On tap TNPT so 13
... expectations, I will accept the job offer A So B Therefore C If D Although 31 Despite its successful reforms, this country is still a developing one A economic B economics C economizing D economical ... Tom “You’ve got a lovely singing voice, Mary!” -Mary “ ” A Don’t mention it B Congratulations! C It’s all right D Thank you 33 “Don’t forget to take _ your shoes when you are in a Japanese ....
Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2015, 01:00
... night D The train is so crowded Câu 31: Helen: "Where you come from?" - Ann: " ." A In London B Yes, I have just come here C I’m living in London D I come from London Câu 32: You can buy dairy ... have been left on the stone and have damaged it Second, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying the ancient statue The air is so full of poisonous gases...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
... is one of the main reasons why birds sing? A They can sing many songs B They want to give information C They are sad D They are in a bad temper Câu 48: Which birds sing the most beautiful songs? ... than that the bird is happy Birds have many reasons for singing They sing to give information Their songs are their language The most beautiful songs are sung by male birds They sing when they ......
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Tài liệu On tap TNPT so 4
... Câu 43 : Dr Sales is the person _ a whom I don't have much confidence in him b I don't have much confidence c in that I don't have much confidence d in whom I don't have much confidence Câu 44 : ... to disturb their conversation b so as to disturb their conversation c in order not disturb their conversation d so as not to disturb their conversation Câu 45 : _ that no one would ask for...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Gián án On tap TNPT so 5
... very interested A in the information you gave it to me B about the information you gave it to me C in the information you gave me D about the information you gave me Câu 38: He went to the ... mother a new hat Câu 39: The suitcase was too heavy A for no one to move B for anyone to move C for anyone moving D that no one can move Câu 40: This is the handbag A which I bought in ... the very diff...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Bài soạn On tap TNPT so 6
... you bring me some water?" - " ." A I don't want B No, I don't C No, thanks D Certainly, sir Câu 34: I any classes if I were you A didn't miss B wouldn't miss C won't miss D don't miss Câu ... 25: I feel so and sleepy today because I worked late last night A tiring B tired C tire D tiredness Câu 26: A newspaper which is published every day is called a newspaper A monthly B weekly ... now, s...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Bài soạn On tap TNPT so 7
... not differ on levels of language development, but at the end of one month, the children in the experimental group were 5.5 months ahead of the control group on a test of verbal expression and vocabulary ... cold calculations not mean much on a frosty winter morning The real appeal of cycling is that it is so ( 37) It has none of the difficulties and tensions of other ways of travellin...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Bài soạn On tap TNPT so 8
... a lot of money on food and clothes A A lot of money was spent on food and clothes B A lot of money were spent on food and clothes C A lot of money on food and clothes were spent D Money was spent ... spent a lot on food and clothes 48 The thieves wore gloves so as to avoid leaving any fingerprints A The thieves wore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints B The thieves wore...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Gián án On tap TNPT so 9
... England Question 41: How many persons visited England last year on the special occasion? A 10 B 11 C 12 D 14 Question 42: How long did they spend in London? A The whole day B All the afternoon C All ... beings-will soon be the only ones left, (50) we can solve this problem Question 46: A extinct B lost C empty D disappeared Question 47 A such B where C like D or Question 48: A area B earth...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
Tài liệu On tap TNPT so 10
... popular language Question 34: ., the workers will stop working A Unless the working conditions are improved B If the working conditions are improved C Unless the working conditions are not improved.D ... workplace until her children are grown up Question 46: A relationship B friendship Question 47: A in B to Question 48: A to B up Question 49: A than B so Question 50: A Unless B Even if C s...
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2013, 11:11
On tap TNPT so 11
... “ Do you only need one?” A I’m sorry B Yes, I C Yes, I would D Not at all Read the passage carefully then choose the best option of words to fill in the blanks: AIR POLLUTION Everyone wants ... water sources with to replenish it can dehydration and death within a few days In addition, unprotected humans are also at risk from heatstroke Humans may also have to adapt to sandstorms in some ... e...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 04:00
On tap TNPT so 12
... everyone/ on/ be/ office/ nine ‘clock A The boss insisted on everyone being on the office at nine ‘clock B The boss insisted on everyone being in office at nine ‘clock C The boss insisted on everyone ... the station B The taxi didn’t turn down so we had to walk to the station C The taxi didn’t turn up so we had walked to the station D The taxi not turned up so we had to walk to...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2015, 04:00
On tap TNPT so 14
... 38: A cuts B reduces C stops D eliminates Question 39: A looking B waiting C getting D taking Question 40: A end B last C addition D conclusion Fiction is the writing of a story or text that is ... vast majority of fiction is written in prose rather than in poetry Question 41: What does the word "It" in paragraph refer to? A Non-fiction B Fiction C Poetry D Prose Question 42: What can we lear...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2015, 20:00
Tài liệu Ôn tập đại số cơ sở bài 11-12-13-TS Trần Huyền ppt
... (b) Từ Z15 tới Z9 Tìm tất tự đồng cấu : (a) Vành số nguyên Z (b) Vành Z20 số nguyên môđun 20 (c) Trường số thực R (d) Trường số phức C Bài 12 Các Bài Toán Kiểm Tra Các Phần Tử Khả Nghịch, Phần ... Iđêan nguyên tố hay tối đại (trong trường hợp X, Y giao hoán có đơn vị) ϕ(I) nguyên tố hay tối đại (b) Tồn song ánh từ tập Iđêan Y tới tập Iđêan chứa ker ϕ vành X Cho tập ma tr...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20
Giáo án toán lớp 5 - Tiết 139: ÔN TẬP VỀ SỐ TỰ NHIÊN pps
... 3/147: -Làm vào -Gọi Hs nêu yêu cầu đề - Nhận xét, trả lời -GV yêu cầu Hs làm vào -Nhận xét, sửa bài, hỏi Hs cách so sánh số tự nhiên trường hợp chúng có số chữ số không số chữ số 05 ’ -Làm vào -Nhận ... 2/147: -GV yêu cầu Hs làm vào -Làm vào -Nhận xét trả -Sửa bài, nhận xét GV lưu ý: Hs tự lời nêu đặc điểm số tự nhiên, 14 số lẻ, số chẵn liên tiếp ’ HĐ2: Củng cố...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 12:21