Theoretical and simulation study on ogston sieving of biomolecules using continuum transport theory

Theoretical and simulation study on ogston sieving of biomolecules using continuum transport theory

Theoretical and simulation study on ogston sieving of biomolecules using continuum transport theory

... describe sieving, diffusion and convection of a band of biomolecules passing through a repeated array of nanofilters 14 Chapter Introduction 1.4 Organization of the thesis This thesis is composed of ... approaches 2.1 Free-solution diffusion coefficient of rod-like DNA Diffusion of particles in a solution from a region of high concentration to regions of low concentrati...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:03

125 319 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "A simulation study on the accuracy of position and effect estimates of linked QTL and their asymptotic standard deviations using multiple interval mapping in an F2 scheme" ppsx

Báo cáo sinh học: "A simulation study on the accuracy of position and effect estimates of linked QTL and their asymptotic standard deviations using multiple interval mapping in an F2 scheme" ppsx

... is important to compute the standard deviations of the estimates and to construct confidence intervals for the estimated QTL positions and effects For interval mapping, Lander and Botstein [15] ... and interacting QTL using multiple interval mapping in an F2 population and to examine the confidence intervals based on the standard statistical t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

25 328 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Predictive genetic testing for the identification of high-risk groups: a simulation study on the impact of predictive ability" pot

báo cáo khoa học: "Predictive genetic testing for the identification of high-risk groups: a simulation study on the impact of predictive ability" pot

... for age-related macular degeneration simulation Predicted risks of age-related macular degeneration are obtained using logistic regression analysis based on six genetic variants entered as categorical ... characteristic curve (AUC) To address these objectives we used simulated data across a wide variety of ORs and frequencies for genetic variants We also carried out an addit...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:21

8 379 0


... with my thesis ii ABSTRACT The main aim of this minor thesis is to evaluate the reliability of the final Achievement Computer-based MCQs Test for the 4th semester non- English majors at Hanoi University ... undertake this study entitled A study on the reliability of the final achievement Computer-based MCQs Test for the 4...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

64 1,1K 2
A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

A study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... by information about the participants The study implementation is outlined along with information about data collection instruments used Finally, details of the nature of the data this study has ... is a reason why the Ministry of Education and Training needs to innovate the way of the second language teaching by applying the communicative approach in teachin...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:02

77 893 5
A study on cognitive metaphors of negative emotions in english and vietnamese

A study on cognitive metaphors of negative emotions in english and vietnamese

... stories and novels in English and Vietnamese in paper books, ebooks and online stories 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS On the basis of 960 metaphorical expressions of ANGER, SADNESS and FEAR, data analysis is carried ... fear in Vietnamese Besides, some metaphors of negative emotions popular in English cannot be found in Vietnamese data They include the conceptuali...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:17

13 1,2K 6
A study on linguistic features of english competition law and vietnamese competition law

A study on linguistic features of english competition law and vietnamese competition law

... English Competition law and Vietnamese Competition law A study on linguistic features of other laws (press -law, which require knowledge of not only vocabulary but of grammar as copyright law, foreign ... Syntactic Features contains a large number of technical terms (terms of art), which have Nominalization acquired a specific and accurate l...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:18

13 810 0
A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

A study on the aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in english and the contrastive analysis in vietnamese

... aspects of syntax and semantics of negation in English and the contrastive analysis with their Vietnamese equivalents Then, applying to investigate the negation in the text of President Barack Obamas ... Syntactic and semantic features of negation of the text of President Barack Obamas inaugural address After having a careful analysis on...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:53

51 1,1K 8
Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

Slide a study on group discussion and its impacts on speaking ability of the non major students at the post elementary level in military science academy

... Department at MSA - Nature of group work - Relationship between group work and individual presentation Objectives of the study  contribute more theory to the understandings of group discussion  find ... Number of participants in a group:  Number of groups: ( No planning groups & Pre-planning groups)  Records: All the group discussions and the indiv...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33

15 800 0
Tài liệu A baseline study on psychosocial support of orphans and vulnerable children in two villages in Botswana docx

Tài liệu A baseline study on psychosocial support of orphans and vulnerable children in two villages in Botswana docx

... main hub of economic activities The major economic activities in Palapye are mining and quarrying, manufacturing (including repair of machinery and equipment), construction, wholesale and retail ... national and international level; sustaining care and support to vulnerable children and households over the long term; and support programmes for the benefit of vul...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 19:20

60 464 0
Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle® Database: A Comparative Study on Total Cost of Administration (TCA) docx

Tài liệu Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle® Database: A Comparative Study on Total Cost of Administration (TCA) docx

... managed per DBA Table shows these calculations for the respective databases Database Average Burdened DBA Salary Annual Training Cost per DBA Total Annual Cost per DBA Databases per DBA Total ... While TCA per database should be a major consideration in selecting a database platform, it should not be the only consideration Microsoft SQL Server vs Oracle Database: A Comp...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20

11 541 0
A study on the images of objects in English idioms, proverbs and sayings

A study on the images of objects in English idioms, proverbs and sayings

... description of English and Vietnamese idioms and proverbs to realize the differences and similarities between them - Comparing and contrasting the meaning and usage of some certain English idioms and ... Almost objects are available in natural environment such as: axe made of stone, bayonet made of branches of tree, or some knives made of animal bones All...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:21

52 849 11
A study on the sounds of vowels and consonants in English

A study on the sounds of vowels and consonants in English

... Palatal /j/ are the sounds made with the front of the tongue and the hard palate Palatal – alveolar/ ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ / are the sounds made with the palate of the tongue and the back of the alveolar ridge ... namely variations of vowels & consonants in speech English, deals with the following matters: The principles of vowels pronunciation & the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 01:26

67 1,3K 5
A study on the translation of technical terms in the interface of common business website and their Vietnamese equivalent

A study on the translation of technical terms in the interface of common business website and their Vietnamese equivalent

... general ,technical terms and definition of terms Chapter II is an investigation on translation of technical terms in the interface of common business websites Chapter III is the implications of my study ... natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” In Translation: Ap...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 01:26

72 748 2