Lectromagnetic waves and antennas combined

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 1 pps

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 1 pps

... jωγ ω0 − ω χ(ω)E (1. 11. 3) It follows from Eq (1. 11. 5) that: (ω)= + 2 ωp (ω0 − ω ) − ω2 )2 +γ2 ω2 (ω , (ω)= (ω2 ωp ωγ 2 − ω0 ) +γ2 ω2 (1. 11. 10) Fig 1. 11. 1 shows a plot of (ω) and (ω) Around the ... ejωt time dependence): (ω)= e E m v = jωx = 2 + jωγ ω0 − ω ω2 p (ω)−j (ω) (1. 11. 9) jω (1. 11. 2) From Eqs (1. 11. 1) and (1. 11. 2), we can find the polarization per unit volume P We a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

18 287 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 2 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 2 potx

... Eq (2. 5 .2) : It can be shown (see Problem 2. 15) that the tilt angle θ is given by: A2 − B2 A = s (A2 − B2 )2 +4A2 B2 cos2 φ (A2 + B2 )+ 2 (2. 5.6) B = s (A2 − B2 )2 +4A2 B2 cos2 φ (A2 + B2 )− 2 where ... expressions: A = A2 + τs AB cos φ = B2 Re η−1 = c A − B 2 s A2 + B2 + sD = A2 B2 λs = − 2 s B2 − A 2 s = B2 − τs AB cos φ = = A2 + B2 − sD = A2 B2 λ−s − 2 s (2. 13.4) β ω = 2 ω...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

23 489 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 3 ppt

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 3 ppt

... velocity are [2 43 298] Circuit realizations of negative group delays are discussed in [299 30 3] References [30 4 33 5] discuss slow light and electromagnetically induced transparency and related experiments ... waveguide given in Eq (3. 3.7) and numerically integrate (3. 4.2) to illustrate the transient and steady-state behavior Fig 3. 4.1 shows on the left graph the input sinusoid...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

25 205 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 4 pdf

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 4 pdf

... overviews may be found in [7 34, 736] 4. 5 Linear and Circular Dichroism (4. 4.5) These may be decoupled by defining forward- and backward-moving fields as in Eqs (4. 3 .4) and (4. 3.8), but using the corresponding ... gyroelectric and gyromagnetic constitutive relationships (4. 4.1) and (4. 4.2) may be written in the compact forms: DT = and 4. 9 Using Maxwell’s equations (4. 1.2)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

11 338 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 5 ppt

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 5 ppt

... we have with na = and nb = 1 .5: n1 = Fig 5. 5.2 Transmittance of half- and quarter-wavelength dielectric slab Using Eq (5. 5 .5) , we may express the frequency response of the half-wavelength transmittance ... say, of l = 1 .5 mm and index n = 1 .5, it would have optical length nl = 1 .5 1 .5 = 2. 25 mm = 2 25 104 nm At an operating wavelength of λ0 = 450 nm, the glass plate would...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

17 408 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 6 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 6 potx

... Eqs (6. 6.41) and (6. 6.47), and impedance forms, Eqs (6. 6.42) and (6. 6.48), are the essential mathematical tools for Schur’s characterization of lossless bounded real functions in the z-plane and ... (scattering matrix) (6. 6.39) One can verify also that Eqs (6. 6.25), (6. 6. 26) , and (6. 6.28) imply the following unitarity properties of S(z): ¯ S(z)T S(z)= I , S(ω)† S(ω)= I , (...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

28 385 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 7 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 7 potx

... Dielectric 1 θ 7. 7 Complex Waves 2kz , kz + kz τTM = + ρTM = 2kz kz + kz (7. 7.3) We can now rewrite Eqs (7. 2.18) and (7. 2.20) in terms of transverse amplitudes and transverse reflection and transmission ... given by Eqs (7. 7.4) and (7. 7.5) Within the lossy medium the transmitted fields will have space-dependence: e−jkz z e−jkx x = e−αz z e−j(βz z+kx x) Fig 7. 8.1 Constant-phas...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

31 317 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 8 pdf

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 8 pdf

... 40 TM TE 0o f/f0 % band at 0o % TE band % TM band % Eq (8. 8.19) % Eq (8. 8. 18) 15 20 λ (μm) Frequency Response at 80 0 100 25 80 60 40 20 60 40 0 Reflectance at 80 0 100 10 80 20 fc0 fc 0, ’te’, ... Reproduce the results and graphs of Figures 8. 7.1 8. 7.3 8. 7 Computer Experiment—Omnidirectional Dielectric Mirrors Reproduce the results and graphs of Figures 8. 8.2 8. 8.10 8. 8...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

30 236 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 9 potx

... Table 9. 6.1 for the C-band and X-band waveguides, WR-1 59 and WR -9 0 Example 9. 8.2: WR-1 59 Waveguide Consider the C-band WR-1 59 air-filled waveguide whose characteristics were listed in Table 9. 6.1 ... from each microwave band name a b fc fmin fmax band WR-510 WR-284 WR-1 59 WR -9 0 WR-62 WR-42 WR-28 WR-15 WR-10 5.10 2.84 1. 59 0 .90 0.622 0.42 0.28 0.148 0.10 2.55 1.34 0. 79...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

18 320 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 10 pdf

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 10 pdf

... LM = 10 log10 − |ΓL |2 e−4αd − |ΓL |2 = 10 log10 − |Γd |2 − |ΓL |2 (10. 10.9) Fig 10. 11.1 Open- and short-circuited line and Th´venin-equivalent circuit e Example 10. 10.2: A 150 ft long RG-58 coax ... as the RG-58/U Home cable-TV uses 7 5- cables, such as the RG-59/U or RG-6/U The thin ethernet computer network, known as 10base-2, uses RG-58/U or RG-58A/U, which is similar to th...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

30 444 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 11 doc

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 11 doc

... Fig 11. 2.1 Near- and far-end crosstalk signals on lines and V2 (l, t)= Kf ZLi − Zi , ZLi + Zi Working with the forward and backward waves, we write Eq (11. 1.7) as the 4×4 matrix equation: −0.2 11. 3 ... two FBGs and the spacer: V = UFBG Uspacer UFBG , or, explicitly: V11 ∗ V12 V12 ∗ V11 = U11 ∗ U12 U12 ∗ U11 ejβd 0 e−jβd U11 ∗ U12 U12 ∗ U11 (11. 5.10) where the Uij are given in E...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

10 188 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 12 docx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 12 docx

... 1) (12. 4.14) (12. 4.15) (12. 4.16) Then, B1 (z) takes the form: B1 (z)= ρ1 − e2jδ1 z−1 − e−2jδ1 z−1 = ρ1 − cos 2δ1 z−1 + z−2 (12. 4.19) (12. 4.17) Z2 = Z0 ZL Z1 (12. 4.20) % two-section dual-band ... Z, and looking into the left L-section, it is Z∗ Denoting the L-section impedances by Z1 = jX1 , Z4 = jX4 and Z3 = jX3 , Z5 = jX5 , we have the conditions: Zleft = Z4 + Fig 12. 12.1 - a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

25 246 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 13 potx

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 13 potx

... stability regions Problems 13. 6 and 13. 7 illustrate the design of such potentially unstable low noise microwave amplifiers 13. 13 Problems 13. 1 Using the relationships (13. 4.3) and (13. 4.6), derive the ... |S11 |2 (13. 7.20) These also follow from the explicit expressions (13. 7 .13) and Eqs (13. 6.10) and (13. 6.11) We can also express the available power gain in terms of the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

23 317 0
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 14 ppt

Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas combined - Chapter 14 ppt

... wire antennas, (b) The fields produced by electric and magnetic dipoles, and (c) the Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem and the microscopic origin of the refractive index Then, we go on in Sec 14. 7 ... in Sec 14. 8.) On the other hand, that the radiated fields at 14. 4 Fields of a Linear Wire Antenna 579 580 14 Radiation Fields ϕ=− jωμ ∂z Az (scalar potential of wire antenna) (14. 4.5)...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 02:20

15 351 0