ISAS Asynchronous transfer mode
... Kết Luận Name:PHẠM PHÚ QUỐC ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE ISAS Report NIIT An Giang I.Giới Thiệu Chung Về ATM: - Dựa kiểu truyền không đồng ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) cung cấp nhiều loại dịch ... thực mạng riêng mạng công cộng Name:PHẠM PHÚ QUỐC ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE ISAS Report Name:PHẠM PHÚ QUỐC NIIT An Giang ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE ... ISAS Report NII...
Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2012, 14:42
... like in the Summer ? Back Answer the questions ,using given picture : What’s the weather like in the Winter ? Back Answer the questions ,using given picture : What’s the weather like in the Spring ... questions ,using given picture : What does Ba when it’s hot ? Go swimming Back Answer the questions ,using given picture : What does your father when it’s warm ? Play tennis Back Answe...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 14:10
... CERTIFIED TRAINER PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY Module 5: Using Trace in ASP.NET Pages Trace Information Topic Objective To list the information provided in a trace output Lead -in The trace output ... TRAINER PREPARATION PURPOSES ONLY Module 5: Using Trace in ASP.NET Pages $ Page-Level Trace Topic Objective To describe how page-level tracing works Lead -in...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15
A cross cultural study of using hedges in refusing a request in english and vietnamese
... CHAPTER II ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS USING NAMES OF ANIMALS 2.1 English and Vietnamese Idioms Using Names of Animals 2.1.1 The Names of Animals in English Idioms 2.1.2 The Names of Animals ... Pedagogical Suggestions for Teaching English Idioms Teaching and learning a language are teaching and learning a culture Language and culture can not be separ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41
An error analysis of using reference in written english by secondary school studend = phân tích lỗi của học sinh THPT tong việc sử dụng phép quy chiếu trong tiếng anh viết
... capability of using language Finding and analyzing errors by learners; therefore, are significant to improve learning and teaching quality Error analysis (EA) has been defined by many linguists in different ... knowledge of reference as well as good ability to use reference as follows: An analysis of errors made by secondary- students in using personal refere...
Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08
Language games using homophones in english classes=trò chơi ngôn ngữ sử dụng từ đồng âm trong các lớp học tiếng anh
... VINH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ==== ?&@==== TRẦN THỊ HẢO LANGUAGE GAMES USING HOMOPHONES IN ENGLISH CLASSES (TRÒ CHƠI NGÔN NGỮ SỬ DỤNG TỪ ĐỒNG ÂM TRONG CÁC LỚP HỌC TIẾNG ANH) ... chapter discusses main types of games using homophones in English to see how effectively homophone games can bring in for higher educational function 25 CHAPTER 3: LAN...
Ngày tải lên: 19/12/2013, 15:01
Tài liệu Using ActionScript in Flash-P1 doc
... Player 7, include or LocalConnection.allowInsecureDomain in the called file, using exact domain-name matching, as shown in the code examples earlier in this ... defined in Flash ActionScript Language Reference Variables containing primitive data types behave differently in certain situations than those containing reference types (See Using va...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Using ActionScript in Flash-P2 docx
... video in a SWF file For more information on using video in Flash, see “Working with Video” in Using Flash Importing and embedding video You can embed video in a SWF file by importing it into your ... if you use ActionScript For more information on controlling reading order using ActionScript, see “Creating accessibility with ActionScript in Using Flash Because the defaul...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Using ActionScript in Flash-P3 pdf
... working with XML-formatted data, including loading and parsing external XML, creating new XML documents, and navigating XML document trees See “XML class” and Using the XML class” in Flash ActionScript ... and behave in certain ways For information on creating components, see “Creating Components” in Using Components About controlling movie clips with ActionScript You can use glo...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Using ActionScript in Flash-P4 pdf
... checking and setting values 44 converting to XML 281 defined 27 determining data type 43 modifying in Debugger 157 naming 70, 145 naming rules 44 passing content 47 referencing value 48 sending ... class 228 applying style classes 231 applying to text fields 230 assigning styles to built -in HTML tags 231 combining styles 231 defining styles in ActionScript 229 example of using with...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
Tài liệu Using Indexers in a Windows Application doc
... class that returns a PhoneNumber and accepts a single Name parameter Implement this indexer in the same way as the first one (again note that PhoneNumber is a struct and therefore always has a ... indexers In the PhoneBook.cs source file, add a public read-only indexer that returns a Name and accepts a single PhoneNumber parameter to the PhoneBook class Leave the body of t...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:16
Using dialogues in teaching grammatical structures to the 10th form students
... 40A2 49 Using dialogues in teaching grammatical structures to the 10th form students Chapter A sample lesson plan using dialogues in teaching grammatical structures to the 10 th form students ... learners to sustain their interest and work By making the language convey information and Kiều Huyền Trâm - 40A2 44 Using dialogues in teaching...
Ngày tải lên: 27/12/2013, 20:26
Tài liệu Using JavaBeans in JavaServer Pages - Chương 3 pptx
... isGreaterHeight(int initialHeight, int finalHeight) { if((finalHeight - initialHeight) > 0) { return true; } else { return false;} } public Tower() { height = (float)10.5; } } / of 36 Using JSP Bean ... of 36 Application Scope – (3) Both these pages share the same instance of the Counter bean Each page increments the other page’s instance of the bean These pages will share t...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo " Development of a spectrometry system Using lock-in amplification technique " doc
... example, Raman Spectra of Vietnam petrol extracts excited by a 30mW He-Ne laser instead of Ion Argon laser The Raman excitation by He-Ne laser showed many advantages in comparison with Argon laser ... and may contain any number of embedded space characters A command to the SR830 consists of a four characters command mnemonic, arguments if necessary, and a command terminator Th...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20