Nano Finishing Of Textiles

Nano Finishing Of Textiles

Nano Finishing Of Textiles

... found in the form of Nano particle (some times called nano bead) through a finishing process, which is generally known as nano finishing The impact of nano technology in the textile finishing area ... CHARACTERISTICS OF NANO FINISHING IN GARMENTS CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION The term Nano in Nano technology comes from a Greek word “Nanos” which means ‘dwarf’ The diction...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 01:53

8 191 0
Chemical Finishing of Textiles (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)

Chemical Finishing of Textiles (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)

... of chemical finishing Importance of chemical finishing References 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Chemical finishing processes Introduction Application of chemical finishes Drying wet textiles Curing chemical ... heat setting (thermal finishing) Typical Chemical finishing of textiles mechanical finishes include calendering, emerising, compressive shrinkage, raising, bru...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 15:14

223 833 1
microstructure control of wo3 film by adding nano-particles of sno2 for no2 detection in ppb level

microstructure control of wo3 film by adding nano-particles of sno2 for no2 detection in ppb level

... for thick films of WO3 (a), WO3- SnO2 (1:0.01) (b) and WO3- SnO2 (1:0.1) (c) calcined at 300°C The morphology of the lamellar particles seems to differ a little depending on amount of adding SnO2 ... microstructure, as compared with other devices It is because the agglomeration of lamellae by sintering was inhibited by adding nano-particles of SnO2 However t...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:04

4 448 0
Geometric and Mechanical Modelling of Textiles pdf

Geometric and Mechanical Modelling of Textiles pdf

... work C HAPTER Geometric modelling of textiles 2.1 Introduction TexGen is a software package written by the author for the purpose of modelling the 3D geometry of textiles at the level of the unit ... Smith, Paul Johns and Geoff Tomlinson for their technical support and Professor Tom Hyde, head of the School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, f...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 23:20

271 3,5K 1
The Mechanical Finishing of Decorative Stainless Steel Surfaces ppt

The Mechanical Finishing of Decorative Stainless Steel Surfaces ppt

... finishing of the welds As much of the plastic film as possible has been kept on the assupplied steel to protect the original finish 21 THE MECHANICAL FINISHING OF DECORATIVE STAINLESS STEEL SURFACES ... OF DECORATIVE STAINLESS STEEL SURFACES 7.2 Safe working methods for mechanical finishing tools and abrasives The ranges of finishing tools a...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 00:20

38 413 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " High P–T Nano-Mechanics of Polycrystalline Nickel Yusheng Zhao Æ T. D. Shen Æ Jianzhong Zhang" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " High P–T Nano-Mechanics of Polycrystalline Nickel Yusheng Zhao Æ T. D. Shen Æ Jianzhong Zhang" doc

... Zhao, B Palosz, Appl Phys Lett 90, 043112 (2007) 17 T.D Shen, R.B Schwarz, S Feng, J.G Swadener, J.Y Huang, M Tang, Jianzhong Zhang, S.C Vogel, Yusheng Zhao, Acta Mater 55, 5007 (2007) 18 Y Zhao, ... LAUR 86748 (2004) 50 Y Zhao, D He, L.L Daemen, J Huang, T.D Shen, R.B Schwarz, Y Zhu, D.L Bish, J Zhang, G Shen, Z Liu, J Qian, T.W Zerda, J Mat Res 17, 3139 (2002) 51 Y Zhao, J Qian,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20

16 163 0
báo cáo khoa học: "A nano-view of West Nile virus-induced cellular changes during infection" pps

báo cáo khoa học: "A nano-view of West Nile virus-induced cellular changes during infection" pps

... ultra-structural studies Results and Discussion West Nile (Sarafend) virus-induced changes in infected cells at late stage infection At the late stages of West Nile (Sarafend) virus infection in Vero ... Journal of Nanobiotechnology 2004, 2:6 Figure height scan of West Nile virus-infected Vero cells at 24 h p.i (a) AFM1 (a)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:22

7 188 0
The Application of Textiles in Rubber

The Application of Textiles in Rubber

... domain of the men Spinning was originally done using the distaff to hold the unspun fibres, which were then teased out using the fingers and twisted into the final yarn on the spindle In the 1530s, ... and the spin tube replaced with a bobbin As in cotton spinning, the control of the relative feed rate of the yarn and the rotational speed of the spindle g...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 15:14

249 316 1
Strength of Textiles In Bangladesh Perspective

Strength of Textiles In Bangladesh Perspective

... Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Telecommunication Telecommunication Engineering Engineering Te xtile Eng ine ee ring Te xtile Eng ine ring Civil ... Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Architecture Architecture From Where the civilization Started Hand picking of cotton Back strap weaving Hand Spi...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2015, 13:23

33 282 0
Functional Nano Finishes For Textiles

Functional Nano Finishes For Textiles

... generation finishing like (nano –care , nano- pel , nano- touch , nano- dry, nano- sphere) 1.1 The Definition Nanotechnology is the study and design of systems at the nanometre scale [0.000000001 ... development of ultra fine fibers, functional finishes and smart textiles based on the nanotechnology has end less properties At present, the application of nano technology in textil...

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2015, 01:36

11 255 0
A method for 3d nano focusing of optical energy and its application to the surface enhanced raman spectroscopic study of protein 2

A method for 3d nano focusing of optical energy and its application to the surface enhanced raman spectroscopic study of protein 2

... and Christy’s previous publication (73), 117 4.4 Surface Plasmon Polariton Assisted Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering on Ultrasmooth Metal Surface The theory for an enhanced field near a metal ... distance of the center of the cavity to the surface is h The major and minor axis of the cavity are denoted ˆ as a and b respectively a y -axis is poi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:01

163 449 0
A method for 3d nano focusing of optical energy and its application to the surface enhanced raman spectroscopic study of protein 1

A method for 3d nano focusing of optical energy and its application to the surface enhanced raman spectroscopic study of protein 1

... Theory of Enhanced Raman Scattering and its Experimental Verifications 2 .1 General Theory of Raman Scattering 13 2.2 Enhanced Raman Scattering 13 2.2 .1 Chemical Raman Enhancement 14 2.2.2 Electromagnetic ... Schematic diagram of SNOM system for phase measurements 17 0 17 1 Fig 15 A typical AFM and SNOM mappings of a 10 0-nm nano- cavity substrate wi...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:02

129 265 0
Modeling size effects in nano indentation of polymers

Modeling size effects in nano indentation of polymers

... MODELING SIZE EFFECTS IN NANO- INDENTATION OF POLYMERS POH LEONG HIEN [B.Eng (Hons), NUS] A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING NATIONAL ... Finite element model of Berkovich indentation 31 3.5 Berkovich indentation numerical results for different domain sizes 32 3.6 Convergence study of finite element model sim...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 12:39

63 324 0
Handbook of Micro and Nano Tribology P4

Handbook of Micro and Nano Tribology P4

... theories of friction and wear can be developed if the size and the spatial distributions of the contact spots are known The size of contact spots ranges from nanometers to micrometers, making tribology ... distribution of islands on Earth’s surface follows the power law N(a) ≈ a–D/2, where N is the total number of islands with area larger than a and D is the fractal dimensio...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 09:15

60 616 1