Operating systems principles and practice (volume 4 of 4)

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 4 ppt

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 4 ppt

... SOTE(h)] ⋅ 300 ⋅ Gs ⋅ H exp +0.0013 ⋅ ( HS − h) [ [1 + z ⋅ ( H − h)] ⋅ [1 − SOTE(h)] ⋅ exp[+0.0013 ⋅ ( H − h)] ] (4 .1 7) (1 3) SOTEs (h) = SOTEso S S (4 .1 8) = SOTEso ⋅ [1 − SOTE(h)] ⋅ Φ(h) [1 ... SOTEs (h) = SOTE(h2 ) − SOTE(h1 ) (4 .21a) ∆h Applying the limit of ∆h → yields a differential equation SOTEs (h) = d[ SOTE(h)] dh [1 + z ⋅ ( H − h)] ⋅ [1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

51 573 1
banking  principles and practice  volume 1 elements of money, credit, and banking

banking principles and practice volume 1 elements of money, credit, and banking

... Credits 12 76 12 76 Banking Principles and Practice VOLUME I ELEMENTS OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING — CHAPTER I METALLIC MONEY Relation of A bank Money and Banking is Principles an institution ... supply of silver bullion would increase and its from $1. 35 to $1. 29, and the market ratio amounts of gold and silver (20.67 + I -35 ~ from 15 .3 :1 to...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 10:52

246 278 0
Kangas - Ecological Engineering - Principles and Practice - Chapter 4 doc

Kangas - Ecological Engineering - Principles and Practice - Chapter 4 doc

... cases, seeding of a 146 Ecological Engineering: Principles and Practice Source of Species P Immigration k1(P-S) Extinction Island Species S k2S dS k = k1(P-S) - K 2S dt FIGURE 4. 18 Energy circuit ... corporation (Space Biosphere Ventures) as a for-profit 1 54 Ecological Engineering: Principles and Practice FIGURE 4. 23 Biosphere in Tucson, AZ FIGURE 4. 24 H T Odum’s...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20

50 585 0
Colonoscopy Principles and Practice - part 4 pptx

Colonoscopy Principles and Practice - part 4 pptx

... lavage solution (GoLytely-RSS) with a 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 217 standard preparation for air-contrast barium enema Am J Roentgenol 1988; 151: 947 –50 DiPalma JA, Marshall ... (citrus, berry, lemon-lime, cherry, pineapple) PEG-ELS (generic) 23.72–32.69 24. 79 –27.09 21. 54 –22.89 16.70 –21.69 21.69 –28.69 12. 54 – 24. 69 27.07 25. 94 23.70 20 .43 24....

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22

67 343 0
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 1 ppsx

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 1 ppsx

... 7.43 (1 99 9) 2.49 (1 99 8) 2.29 (1 99 9) 7 .15 (2 00 0) 25 24 17 19 .3 19 .3 16 .4 (1 99 7) 10 0 15 .2 Upgrade (1 99 9) 15 3.4 (1 99 7) 19 .5 before 13 after upgrade 11 . 4 (Poepel, 20 01; Wacker, 19 9 8) * Including air ... 0.46 (1 0) High purity O2 •surface •4 stage HPO 95.5 •turbine (1 97 4) •surface +8.9 (1 99 5) Diffused,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

18 558 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 2 docx

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 2 docx

... = © 20 02 by CRC Press LLC CG H (2 .2 4) Substituting Equations (2 .1 8) and (2 .2 4) into (2 .1 7) yields the oxygen flux ( * J = K L C∞ − CL ) (2 .2 5) Multiplying by the interfacial area per unit volume, ... Equation (2 .4 8) provides the oxygen supply rate ( wo (kg h) = 0 .23 15 × 1 .29 3Gs = 0.30Gs m N h wo (lb h) = 0 .23 × 0.075Gs × 60...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

36 460 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 3 ppt

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 3 ppt

... tubeb a b c Airflow (m N /h /unit) 1 .3 1.8 2.5 (1 885)a (2 510)a (1 260)a 7 .3 4.5 3. 0 2.7 4.9 2.2 2 .3 Submergence (m) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) (SWD) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.6 4.6 ... — 27 33 30 34 31 34 25–29 25 30 27 34 30 –40 34 37 35 –41 38 –41 32 38 33 –40 31 –40 12.0–12.8 16.4–21.6 Type 0.6–4.4 1.1–4.9 — — 25 36 27 38 34 39 31 38 12.0 4.8 6.1...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

106 716 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 5 doc

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 5 doc

... (hp/MG) (hp/kft 2) rpm (lb/hp-h) (1 8. 9) 65 (8 7) (2 7. 0) 48 (6 4) (1 7. 2) 65 (8 7) (2 0. 0) 65 (8 7) (1 5. 0) 39 (5 2) (1 8. 1) 65 (8 7) (1 9. 2) 56 (7 5) (1 5. 4) 26 (3 5) (2 5. 8) 97 (1 3 0) (1 6. 0) 39 (5 2) (1 9. 6) 112 (1 5 0) ... (1 5 0)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

42 563 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 6 pdf

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 6 pdf

... Tanks - UNOX Process Lotepro - UNOX®; Kruger - Oases® COVERED TANK HPO SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 1995 - 197 1-1 990 PILOT & FULL SCALE Martin Marietta (1 97 1) - FMC(198 0) - Zimpro Marox™ System - Rotating ... aeration tank diameter for I-SO™ design example using three aeration tanks each with a 29.8 kW (4 0 hp) motor, 0 .61 m (2 4 in) impeller and a 3...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

32 864 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 7 pot

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 7 pot

... = n ( n ∑ (7 . 7) ) ( ) The non-steady-state equation is obtained by substituting Equation 7. 6 into 7. 2 thus, eliminating the constant oxygen uptake rate dCL CR − CL = + K L a f (C R − C L ) dt ... in tanks 35.4 m (1 16 ft) long and 7. 3 m (2 4 ft) wide, it varied from 0.1 to 0.3/h In long, 91.4 m (3 00 ft), narrow, 9.1 m (3 0 ft), tanks at Whittier Na...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

23 445 1
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 9 (end) ppt

AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 9 (end) ppt

... percent, but can be higher (Flanagan and Bracken, 197 7; Stephenson, 198 5; Robertson et al., 198 4; and Andersson, 197 9) An excellent reference source on the theory, design, and implementation of automatic ... techniques will be most effective The manual of practice FD-13 (WPCF, 198 8) and the EPA fine pore aeration design manual (EPA, 198 9) provide an excellent data base...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

14 925 1
Liposuction Principles and Practice - part 4 doc

Liposuction Principles and Practice - part 4 doc

... cannulas, non-aggressive tips, and multiple interdigitating tunnels facilitate a satisfactory low-risk approach Lillis [28] describes the use of 1 2- and 1 4- gauge Klein cannulas or a 2.5-mm standard ... Post-tumescent liposuction care open drainage and bimodal compression Dermatologic Clinics 1999;17 :4 30 Rao RB, Ely SF, Hoffman RS: Deaths related to liposuction N Engl J Med...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

58 447 0