A study on the pragmatic features of collocation used in advertising hair care products in english and vietnamese
... pragmatic collocations in contexts features of the verb and noun collocate with hair - Second, collocations related to hair and hair care play an A study of the semantic features of collocations ... STUDY The study is to find out the syntactic and pragmatic features In this study, I will study collocations of hair used in of collocati...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38
... differences and similarities of insertion sequence in terms of syntax and pragmatics in English and Vietnamese? What are the implications of insertion sequence for teaching and learning English? ... classifying data - Analyzing data - Making a contrastive analysis to find out the similarities and differences between the syntactic and pragmatic features...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
... describe and analyze the syntactic and pragmatic features of thankgivings in English and Vietnamese The quantitative approach is also of syntactic and pragmatic features according to modern linguistic ... Similarities and Differences in Pragmatic Features of Thank- givings in English and Vietnamese Similarities in Pragmatic featu...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study of lexical, syntactic and pragmatic features of company slogans in english and vietnamese
... on advertising and slogans mentioned, I hope the thesis A Study of Lexical, Syntactic and Pragmatic Features of Company Slogans in English and Vietnamese will contribute some more information ... understanding of on some lexical, syntactic and pragmatic features of slogans of production and service companies in English and Vietnamese...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:23
A study on idiomatic expressions containing words denoting weather in English and Vietnamese from cultural perspective = Nghiên cứu về thành ngữ có chứa các từ
... between English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting weather? Scope of the study This study focuses on English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting weather from the cultural perspective ... syntactic and semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms containing words denoting weather are investigated The last cha...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:04
An investigation into the linguistic features of interogative sentences in english and vietnamese communication
... characteristics of ISs in English and Vietnamese? The study is aiming to study ISs in English and Vietnamese 1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY the similarities and the differences of ISs in English and Vietnamese ... to bring useful and significant knowledge of ISs in English and Vietnamese to language users and learners so that they can use th...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40
A study on the linguistic features of the discourse marker but and their vietnamese translation equivalents
... translation equivalents? What are the semantic features of "BUT" in English and its Vietnamese translation equivalents? What are the pragmatic features of "BUT" in English and its Vietnamese translation ... of the discourse marker BUT in English and Vietnamese The contrastive analysis of the discourse maker "BUT" and the Vietnamese transl...
Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 11:04
a study on the main features of short jokes and implications for teaching speaking to students of grade 12 at ngoc tao upper secondary school
... short jokes be adapted as an extra material in the speaking class to motivate students of grade 12 at Ngoc Tao Upper Secondary School? ” Although students may have to overcome the challenges of ... on the one hand, and, for example, phrasal attachment and elliptic phenomena on the other Within the category of syntactic ambiguity, attention...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19
A study on the linguistic features of disclaimers in english
... more they are taking a risk of being labeled deviant to go against the Disclaimers In the context of globalization, as long as things are increasingly considered to be in tight connections with ... significance lies in the benefit of Vietnamese learners of English, the Vietnamese of all careers in general and Vietnamese business and law trainees in particular,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38
A study on the syntactic features of english and vietnamese lyrics adopting the functional grammar approach clause as a message
... adopting the functional grammar approach It The cultural aspect of the thematic structure of English and Vietnamese lyrics Theme structure of English and Vietnamese sentences The study is mainly concentrate ... in the means we consider the clause as a message At clause rank, the major textual system is THEME It is a resource for organizi...
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38
A study of the linguistic features of suggestion verbs in english and their vietnamese equivalents
... 100% THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS 4.2.1 DEMAND, ORDER & REQUIRE and Their Vietnamese Equivalents Table 4.38 A Summary of the Meaning Nuances of DEMAND and Their Vietnamese Equivalents Verb English ... features and making a contrastive analysis to find out the similarities and differences between the syntactic features of ESVs and VSVs - Analyz...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17
A study of syntactic and semantic features of sport headings in english and vietnamese
... semantic features 1.4 of sport headings in English and Vietnamese 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims This study examines the syntactic and semantic features of sports headings in English and Vietnamese ... the syntactic and semantic features, as well as the headings or headings A line at the head of a page or passage giving information...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A study of linguistic features of negotiation conversations in english and vietnamese
... teaching and learning of speech acts in general and NCs in English and Vietnamese in particular as foreign languages 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The study is organized into five chapters: Chapter ... research focuses on investigating the syntactic and pragmatic features in NCs in English and Vietnamese Because the syntactic features of the negotiat...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25
An investigation into the structural and semantic features of sentence types in english and vietnamese detergent product advertisements discourse
... describing, analyzing and contrasting structures and semantics of sentences types in English and Vietnamese advertisement discourse 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The study is organized into five ... I choose to the research entitled An investigation into the Structural and Semantic features of sentence types in English and Vietnamese d...
Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 15:00