Chapter 3: Enhanced EntityRelationship (EER) Model



... 22 Wetland and Water Resource Modeling and Assessment marsh vegetation and invasive species in fragmented coastal wetlands Schmidt and Skidmore (20 03) , for example, examined and tested ... residential and industrial land uses interspersed among expanses of landfills, marsh grass fields, tidal wetlands creeks, mudflats, and rivers (Figure 3. 1) There are approximately...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 16:20

8 350 0
Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel Chapter 3 potx

Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel Chapter 3 potx

... decision Note that both the Name: and the Units: can be specified with a cell reference 31 32 FINANCIAL MODELING WITH CRYSTAL BALL AND EXCEL FIGURE 3. 4 Defining the demand assumption for the Alaskan ... we will add assumptions and a forecast to the deterministic model in AKGolf.xls to create a stochastic model 30 FINANCIAL MODELING WITH CRYSTAL BALL AND EXC...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20

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Quantitative Models in Marketing Research Chapter 3 pdf

Quantitative Models in Marketing Research Chapter 3 pdf

... followed 34 Quantitative models in marketing research 3. 2 Estimation In this section we briefly discuss parameter estimation in the standard Linear Regression model We first discuss the Ordinary Least ... measuring promotion To simplify notation (see also section A.1 in the Appendix), one usually defines 32 Quantitative models in marketing research the ðK þ 1Þ Â vec...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 05:20

20 357 0
Multimedia Environmental Models - Chapter 3 potx

Multimedia Environmental Models - Chapter 3 potx

... 80 38 000 30 00 34 000 430 0 230 00 5500 1.25 1.97 2.64 2 .38 1.41 2.1 1.48 2 .39 2.89 3. 93 2. 63 1 .38 2. 53 2.88 2.11 1.12 2.58 1.28 1.26 1.5 2. 03 1.1 1. 23 1.48 0.82 2.08 0.81 1. 63 –95 – 63. 5 –22.9 –8 .3 ... LLC 32 6 184 32 2 39 1 425.2 460 168.2 237 .1 30 6 4 43. 8 128.56 1 63 197.45 197.45 231 .89 266 .34 122.17 108. 13 194.2 222.26 278 .34 31 2 .39 39 0.54 0.0009...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

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Natural and Enhanced Remediation Systems - Chapter 3 pot

Natural and Enhanced Remediation Systems - Chapter 3 pot

... Subsurface 3. 4.1.1 Dilution (Recharge) 3. 4.1.2 Advection 3. 4.1 .3 Dispersion 3. 4.2 Phase Transfers 3. 4.2.1 Sorption 3. 4.2.2 Stabilization 3. 4.2 .3 Volatilization 3. 4 .3 Transformation Mechanisms 3. 4 .3. 1 ... military activities and include the explosives trinitrotoluene (TNT), royal Dutch explosive (RDX or hexahydro-1 ,3, 5-trinitro-1 ,3, 5-triazine), and octahydro-1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 04:20

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Modeling Hydrologic Change: Statistical Methods - Chapter 3 pdf

Modeling Hydrologic Change: Statistical Methods - Chapter 3 pdf

... 0.694 0.880 0.484 1.745 1.272 1.777 0.445 0.945 1.147 0.627 1.4 93 1 .31 8 1.257 0. 231 0.248 0.6 13 2.829 1.462 2. 033 0.442 1.1 13 3 .30 5 3. 233 0.421 0.882 0.766 1.002 1.192 indicates that if S is the variance ... −2.442 −0. 735 −0 .39 6 −1 .30 4 0.052 −0.472 −0 .34 3 1.406 −1.544 0.174 2.060 0.966 0 .32 7 0.946 0.692 3. 246 0.595 1.198 −0 .34 4 −1.068 −1.020 −0. 937 −0.568 −1.717 −0....

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:22

18 426 0
COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 3 ppsx

COASTAL AQUIFER MANAGEMENT: monitoring, modeling, and case studies - Chapter 3 ppsx

... Bakker [20 03] © 2004 by CRC Press LLC Coastal Aquifer Management 70 2500 shore in top aquifer shore South-North 2000 1500 -4 0 well -3 6 -3 4 1000 -1 9 500 0 500 1000 1500 East-West 2000 -2 6 2500 500 ... Tools 71 interface in top aquifer -1 0 -2 0 well screen leaky layer -3 0 -4 0 -5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 East-West Figure 11: Upconing of brackish zone...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 13:21

28 551 0
Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology - Chapter 3 doc

Digital Terrain Modeling: Principles and Methodology - Chapter 3 doc

... as analog photography © 2005 by CRC Press DITM: “tf1 732 _c0 03 — 2004/10/22 — 16 :36 — page 33 — #3 34 DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELING: PRINCIPLES AND METHODOLOGY There is another type of aerial image obtained ... light” (Whitmore and Thompson 1966) © 2005 by CRC Press DITM: “tf1 732 _c0 03 — 2004/10/22 — 16 :36 — page 35 — #5 36 DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELING: PRINCIPLES AND...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

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Environmental Modelling with GIs and Remote Sensing - Chapter 3 pot

Environmental Modelling with GIs and Remote Sensing - Chapter 3 pot

... Hoekrnan (1990) and van der Sanden (1997) Band Ka K Ku Ku X X C S L Frequency (GHz) 35 .5 - 35 .6 24.05 - 24.25 17.2 - 17 .3 13. 4 - 14.0 9.50 - 9.80 8.55 - 8.65 5.25 - 5 .35 3. 1 -3 .3 1.215 - 1 .3 P 0.44 ... (pm): band 0.4 5-0 .52; band 0.5 2-0 .60; band 0.6 3- 0 .69; band 0.7 6-0 .90; band 1.5 5-1 .75; band 10. 4-1 2.50; band 2.0 8-2 ....

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:22

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Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming - Chapter 3 docx

Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming - Chapter 3 docx

... C3 S2 S3 in S2 S3} S3 Sn} Copyright c 200 1 -3 by P Van Roy and S Haridi All rights reserved 3. 4 Programming with recursion end end This procedure has two accumulators: one to build the list of ... instead of standard lists: • Flatten of nil is X#X (empty difference list) • Flatten of X|Xr where X is a nested list, is Y1#Y4 where flatten of X is Y1#Y2, flatten of Xr is Y3#Y4,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 10:22

124 291 0
chapter 3 types of e-business models and markets

chapter 3 types of e-business models and markets

... Figure 3. 3)[1]: Figure 3. 3: E-business model primary interactions Demand management: These are shared functions, including demand planning, supply planning, manufacturing planning, and sales and ... of branding technology is so high that consumers still use a catalog A Web site is just another channel E-Business Models The emerging e-business market affords companies of al...

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 12:59

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Tài liệu Chapter 3 - QUEUE

Tài liệu Chapter 3 - QUEUE

... four queues queue1 , queue2 , queue3 , queue4 loop (not EOF) read (number) if (number < 10) queue1 .EnQueue(number) else if (number < 20) queue2 .EnQueue(number) else if (number < 30 ) queue3 .EnQueue(number) ... position in array) o DeQueue a queue having only one element: both rear and front must be updated (receive -1 value)  In any successful case, count must be updated 30...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 12:05

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Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 3

Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 3

... feed mechanisms Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 63 63 Sclater Chapter 64 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 64 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 65 SEVEN LINKAGES FOR TRANSPORT MECHANISMS Transport mechanisms ... relative positions 72 Sclater Chapter 5 /3/ 01 10:20 AM Page 73 TRAVERSING MECHANISMS FOR WINDING MACHINES The seven mechanisms shown are parts of different yar...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26

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