Surface and interfacial reactions involving inorganic and organic semiconductor substrates

Surface and interfacial reactions involving inorganic and organic semiconductor substrates

Surface and interfacial reactions involving inorganic and organic semiconductor substrates

... the semiconductor industry and are strong candidates for fundamental research In this thesis, a series of surface and interfacial interactions and reactions involving inorganic and organic semiconductors ... growth and processing of semiconductors Recently, the surface and interface involving inorganic semiconductors and organic materials have become attrac...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 18:14

194 341 0
Tài liệu Environmental impacts of petroleum production: Fate of inorganic and organic chemicals in produced water from the Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research sites, Osage County, Oklahoma doc

Tài liệu Environmental impacts of petroleum production: Fate of inorganic and organic chemicals in produced water from the Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research sites, Osage County, Oklahoma doc

... "Environmental impacts of petroleum production: The fate of petroleum and other organics associated with produced water from the Osage- Skiatook petroleum environmental research site, Osage county, ... ‘A’ and ‘B’ sites, respectively The impacts include salt scarring, soil salinization and oil contamination, and brine and petroleum conta...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 03:20

30 882 0
Diamond graphene surface and interfacial adsorption studies

Diamond graphene surface and interfacial adsorption studies

... carbon – diamond and Diamond- Graphene Surface and Interfacial Adsorption Studies graphene As we will discuss in the following sections, while the surface structure and properties of diamond and graphene ... cleavage and thus will not produce byproducts 75 Moreover, the reaction only occurs on clean diamond surfaces and not 14 Diamond- Graphene Surface...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

184 165 0
Effect of indium tin oxide surface modifications on hole injection and organic light emitting diode performance

Effect of indium tin oxide surface modifications on hole injection and organic light emitting diode performance

... influence of surface properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) on hole injection and thus on the performance of OLEDs is presented After that, recent developments on ITO surface modifications are reviewed ... fundamentally distinct from conventional inorganic semiconductor-based light- emitting diodes (LEDs) The rectification and light- emitting properties...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:24

260 367 0
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

... contents of the following published and/ or accepted journal and conference papers: Anh T N and Hosoda T.: Depth-Averaged model of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3D surface and its applications ... predicted the water surface profile and velocity distribution well in simple channels, and the predictions of the model in main channel of compoun...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

127 597 0
Tài liệu A Comparison of Conventional and Organic Milk Production Systems in the U.S. potx

Tài liệu A Comparison of Conventional and Organic Milk Production Systems in the U.S. potx

... scope and the depth of data supporting the analyses This study addresses these limitations, taking advantage of a unique nationwide data set of organic and conventional dairies Data Data used in ... costs include the annualized cost of maintaining the capital investment (economic depreciation and interest) in the dairy operation, and costs for non-real esta...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 05:20

30 661 0
On the Segregation of Genetically Modified, Conventional, and Organic Products in European Agriculture: A Multi-market Equilibrium Analysis doc

On the Segregation of Genetically Modified, Conventional, and Organic Products in European Agriculture: A Multi-market Equilibrium Analysis doc

... Giannakas, K., and Yiannaka, A (2003) Agricultural Biotechnology and Organic Agriculture: National Organic Standards, Labeling and Second-Generation of GM Products Paper presented at the AAEA annual ... regarding this parameter value later The other critical parameter is the segregation cost In the baseline scenario we assume that conventional food and organic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

36 573 0
Soil pH and Organic Matter pptx

Soil pH and Organic Matter pptx

... (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and is a key indicator of soil quality Soil pH Soil pH is a measure of the soil solution’s acidity and alkalinity By definition, pH is ... matter (SOM) acidify soil by producing H+ ions, thus lowering soil pH NH4+-based fertilizers, such as urea (46-0-0) and ammonium phosphates Module • Soil pH and...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

12 443 0
Natural remedies for poultry diseases common in ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ flocks potx

Natural remedies for poultry diseases common in ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ flocks potx

... mite infestation in laying hens An example of antidotal information is the treatment of scaly leg mites To combat an infestation, one producer obtained good results by bathing and softening the ... approved for use in Europe, there are only a few approved for use in the United States MGK Co sells a pyrethrum-containing product (PyGanic) that can be used in poultry houses and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

6 569 0
Poisoning the Well: How the EPA is Ignoring Atrazine Contamination in Surface and Drinking Water in the Central United States pot

Poisoning the Well: How the EPA is Ignoring Atrazine Contamination in Surface and Drinking Water in the Central United States pot

... Poisoning the Well: How the EPA is Ignoring Atrazine Contamination in Surface and Drinking Water in the Central United States An Atrazine Primer Atrazine is a selective herbicide ... chemicals Poisoning the Well: How the EPA is Ignoring Atrazine Contamination in Surface and Drinking Water in the Central United...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

4 530 0
Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Coccidiosis pptx

Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Coccidiosis pptx

... especially organic producers, increasingly rely on vaccines For more information, contact Anne Fanatico at Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Coccidiosis Tips for Using ... extensive process for FDA approval It costs millions of dollars to Parasite Management for Natural and Organic Poultry: Coccidiosis develop a new ant...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

12 363 0