islcollective worksheets elementary a1 elementary school writing time workshe the time with clock 21417313345462b85d929125 19300728
... to five It’s half past six It’s twelve o clock It’s twenty-five past one It’s quarter past eleven It’s half past eight It’s quarter to four It’s seven o clock It’s half past nine It’s twenty past ... o clock It’s half past nine It’s twenty past five It’s ten to twelve It’s four o clock It’s half past three It’s one o clock It’s quarter to three It’s twenty to six It’s twenty five past si...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 20:25
... wears suits? Who's generous?Who's got long eye-lashes? Who should some workout? Task – Write a similar composition about yourself Use the chart above and the texts on the first page ... in the sun or to go to the solarium Kate His parents She's on a diet Nose and ears Jewellery and high- heeled shoes When she is at home (with her child / son.) Being stubborn and the one that he
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 14:43
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Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 21:49
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 elementary school reading writing past simple tense past grammar past simple 7817574725738bb42862505 90910724
... _ 10 Rose was very late for school Neg: _ _ Int: _ 11 Mary walked to school Neg: _ ... Complete the table: INFINITIVE Fight Get Learn Leave Lose Make Pay Put Read Ride Ring Run Say See PAST PAST PARTICIPLE TRANSLATION Send Show Sing Sit Sleep Speak Spend Teach Tell Wake Write
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 22:30
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 elementary school spelling writing crosswo guess the word 1 14371207475563a5c9b79be7 12978407
... dressed SMART Other word for nation COUNTRY Silly STUPID After p.m EVENING Not with another people ALONE Sad UNHAPPY Students in my class CLASSMATES Dangerous behavior VIOLENCE Their job is to ... Guess the Word CUE Country famous for money, chocolate and clocks SWITZERLAND You are using now PEN Two ... is to make people obey the law POLICEMEN Students play and sport here SCHOOLYARD...
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 22:30
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 preintermediate a2 elementary school high school reading writing cats and houses 4617341795700e47beeba18 64703052
... Describe these houses Answer: Size: How big is it? This house is…… What colour is the roof? Its roof is……… What
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 22:31
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 elementary school high school reading writing there is there are there was 720819940563a4430cb8fc7 13399747
Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 12:09
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 elementary school reading writing food reading co i love cooking 201443651254400e5b421483 46482953
Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 15:45
islcollective worksheets elementary a1 high school writing worksheets plurals 8485972085622768de48ac2 43381841
... _ My life has changed a lot since I was a child - _ SOME IRREGULAR PLURALS child- children woman- women knife- knives ox- oxen goose- geese mouse- mice man- men foot-
Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 16:05