of a village called Chorleywood between 18 68 and 19 94 It is clear ... 265 times more irrigated land (18 4 words, band 9) 1. 6 Car ownership The graph below gives information about car ownership in Britain from 19 71 to 2007 Writing Task - Simon P...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 07:42
IELTS writing task 1
... 26 32 82 South Korea 13 28 Germany 11 19 14 44 France 11 11 12 34 Italy 11 28 Hungary 17 10 Australia 16 12 35 Source: http://www.london2 012 .com/medals/medal-count/ IELTS Writing Tip When you ... • • IELTS Home Downloads IELTS Speaking Test IELTS Writing Test IELTS Reading Test IELTS Listening Test Writing Task - A Writing Task - G Writing Task IELTS...
Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2014, 16:52