Ferroelectric gating of graphene chap 3

Ferroelectric gating of graphene chap 3

Ferroelectric gating of graphene chap 3

... that we are using is ferroelectric copolymer P(VDF-TrFE) 31 a b Figure 3. 5: (a) Schematics of a graphene -ferroelectric p-n-p junctions; (b) Optical image of a graphene -ferroelectric p-n-p junction ... lattice [49, 50, 80] 30 3. 2 Fabrication of graphene field effect transistor GFET 3. 2.1 GFET devices using mechanically exfoliated graphene After graphene is transferr...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:21

13 116 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 9

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 9

... 199 3 [5] S Iijima Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon Nature, 354:56, 199 1 [6] P R Wallace The band structure of graphite Phys Rev, 71:622, 194 7 [7] A K Geim and K S Novoselov The rise of ... potential research topics involving graphene and ferroelectric material 9. 3.1 Gate-tunable graphene -ferroelectric photonics Over the past seven years, the main focus of graphen...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:18

36 205 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 1

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 1

... 11 5 11 6 11 6 11 7 11 8 Bibliography 11 9 Publications 14 1 Patents 14 3 vii Acknowledgements Over my four-year Ph.D time, I would like to express my deep thanks to my advisor, ¨ Prof Barbaros ... 10 9 10 9 11 1 11 1 11 3 9.2.3 Can we achieve less than 10 0 Ω/2 sheet resistance in CVD graphene? 9.3 Future outlook 9.3 .1 Gate-tunable graphene -ferroelectric ... 12 12 1...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:21

34 191 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 6

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 6

... Intensity (a.u.) a G P(VDF-TrFE) 1530 1 560 1590 162 0 165 0 Raman Shift (cm -1 ) 168 0 c 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Voltage (V) Figure 6. 6: (a) XRD results of both P(VDF-TrFE) foil and house-produced ... excellent mechanical support for graphene (Fig 6. 3a) Fig 6. 3b shows the graphene- P(VDF-TrFE) hybrid structure on top of PET substrates The transmission spectra as...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:21

16 145 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 4

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 4

... ferroelectric thin film of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) 44 Figure 4. 3: (a) Sample geometry of a finished graphene -ferroelectric memory device (b) Optical image of a graphene samples showing ... linear slope of the R vs VBG 45 Rmax R (k ) R/R>350% RPr Rmin -1 =700 cm V s -80 -40 V TG -1 40 80 (V) Figure 4. 4: Electric hysteresis loop; R as a function of VTG f...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:22

23 109 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 7

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 7

... Cu-CVD graphene on PZT As shown in Fig 7. 1e, G peaks of Cu-CVD graphene on PZT show a noticeable red shift of ∼ 10 cm−1 and broadening of full width at half maximum (FWHM), compared to CVD graphene ... cm−2 (Fig 7. 2b and 7. 2c) This indicates the electron-hole puddle intensity of graphene on PZT is an order -of- magnitude higher than graphene on SiO2 The strong charge i...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:22

10 191 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 5

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 5

... over 50 - 350 K and 1012 cm−2 ranges (Fig 5. 5e and 5. 5f) [34] a c 12 e -2 2.0 x 10 cm , S1 -2 -2 12 -2 12 400 50 40 12 12 60 -2 2.0 x 10 cm , S2 200 400 20 2 .5 x 10 cm 100 -3 -4 -2 -1 12 150 200 250 ... γT /ne, and 70 SLG 16 B=9T T = 3 .5 K c e 1.8 SLG 60 1.6 40 -0.3 0.0 40 -3 60 d -8 20 VBG (V) 40 60 -2 12 -2 -2 3.8 (10 cm ) 0.2 0.4 50 150 250 -2 350 50 150 250 T (K) f BLG 400 BLG...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:22

13 149 0
Ferroelectric gating of graphene 8

Ferroelectric gating of graphene 8

... Fig 8. 7a Fig 8. 7b shows the pure PET substrate signal 1 08 (b) Transmittance Transmittance (a) Figure 8. 7: a: Optical transmittance of graphene as a function of strain and polarization angle of ... image of graphene sample after partially define HSQ layer (d) AFM image of graphene sample after P(VDF-TrFE) spin coating (e) R vs VBG of graphene samples before patterni...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:22

9 179 0
AAC chap 3 principles of electrophoresis new

AAC chap 3 principles of electrophoresis new

... sieving properties of the gel 21 Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) Separation of protein by Size Purification of Proteins Estimation of protein molecular weight 22 Visualizing of Separated ... (this is the 33 definition of pI.) Isoelectric Point of Protein: BMB 8.1 the pH at which the net charge of an amino acid is +2 +1 Lysine Basic (A) In a very acidic solution, p...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 19:25

62 332 0
Applications of graphene to cell biology 3

Applications of graphene to cell biology 3

... School of Medicine As seen in Chapter 3, the target is to obtain an force-sensing “pixel” area of µm2 , that should give high enough resolution to understand cellsubstrate interactions of tissue cells ... not seem to spread a lot on PDMS 1:10 However, further experiments (not shown here) showed some cells that seemed to attach to untreated PDMS 1:40 The “healthiness” of the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 08:12

35 188 0
First principles study of graphene   related materials 3

First principles study of graphene related materials 3

... N=3p+2 1.111 1 .38 3 1.4 23 1. 438 1. 433 1.441 1. 433 1. 438 1.4 23 1 .38 3 Figure 6 .3: The three families of AGNR-N: the N = 3p family has only one possible Clar’s structure, the N = 3p + family has ... intrinsic strength of monolayer graphene Science, 32 1, 38 5 38 8 (2008) [14] Moser, J., Barreiro, A., and Bachtold, A Current-induced cleaning of graphene Appl Phys Lett., 91...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:22

61 417 0
Nguyên lý kế toán Chap 3

Nguyên lý kế toán Chap 3

... NỘI DUNG CHƯƠNG Khái niệm kết cấu TK kế toán Phương pháp ghi chép nghiệp vụ TK kế toán Các quan hệ đối ứng chủ yếu Hệ thống TK kế toán thống Sổ kế toán 10/27/12 TRẦN TÚ UYÊN - QTKD - ... Email:uyen.trantu@gmail.com KHÁI NIỆM VÀ KẾT CẤU CỦA TÀI KHOẢN KẾ TOÁN Khái niệm TK kế toán: Phân loại, ghi chép NVPS theo đối tượng kế toán sở số liệu chứng từ kế toán để phản ánh...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 10:22

84 565 4
An american – vietnamese cross-cultural study on non-verbal expressions of disappointment part  3

An american – vietnamese cross-cultural study on non-verbal expressions of disappointment part 3

... AN AMERICAN – VIETNAMESE CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY ON NONVERBAL EXPRESSIONS OF DISAPPOINTMENT ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the most common nonverbal expressions of disappointment ... CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS .21 3. 1 DATA ANALYSIS: 21 3. 1.1 Most common expressions of disappointment used by Vietnam...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:07

7 1,2K 33
Exercises of Unit 12 --3

Exercises of Unit 12 --3

... b.To learn it c.Learning d.b and c 11.Mexico is very _oil a.richness of b.getting rich in c .of rich in d.rich in 12. Most of the river flowing through big cities are with chemical waste factories ... was organized After World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent Many of the new independent Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition where Asian domin...

Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:27

10 612 3


... -0.08220745 -0.06594 934 1 -0.04515 731 8 0.0097 937 19 -0. 039 8 930 74 30 /06/2010 0.01 931 02 83 -0.00450 237 2 0.079 538 394 0.00192 531 7 -0. 030 6589 63 -0.01242 738 8 0. 033 533 272 0.028 838 139 -0. 035 309962 30 /07/2010 -0.017968814 ... 0.011 739 337 0.072 136 862 0.0760 437 63 0.044 034 075 -0.045195401 0.016824996 31 /08/2009 0.24 734 0507 0. 239 932 1 83 0.256588 939 0.187...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2013, 23:57

44 1,1K 6
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