Beta cyclodextrin in Wrinkle Recovery Finishing
... dimensions of cyclodextrins ITSAPT seminar, Guimaraes, November 2005 Conical structure of β cyclodextrin ITSAPT seminar, Guimaraes, November 2005 Host–guest complex of β cyclodextrin and toluene ... ITSAPT seminar, Guimaraes, November 2005 Applications of β cyclodextrin in textile: Application methods (Surface modification): Exhausting method Pad-batch method Printing Washing Pr...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2015, 21:53
... for its fixation onto cotton fabrics The fixation of the chitosan citrate on the cotton fabric was done by the padding of chitosan citrate solution onto cotton fabrics followed by a dry - cure ... content and concentration on dry wrinkle recovery angles of cationic chitosan treated fabrics 62 Figure 4.2 Effect of carboxyl content and concentration on wet wrinkle ... car...
Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2015, 16:18
... the Synthesis of Bonded Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography 1.3.1 Types of Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid Chromatography 1.3.2 Preparation of β -Cyclodextrin Type of Chiral Stationary ... with Crown Ether- capped β-CD -bonded Phases and Cyclam- capped β-CDbonded Phases 124 5.4 Concluding Remarks 128 5.5 References 129 CHA...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:19
Surface modification of magnetic nanoparticles with carboxymethyl beta cyclodextrin for removal of dyes in wastewater
... SURFACE MODIFICATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES WITH CARBOXYMETHYL- BETA- CYCLODEXTRIN FOR REMOVAL OF DYES IN WASTEWATER DEVITA CHRISTIANI CAHYADI (B.Eng, Diponegoro University, Indonesia) ... Acid Blue 25 CD Cyclodextrin β-CD Beta- cyclodextrin BEs Binding energies CM-β-CD Carboxymethyl- beta- cyclodextrin xvii CMCD-MNPs Carboxymethyl- beta- cyclodextri...
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36
Tối ưu hóa quy trình sản xuất viên nén chứa phức piroxicam-beta-cyclodextrin bằng thiết kế thực nghiệm
... số phân tán độ cứng KẾT QUẢ VÀ THẢO LUẬN Những điều kiện cần thiết cho trình tối ưu hóa Dữ liệu thực nghiệm: liệu thực nghiệm đầu vào trình tối ưu hóa lấy từ liêu thực nghiệm trình sàng lọc nghiên ... dập viên có đường kính 11 mm máy dập viên tâm sai Minipress II Tối ưu hóa quy trình dập viên phương pháp dập thẳng: 22 quy trình khác sử dụng đ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2012, 12:40
... mm - 2,5 48,4 KẾT QUẢ VÀ THẢOLUẬN Những điều kiện cần thiết cho trình tối ưu hóa Xác định thông số của viên nén: Sau dập viên, viên nén kiểm Dữ liệu thực nghiệm: liệu thực nghiệm nghiệm theo tiêu ... ngày viêm loét dày giảm thiết kế thực nghiệm sử dụng Phương pháp lựa chọn để sản xuất việc xây dựng công thức tối ưu hóa quy viên nén phương pháp...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 15:22
Basic Steps in Disaster-Recovery Planning
... plan are outlined in Fig 2.1 Figure 2.1: The basic steps of a typical disaster recovery plan Emerging Technologies for Disaster-Recovery Solutions In traditional disaster-recovery planning, a complete ... procedures You should take into consideration the following aspects: Procedures for ensuring and maintaining physical security Coordination of restoration for the original site...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 14:15
The interaction between climate and the processing of coated papers in printing and finishing pot
... 18 Climate and Paper The interaction between climate and the processing of coated papers in printing and finishing Table of contents V Circumstances within the printer’s power to control I Introduction ... The situation in paper production and printing industry ˿ The situation in printing and finishing industry ˿ Circumstances in the w...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Identification of a public CDR3 motif and a biased utilization of T-cell receptor V beta and J beta chains in HLA-A2/Melan-A-specific T-cell clonotypes of melanoma patients" potx
... Rowland-Jones SJ, Bodmer HC, McMichael AJ, Bell JI: Extensive conservation of alpha and beta chains of the human T-cell antigen receptor recognizing HLA -A2 and influenza A matrix peptide Proc Natl ... have been involved in drafting and critically revising the manuscript LI conceived and coordinated the study and draft the manuscript All authors read and approved t...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 15:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Neopterin production and tryptophan degradation during 24-months therapy with interferon beta-1a in multiple sclerosis patients" docx
... Durastanti et al.: Neopterin production and tryptophan degradation during 24-months therapy with interferon beta-1a in multiple sclerosis patients Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 9:42 ... biomarkers and the clinical variables In this study, we investigated the dynamic profile of neopterin and kyn/ trp ratio and its correlation with the clinical f...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Neopterin production and tryptophan degradation during 24-months therapy with interferon beta-1a in multiple sclerosis patients" pot
... Durastanti et al.: Neopterin production and tryptophan degradation during 24-months therapy with interferon beta-1a in multiple sclerosis patients Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 9:42 ... biomarkers and the clinical variables In this study, we investigated the dynamic profile of neopterin and kyn/ trp ratio and its correlation with the clinical f...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo y học: "Reduced transforming growth factor-beta signaling in cartilage of old mice: role in impaired repair capacity" ppsx
... various transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signaling Staining ofin cartilage molecules in cartilage Paraffin sections of knee joints of young and old mice were stained with antibodies against ... capacity of cartilage cartilage repair capacity Effect of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta deprivation on intrinsic cartilage repair capacity Murine knee joi...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo y học: "The role of F1 ATP synthase beta subunit in WSSV infection in the shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei" potx
... ATP synthase beta subunit nucleotide-binding domain, ATP synthase alpha/ beta chain N terminal domain, ATP synthase alpha /beta chain C terminal domain according to the NCBI Conserved Domain Database ... and for the first time describe the role of F1- ATP synthase beta subunit during WSSV infection Results A 53 kDa shrimp protein binds to WSSV by VO...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo y học: "Collagen V-induced nasal tolerance downregulates pulmonary collagen mRNA gene and TGF-beta expression in experimental systemic sclerosis" doc
... deposition, mRNA collagen synthesis and TGF-beta expression in pulmonary septal and bronchovascular interstitium of rabbits after collagen V-induced nasal tolerance in experimental SSc It was hypothesized ... article as: Velosa et al.: Collagen V-induced nasal tolerance downregulates pulmonary collagen mRNA gene and TGF-beta expression in...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo y học: "Phospholipase C beta 4 in mouse hepatocytes: Rhythmic expression and cellula" pps
... Immunohistochemical staining for PLC 4 in mouse hepatocytes Figure Immunohistochemical staining for PLC 4 in mouse hepatocytes In constant darkness, PLC 4 protein fluctuated in abundance and cellular ... the circadian day Insets: Note the change in the presence of nuclear expression over the course of the day indicated by the arrows PLC 4 is found in the nucleus and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:20