Experimental and numerical investigation of novel pine oil biofuel in a diesel engine
... Vallinayagam R, Vedharaj S, Yang WM, Raghavan V, Saravanan CG, Lee PS, Chua KJE, Chou SK Investigation of evaporation and engine characteristics of pine oil biofuel fumigated in the inlet manifold ... 131 OPERATION OF PINE OIL IN DUAL FUEL MODE 133 5.1 Investigation of evaporation and engine characteristics of pine oil biofuel fumigated in the inlet...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:01
... explosive phase change occurs at a laser ~uence of about 4[1 J cm−1[ 2[ Numerical modeling Numerical modeling is carried out to compute the heat transfer and phase change processes during excimer laser ... 2[ Velocity of the plume front and laser energy scattered by the laser! evaporated plume as a function of laser ~uence[ plume\ the percentage of lase...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 08:55
... velocity of water Dong et al [5] performed study to accomplish the influence of cribriform annular finned tube on the convective heat transfer of annular finned tube heat exchanger The convective heat ... analysis of pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics on the air side of the circular finned tube heat exchangers They studied the influenc...
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2015, 14:05
Experimental and numerical modelling of spudcan penetration in stiff clay overlying soft clay
... penetration in sand overlying clay and in two-layer clay The findings obtained in the study of spudcan penetration in sand overlying clay may therefore not be applicable to the case of two-layer clay ... EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL MODELLING OF SPUDCAN PENETRATION IN STIFF CLAY OVERLYING SOFT CLAY SINDHU TJAHYONO (B.Eng., NUS) A THESIS...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:54
A computational study to investigate the effects of insulation and EGR in a diesel engine
... of insulation of an IDI diesel engine The indicated power increased at the adiabatic case 30% and 22.5% in part and full loads respectively Although in the EGR applying case, performance characteristics ... also worked as a Professor and Head of department in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh,...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Báo cáo khoa học: Contributions to catalysis and potential interactions of the three catalytic domains in a contiguous trimeric creatine kinase doc
... Taq HS polymerase (Takara USA, Santa Ana, CA, USA) was performed to fill in the sticky ends and add adenine nucleotide overhangs before ligating the individual domains into the TOPO vectors using ... essentially allowing only one of a set of interacting active sites to complete a catalytic cycle at a time Further understanding of catalysis and the interactio...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20
effects of split injection, oxygen enriched air, and heavy egr rate on soot emissions in a diesel engine
... Effects of Split Injection, Oxygen Enriched Air, and Heavy EGR Rate on Soot Emissions in a Diesel Engine Nguyen Le Duy Khai A Dissertation Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering ... 59 Variations in soot formation and oxidation 74 Figure 60 Distributions of soot formation rate and oxidation rate at 90oATDC 75 Figure 61 Var...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2014, 06:41
Performance and security issues of TCP bulk data transfer in a last mile wireless scenario investigations and solutions
... PERFORMANCE AND SECURITY ISSUES OF TCP BULK DATA TRANSFER IN A LAST MILE WIRELESS SCENARIO: INVESTIGATIONS AND SOLUTIONS VENKATESH S OBANAIK (B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering) ... demanding and versatile Among today’s applications are interactive applications demanding a quick response time, bulk data transfer applications requiri...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2015, 13:43
An experimental investigation of performance and exhaust emission of a diesel engine fuelled with Jatropha biodiesel and its blends
... supply large volume of biodiesel, in fact, nearly half a dozen states of India have reserve a total of 1.72 million hectares of land for Jatropha cultivation and small quantities of Jatropha biodiesel ... some unreacted remainder of methanol and catalyst which if not removed can react and damage storing and fuel carrying parts During washing ester present react...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:11
Experimental realization and theoretical studies of novel all optical devices based on nano scale waveguides
... semiconductor -based all- optical switches include semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and more recently silicon photonics Implementation of ultrafast silicon photonic switch is largely based on ... principles and switching operations of EUPT and EDPT 2.1.1 Energy-up photonic transistor based on AMOI scheme The all- optical operation of EUPT adopts the Absorptio...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:14
Rheological aspect of cell free layer formation in micro blood flow experimental and numerical study
... Rheological Aspect of Cell- Free Layer Formation in Micro- blood Flow: Experimental and Numerical Study Abstract This thesis aims to provide detailed insight into the rheological aspects of cell- free layer ... I 10 Cell- free layer (CFL) formation in microcirculation 2.1 Principle mechanism of CFL formation The formation of a CFL is a prom...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:14
Experimental and numerical studies on the viscoelastic behavior of living cells
... Literature review 17 contribution of the cell membrane and spectrin network to the large deformation of red cells On the other hand, the continuum modeling approach treats the cell as a continuum material ... EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL STUDIES ON THE VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF LIVING CELLS ZHOU ENHUA (B.Eng., WUHEE & M.Eng., WHU) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:01
Spectroscopic and Microscopic Investigation of Gold NanoparticleFormation: Ligand and Temperature Effects on Rate and Particle Size
... migration of thiolated ligands would lead to less particle organization Correlation of Particle Size and Size Dispersion with Rate of Nucleation and Growth Time We have discussed the nanoparticle ... nucleation and growth processes The temperature effects on particle size and size dispersion also can be interpreted based on the rate of nucleation and g...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2013, 21:27
Báo cáo khoa học: Molecular and functional characterization of novel CRFR1 isoforms from the skin pptx
... terminus of the CRFR1 isoforms (Fig 1C) The predicted masses of the isoforms without/with V5 tag are as follows: CRFR1a (47.7/52 kDa), CRFR1e1 (10.8/ 15.1 kDa), CRFR1e2 (28.1/32.4 kDa), CRFR1f ... CRFR1 a, b, c and d isoforms differ in their ability to bind ligands and activate G proteins [10,16,25] CRFR1a is the most efficient in the stimulation of cAMP productio...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20
Greasy palms - The social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil palm plantation development in Southeast Asia docx
... on the companies trading in palm oil in the UK, the Netherlands and Sweden as well as giving a general overview of the trade in oil palm and the growth of the European market A summary of the ... into the impacts of the palm oil industry in South East Asia, its links to the European market and the involvement of European companies...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 10:20