... such as the possibility of changing parameters for the LSA algorithm and visualizing the results, or as the integrated programs for the computational lexicons tool: ManageLex (http://nats-www informatik.uni-hamburg.de/view/ ... are associated to only one kind of information (e.g color red associated to definitions, etc.) LSA Applications - It presents the application areas for the LSA...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 02:20
... investigate the reality of the use of classroom eye contact in English teaching Scope of the study The scope of the study is about enhancing the effects of English teaching by using eye contact at Dong ... at Dong Thap University Aims of the study The study aims to: - investigate what is the reality of using eye con...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03
Phương pháp học thông qua thực hành dạy( learning by teaching)
... CủA PHƯƠNG PHÁP Ưu điểm: Phát huy khả tự học Gây hứng thú ý cho học sinh Nâng cao kiến thức hiểu biết môn học Hình thành giúp cho người học hoàn thiện nhiều kĩ Rút ngắn khoảng cách học ... NIệM Là phương pháp dạy học định hướng hoạt động, học sinh hay nhóm học sinh thay đảm nhận vai trò giáo viên để hướng dẫn bạn khác lớp vấn đề kiến thức đạo giáo viên Vấn...
Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2013, 10:35
... 8 State a purpose for the assignment Your writing assignment should answer the question, “why am I writing this?” Give your students a purpose so they know why they are writing: “These are ... are directions to your apartment for a new friend” “This is a letter to your cousin.” “This is a thank-you note to your father” “Imagine these are advertisements for the newspaper” Also, if y...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 09:12
... ignoring what they are reading, instead, ask them where in the text the answer is Finally, remember to focus on developing the skills of the readers The purpose of teaching reading is not only to ... help the students understand the text for that day, but also to help them learn to effectively read for themselves To this, they must develop many sub-skills of reading like skimming,...
Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 11:12
100 Action Principles - Lead by example
... Stick to your convictions and principles as you allow your ethical values to direct your decision-making Integrity goes beyond self-interest to moral courage Lying only leads to more lying Keep your ... results Do it now while it’s on your mind You don’t have to be perfect to live the Action Principles Just be a person of action You must have more than good intentions to succeed You m...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 13:20
Tài liệu First Principles of Project Management By R. Max Wideman pdf
... on the founding principles of project management, we will use the term First Principles It may be asked “Do we really need a set of First Principles of Project Management ”? The problem is ... content First Principles of Project Management Based on the foregoing criteria, the following First principles are proposed These principles build extensively on the wor...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 07:20
ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES, STANDARDS, AND REQUIREMENTS - Title 2 Standards Not Superceded by FASAB Issuances doc
... manual GAO/AIMD -2 1 .1.1, March 1997 GAO-0 2- 2 48G – Title Standards Not Superceded by FASAB (11/01) (This page is intentionally blank) Page GAO-0 2- 2 48G – Title Standards Not Superceded by FASAB (11/01) ... Washington DC 20 548, or by calling (20 2) 51 2- 6 000 or TDD (20 2) 51 2- 2 537 (193014) Page 26 GAO-0 2- 2 48G – Title Standards Not Superced...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20
The Principles of Successful Freelancing by Miles Burke
... range of skills and attributes of the successful freelancer Download at Boykma.Com Licensed to botuongxulang@yahoo.com The Principles of Successful Freelancing Let’s start by discussing the nature ... paying their bills The experience of freelancing, for most people, lies somewhere between these scenarios You’ll enjoy the chance to chill out in front of the TV...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 10:23