Words commonly confused

Commonly Confused Words

Commonly Confused Words

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:46

2 357 3
[TieuBaoan] Confused Words...Những từ gây nhầm lẫn

[TieuBaoan] Confused Words...Những từ gây nhầm lẫn

... together yolk - n. the yellow portion of an egg of a bird or reptile huynhvubaoan Confused Words 7 Anh văn ôn 12 COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS 1. ACCEPT (v): to take, to receive. Eg: I accepted the award. EXCEPT= ... You would fill in the blank with him, but you couldn't use he, so the use whom. huynhvubaoan Confused Words 9 Anh văn ôn 12 19. He had __________ her on the street in the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 09:10

11 466 12
[TieuBaoan] Confused Words Exercises

[TieuBaoan] Confused Words Exercises

... huynhvubaoan Confused Words huynhvubaoan Confused Words

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 09:10

3 400 4
Commonly Confused Words.doc

Commonly Confused Words.doc

... Jose? a. know b. no 20.Do you know ___ I can get a map? a. ware b. wear c. where Next Quiz Commonly Confused Words - Quiz 5 Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. Do you know ___ way he ... Everyone went to the party ___ John. a. accept b. except http://binhqx.violet.vn Next Quiz Commonly Confused Words - Quiz 8 Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. He was ___ unprepa...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 08:10

19 493 1
confused words

confused words

... the problem. a. root b. route 20.Give me ___, please. a. to b. too c. two Next Quiz Commonly Confused Words - Quiz 6 Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. Go ___ down the road and then ... friend. a. dear b. deer 20.Always try to buy low and ___ high. a. sell b. cell Next Quiz Commonly Confused Words - Quiz 3 Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. An ___ is a pot or ves...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:10

19 334 1
Homophones and Other Commonly Confused Words

Homophones and Other Commonly Confused Words

... the first meaning. HOMOPHONES 103 COMMON HOMOPHONES AND OTHER FREQUENTLY CONFUSED WORDS The following listing shows some of the most common homophones and other frequently confused word pairs ... 2. a back -and- forth or up -and- down movement, especially of the hand 3. a surge, rush, or sudden great rise. EXTRA HELP Need more practice with homophones and other com...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

18 405 1
Vocabulary list 13 - Commonly Tested Words

Vocabulary list 13 - Commonly Tested Words

... in a time of need. – VOCABULARY LIST 13: COMMONLY TESTED WORDS – 209 CHAPTER Vocabulary List 13: Commonly Tested Words CHAPTER SUMMARY In this chapter, you will learn words that don’t fit neatly ... even cower in the corner. Two of the apes fought vio- – VOCABULARY LIST 13: COMMONLY TESTED WORDS – 202 – VOCABULARY LIST 13: COMMONLY TESTED WORDS...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

14 677 0
Vocabulary list 14 - More Commonly Tested Words

Vocabulary list 14 - More Commonly Tested Words

... (am·ni·shənt) (adj.) all-knowing; having universal knowledge of all things The Judeo-Christian God is believed to be . – VOCABULARY LIST 14: MORE COMMONLY TESTED WORDS – 215 – VOCABULARY LIST 14: MORE COMMONLY TESTED ... everyone could see what a of beauties they were. – VOCABULARY LIST 14: MORE COMMONLY TESTED WORDS – 217 – VOCABULARY LIST 14: M...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

14 439 1
3000 commonly used english words [tvn center]

3000 commonly used english words [tvn center]

... /'lɔdʤik/ lô gic logical (adj) /'lɔdʤikəl/ hợp lý, hợp logic 3000 English Commonly Used words 29 TVN Center 5 th Floor 292 Tay Son, Đong Đa, Ha Noi Tel: (84 ... confuse (v) làm lộn xộn, xáo trộn confusing (adj) /kən'fju:ziη/ khó hiểu, gây bối rối confused (adj) /kən'fju:zd/ bối rối, lúng túng, ngượng confusion (n) /kən'...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 09:50

89 524 0
commonly confused words

commonly confused words

... COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS Words that sound alike or look alike (moral/morale) often confuse students, especially those using spell checkers. This lengthy list of commonly confused words ... reverent worshipful right correct; opposite of left rite ritual or ceremony write to put words on paper road path rode past tense of "to ride" scene place of an...

Ngày tải lên: 03/08/2014, 22:50

7 336 0
words easily confused

words easily confused

... Vocabulary Review Ha Anh Tuan- Vu Quang Upper Secondary School Tel: 0915478413 WORDS EASILY CONFUSED EXERCISE 1: job occupation profession work business see watch look (at) duty ... he____to you yeaterday? 5.We decided to _______the robbery to the police. 6.I can’t find the words to _____how I feel. 7.How could you forget? I_______it to you last night. 8.He never______to

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2015, 07:44

5 535 2
Commonly confused expressions

Commonly confused expressions

... Commonly confused expressions Here is a quick overview of some phrases and expressions that are commonly confused. Supposed to / used to You are not

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:44

1 183 0
Commonly confused time expressions

Commonly confused time expressions

... Commonly confused time expressions These time expressions are often confused. We use during to say when something happens. We use ... years.) I received four raises during the five years that I worked for them. For For should not be confused with since. Since is also used to show duration but it indicates the starting point. ... used with present perfect and past perf...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:44

2 217 0
Words commonly confused

Words commonly confused

... Words commonly confused Admit and confess To admit is to acknowledge truth. Admit can also mean ‘allow

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 20:11

2 201 0