A numerical study of h2 o2 detonation waves and their interaction with diverging converging chambers

A numerical study of h2 o2 detonation waves and their interaction with diverging converging chambers

A numerical study of h2 o2 detonation waves and their interaction with diverging converging chambers

... thus, any rarefaction waves arising behind the wave front will overtake and weaken the detonation wave As a matter of fact, a strong detonation, also called overdriven detonation, is not stable and ... For a steady, planar, one-dimensional detonation wave, with both the reactants and products modeled as the same perfect gas and the detonation wave modeled as a di...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:07

240 275 0
Numerical modeling of three dimensional water waves and their interaction with structures

Numerical modeling of three dimensional water waves and their interaction with structures

... four kinds of wave modelings to study a prototype wave system, i.e., analytical modeling, empirical modeling, physical modeling and numerical modeling With their inherent advantages and disadvantages, ... technology, numerical modeling becomes more and more popular and important to study water waves A numerical wave model is the combination of mathematical re...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 20:56

177 354 0
A numerical study of airflow through human upper airways

A numerical study of airflow through human upper airways

... distortion of anterior nasal airway was found to have much larger impact on nasal airflow patterns than middle and posterior nasal airway (Garcia et al., 2010) Deviated nose, referring to appearance of ... sectional area around sinus ostia at peak inspiration and peak expiration 120  Figure 6.1 (a) Sagittal image of human upper airway The fluid domain consists of the nasal cavit...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:15

192 523 0
A numerical study of porous fluid coupled flow systems with mass transfer

A numerical study of porous fluid coupled flow systems with mass transfer

... investigate mass transfer in a reactor partially filled with porous media There is also no systematic or parametrical study on a microchannel reactor with a porous wall that examines the influence of ... interface conditions, usually continuities of temperature and heat flux are required (Neale and Nader, 1974; Vafai and Thiyagaraja, 1987; OchoaTapia and Whitaker, 1997...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:53

216 442 0
A numerical study of a permeable capsule under stokes flows by the immersed interface method

A numerical study of a permeable capsule under stokes flows by the immersed interface method

... A NUMERICAL STUDY OF A PERMEABLE CAPSULE UNDER STOKES FLOWS BY THE IMMERSED INTERFACE METHOD PAHALA GEDARA JAYATHILAKE (B Sc., University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE ... physical parameters, extend the IIM approach to study the adhesion and detachment of a permeable capsule adhered onto a rigid planar substrate in the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:15

194 414 0
A numerical study of fluid flow and mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor

A numerical study of fluid flow and mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor

... theoretical information on mass transport A systematic study is needed to investigate the effects of various important parameters on the fluid flow and mass transport in microchannel bioreactors ... increasing fluid- phase endocytosis; and they are capable of producing intracellular actin and myosin filaments that are oriented in the flow direction Eskin et...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:13

229 239 0
A numerical study of heat and mass transfer in porous fluid coupled domains

A numerical study of heat and mass transfer in porous fluid coupled domains

... Ochoa-Tapia and Whitaker’s stress jump conditions for the flow, heat and mass transfer in porous/ fluid coupled domains, and to investigate their effects on local and global heat and mass transfer; ... incorporated with heat or mass transfer There are also limited numerical experiments and systematic results for heat and mass transfer in porou...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:13

286 532 0
A numerical study of wave interaction with porous media

A numerical study of wave interaction with porous media

... field of coastal engineering, wave interaction with porous media is an important phenomenon and its applications include wave interaction with porous seabeds and wave interaction with porous structures ... A NUMERICAL STUDY OF WAVE INTERACTION WITH POROUS MEDIA S A SUVINI ANUJA KARUNARATHNA (B.Sc.Eng (Hons.), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lank...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 21:16

244 396 0


... was to investigate the swirling flow and oxygen transport in a stirred micro- bioreactor A numerical model was developed to investigate the flow field and mass transport in a micro- bioreactor in ... Swirling Flow and Mass Transfer in a Micro- Bioreactor with Partially Rotating End-Wall 79 5.1 Numerical Model 80 5.2 Vortex Breakdown in a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 18:55

240 406 0
A numerical study of elastica using constrained optimization methods

A numerical study of elastica using constrained optimization methods

... and spatial elastica Planar elastica comprise three mostly encountered cases: pin-pin elastica, clamp-pin elastica, and clamp-clamp elastica When both ends of elastica are clamped, and the system ... Diagram of D − λ1 / Pcr (spatial clamp-clamp elastica) ………… … 82 Figure 4.38 Diagram of D − λ3 / Pcr (spatial clamp-clamp elastica) …………….…82 Figure 4.39 Diagram of D − Strain...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 09:39

125 379 0
A kinetic study of resorcinol-enhanced hydroxyl radical generation during ozonation with a power law type equation

A kinetic study of resorcinol-enhanced hydroxyl radical generation during ozonation with a power law type equation

... radical generation 1.5-fold that of phenol itself Power law type rate equations are usually adopted to correlate the experimental data in laboratory-scale and pilot-plant scale reactors, and even ... evaluated with the initial velocities of OH radical spin-adduct generation using an ESR/stopped flow apparatus The OH radicals generated were converted into the stable DMPO-OH...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

7 569 0
A comparative study of lexical cohesion in english and vietnamese newspaper articles

A comparative study of lexical cohesion in english and vietnamese newspaper articles

... To compare the amount of lexical cohesive items in English newspaper articles and Vietnamese ones - To suggest some practical applications of Lexical Cohesion in teaching and in learning English ... adjectives and adverbs, particularly the later, are repeated in a very limited rate Almost all of adjectives and adverbs in newspaper articles have ne...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

73 1,7K 4
Báo cáo sinh học: "A case study of the College English Test and ethnic minority university students in China: negotiating the final hurdle" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "A case study of the College English Test and ethnic minority university students in China: negotiating the final hurdle" pptx

... of the total score For instance, the weighting of English is 150 out of 630 points in Shanghai and 120 out of 480 points in Jiangsu Province The College English Test (CET) is a national examination ... foster trilingualism in ethnic minority students: the minority language, Chinese and English In regions where trilingualism is promoted in a suppo...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

11 649 0