neonatal intracranial hemorrhage article text
... ultrasonography of neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage and comparison with computed sonography Radiology1981; 139:687-691 Mack LA, Wright K, Hirsch JH, et al Intracranial hemorrhage in premature ... the survivors of neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage Pediatrics 1979; 64:233-237 12 Haller ES, Nesbitt RE, Anderson GW Clinical and pathologic concepts of gross intracranial hemor...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2015, 17:13
... Classic VKDB occurs at 2–7 days of age and is usually due to vitamin K deficiency from low vitamin intake and low storage at birth Classic VKDB was found in infants who did not receive vitamin K after ... infants was formerly known as hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.32 It is defined as hemorrhage in infants due to vitamin K deficiency shown by low activity...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2015, 13:08
... of the effect of antenatal phenobarbital therapy on neonatal intracranial hemorrhage have been published since the completion of our trial In one trial, antenatal administration of phenobarbital ... care in the perinatal and early neonatal period, including antenatal antibiotic therapy2 0 and corticosteroid therapy, contributed to the low incidenc...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2015, 13:09
Báo cáo y học: "Prophylactic anticoagulation to prevent venous thromboembolism in traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: a decision analysis" ppt
... concerning intracranial hemorrhage and anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis using the search terms brain injury, acute; craniocerebral trauma; cerebral hemorrhage, traumatic, anticoagulation, and heparin ... preventing DVT be ethical to conduct a randomized, controlled, clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of using anticoagulant prophylaxis in patients with traumatic b...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:21
Báo cáo y học: " Preferences in traumatic intracranial hemorrhage: bleeding vs. clotting" pot
... leaves physicians skeptical about the safety of thromboprophylaxis in the setting of a traumatic ICH This uncertainty is mirrored in the decision analysis by Scales and colleagues [1], in which ... Prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis in critically ill patients with severe renal insufficiency with the low-molecular-weight heparin dalteparin: an assessment of safety and pharmacod...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:22
Intracranial hemorrhage in the preterm infant understanding it, preventing it
... and its complications Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Preterm Infant Fig The deep galenic venous system, sagittal view The terminal vein is the main vein draining the white matter; it changes its ... Vulnerability of the Premature Infant The pathogenesis of GM-IVH in premature infants fundamentally involves the unusual vascular vulnerability of the germinal ma...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2015, 17:13
Intracranial hemorrhage in the term preterm infant
... typically originates from the choroid plexus (vs the germinal matrix in the preterm infant) However, in asymptomatic infants, the blood just as frequently originates from the subependymal germinal matrix ... from the choroid plexus In the largest series of term infants with symptomatic IVH, the majority of these infants had accompanying bleeding noted in the tha...
Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2020, 14:00
intracranial hemorrhage newborns
... OVERVIEW Incidence varies from 2% to >30% in newborns depends on the gestational age (GA) at birth and the type of ICH Diagnosis typically ... suspicion The presence and severity of parenchymal injury is the best predictor of outcome SUBDURAL HEMORRHAGE (SDH) Rupture of the draining veins and sinuses of the brain molding, fronto-occipital ... in case of large SDH The outcom...
Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2020, 14:00
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Combining Evidence, Specificity, and Proximity towards the Normalization of Gene Ontology Terms in Text" potx
... abstracts The methods behind GoPubMed identifies GO terms in abstracts by matching first the suffix of the terms and then gathering one by one the more specific words of the left part of the terms In addition, ... order of the words occurring in the terms, thus allowing to identify syntactical variants of the terms in the text We describe in the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Language Model Adaptation Using Machine-Translated Text for Resource-Deficient Languages" docx
... Waibel, Language- independent and language- adaptive acoustic modeling for speech recognition,” Speech Communication, vol 35, no 1-2, pp 31–51, 2001 [3] S Khudanpur and W Kim, Using cross -language ... graphically in Figure First of all the sparse text is split into two, a training text corpus (ST) and a development text corpus (SD) A language model LM1 is created from ST, and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Time-Frequency Analysis of Heart Rate Variability for Neonatal Seizure Detection" pdf
... information The unevenly sampled RR intervals were interpolated using cubic splines The instantaneous heart rate (IHR) is the inverse of the RR interval and shows the variability of heart rate ... the dataset in a set of N − training data and one test data So, for events (seizure and nonseizure) at a time, the fc (t) values for seizure were compared with those from nons...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo y học: "This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon." ppsx
... subpleural parenchymal fibrosis It is extremely rare (only cases have been described in the literature to date) and was first described in 2004 by the Interstitial Lung Disease Program of the National ... fibrosis, mainly in the upper lobes As this disease is extremely rare (only cases have been described in the literature to date) poorly defined cases of IPPFE can go unre...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20
Variations in intraventricular hemorrhage incidence rates among canadian neonatal intensive care units
... Characteristics of infants with different grades of IVH are shown in the Table The variation in the incidence rates of diagnosed IVH among the 17 NICUs is shown in Fig The incidence rate ranged ... variations in the incidence of diagnosed IVH among preterm infants admitted to NICUs did not adjust for variations in patient population In our study, we found that risk...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2015, 13:09
Hiệu ứng chữ mới - Colorful Light Text
... Blur - cho Radius = pixel nhấn OK tiếp tục vào Layer text giống hình Filter / Stylize / Solarize Nhấn tổ hợp phím Ctrl + L để mở hộp thoại Levels điền giá trị hình chọn OK(input level: - 1.00 - ... click chuột vào layer text để Load Selection Vào menu Select chọn Save Selection/OK Bây layer text giống hình Sau Save Selection bạn nhấn Ctrl + D để bỏ chọn Với layer text chọn...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:36
Giáo trình corel Draw CÔNG CỤ NHẬP VĂN BẢN TEXT TOOL
... Giaùo trình corel draw - Löu Quang Vinh Click mouse tri lm xuất trỏ nhấp nhy Nhập chữ Hình Tô Màu Cho Khung Bao - dùng công cụ Pick Tool chọn khung - chọn màu tô pallettes ... vào lại lệnh lần thứ ,lúc tháo dời từ -2- Giaùo trình corel draw - Löu Quang Vinh Tháo rời từ: CHÈN HÌNH ẢNH VÀO TRONG VĂN BẢN Tạo đoạn văn , nhập hình ảnh :, vào Menu / File / Import /chọn ổ ......
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2012, 09:42