Sắp xếp Data structures and Algorithms



... 20:59 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS USING C# C# programmers: no more translating data structures from C++ or Java to use in your programs! Mike McMillan provides a tutorial on how to use data structures ... Introduction to Collections, Generics, and the Timing Class This book discusses the development and implementation of data structures and algorithms using...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 10:16

366 689 4
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -STACK ppt

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -STACK ppt

... push top n -1 count n top data x x x x n-2 n-1 max-2 max-1 x x … Conceptual Stack top count data End Stack pop Stack with pre-defined maxsize and has n ... Algorithm (cont.) Push (val DataIn ) // For Linked Stack count Allocate pNew If (allocation was successful) top pNew- >data = DataIn pNew->link = top top = pNew count = count ... top = NULL count = top count = 13 Push data...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

31 556 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 3 -Stack Applications pdf

... Postfix a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g a Infix Postfix a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g abc*+ - a a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g ( - abc*+ ab a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g abc*+d + ( - * ab + a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g * ( - abc*+d a+b*c-(d*e / f)*g * ( - abc*+de ... it’s operands have been processed 12 Evaluate a Postfix Expression Postfix Postfix 4+6 =10 246+* 5- 246+* 5- 10 10*2 = 20 246+* 5- 246+* 5- 246+* 5- 246+*...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

37 622 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 9: Hashing pot

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 9: Hashing pot

... CSE Faculty - HCMUT 14 01 December 2008 Hash Functions • Direct hashing • Modulo division • Digit extraction • Mid-square • Folding • Rotation • Pseudo-random Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT 15 ... Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT 29 01 December 2008 Collision Resolution • As data are added and collisions are resolved, hashing tends to cause data to group within the list ⇒ Clus...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

54 592 1
Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt

Data Structures and Algorithms – C++ Implementation ppt

... Science and Engineering – HCMUT data link dataType key field1 field2 … fieldN end dataType Slide Nodes – Implementation in C++ struct Node { int data; Node *next; }; node data ... node data link end node Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – HCMUT Slide 10 Nodes – Implementation in C++ Node *p = new Node(); p- >data = 5; coutdata; Node ... cou...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 17:20

53 675 2
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 6 -Recursion pot

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 6 -Recursion pot

... Fibonacci(n -1 )+Fibonacci(n -2 ) ) // recursive case End Fibonacci 36 Fibonacci Numbers 37 Fibonacci Numbers 38 Fibonacci Numbers  The recursive program needlessly repeats the same calculations over and ... function PrintReverse if (head = NULL) // stopping case return PrintReverse(head->link) // recursive case write (head- >data) End PrintReverse 21 Factorial: A recursive Definiti...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

85 532 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 7 -Tree pptx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 7 -Tree pptx

... not NULL) AND (subroot- >data. key target) if (target < subroot- >data. key) subroot = subroot->left else subroot = subroot->right return subroot End iterative_Search Target = 22 subroot 47 Search ... (refOperation(ref Data )) inOrderTraverse (refOperation(ref Data )) postOrderTraverse (refOperation(ref Data )) • Breadth-First Traverse: ... recursive_postOrder(subroot->left) recur...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

88 425 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 8: Heaps pptx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 8: Heaps pptx

... underflow else MinData = Data[ 0] Data[ 0] = Data[ count -1 ] count = count - ReheapDown(0, count -1 ) return success End DeleteHeap 16 DeleteHeap (ref MinData ) // Iterative ... InsertElement (val DataIn ) DeleteMin (ref MinData ) RetrieveMin (ref MinData ) RetrieveMax (ref MaxData ) ... array of random data Pre Array of count random data Post Array of data becames a...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

41 619 3
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 10: Sorting docx

... = loop (current < count ) temp = datacurrent walker = current-1 loop (walker >=0) AND (temp.key < datawalker.key) datawalker+1 = datawalker walker = walker -1 datawalker+1 = temp current = current ... loop (current < count) temp = data[ current] walker = current - k loop (walker >=0) AND (temp.key < data[ walker].key) data[ walker + k] = data[ walker] walker = walker – k data[...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

60 539 1
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees pdf

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees pdf

... Concepts Trees Trees and Orchard Lexicographic Search Tree Multiway Trees 10 11 M-Way Search Tree 12 13 14 15 B-Tree 16 17 B-Tree Insertion 18 B-Tree Insertion 19 B-Tree B_Node count data ... subroot->datai - subroot->branchi + = subroot->branchi i = i + subroot- >data position= entry subroot->branch position + 1= rightBranch subroot->count = -subroot->count + End push_in 31 B...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

44 491 0
Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees doc

Data Structures and Algorithms - Chapter 12: Multiway trees doc

... m-1] of entry> end node 17 November 2008 B -Trees • M-way trees are unbalanced • Bayer, R & McCreight, E (1970) created B -Trees Cao Hoang Tru CSE Faculty - HCMUT 17 November 2008 B -Trees • A B-tree ... M-Way Search Trees • Each node has m - data entries and m subtree pointers • The key values in a subtree such that: – >= the key of the left data entry – < the key of the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

31 496 2
Alfred v  aho   data structures and algorithms

Alfred v aho data structures and algorithms

... http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/preface.htm (3 of 3) [1.7.2001 18:57:42] Data Structures and Algorithms: CHAPTER 1: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Design and Analysis of Algorithms ... http://www.ourstillwaters.org/stillwaters/csteaching/DataStructuresAndAlgorithms/mf1201.htm (7 of 37) [1.7.2001 18:58:22] Data Structures...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:32

620 644 0
Sắp xếp Data structures and Algorithms

Sắp xếp Data structures and Algorithms

... Việc phân tích thực recurrence equations Sorting 12 Sắp xếp hòa nhập 29 → 72 → 7→7 2→2 94 → 9→9 4→4 Sắp xếp hòa nhập(Merge-Sort) Thuật toán Sắp xếp hòa nhập (Merge-sort) với dãy S có n phần tử ... Hoạt ộng thuật toán Sắp xếp nhanh(Quick-Sort) mô tả nhị phân Mỗi ỉnh biểu diễn hành ộng ệ quy gọi thủ tục Sắp xếp nhanh(Quick-Sort) lưu giữ Dãy chưa xếp phần tử chốt Dãy ã...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2015, 19:44

45 144 0