bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 monopoly

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch08 competitive supply

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch08 competitive supply

... in the Short Run 8.5 The Competitive Firm’s Short-Run Supply Curve 8.6 The Short-Run Market Supply Curve 8.7 Choosing Output in the Long Run 8.8 The Industry’s Long-Run Supply Curve Chapter 8: ... the presence of only a few firms in a market does not rule out competitive behavior. Chapter 8: Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply 5 of 36 Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

36 2,6K 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch09 competitive markets

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch09 competitive markets

... Analysis of Competitive Markets 9 C H A P T E R Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ã Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Chapter 9: The Analysis of Competitive Markets 2 ... of a Competitive Market 9.3 Minimum Prices 9.4 Price Supports and Production Quotas 9.5 Import Quotas and Tariffs 9.6 The Impact of a Tax or Subsidy Chapter 9: The Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

28 2,5K 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch10 market power

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch10 market power

... Monopoly Power 10.3 Sources of Monopoly Power 10.4 The Social Costs of Monopoly Power 10.5 Monopsony 10.6 Monopsony Power 10.7 Limiting Market Power: The Antitrust Laws Chapter 10: Market Power: ... Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. ● monopoly Market with only one seller. ● monopsony Market with only one buyer. ● market power Ability of a seller or buyer to affect the price of a g...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

50 944 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 pricing

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 pricing

... 8e. INTERTEMPORAL PRICE DISCRIMINATION AND PEAK-LOAD PRICING 11.3 Peak-Load Pricing Peak-Load Pricing Figure 11.8 Demands for some goods and services increase sharply during particular times of ... phone service, which has grown explosively, both in the United States and around the world. Because providers have market power, they must think carefully about profit-maximizing pricing...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

41 804 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch12 imperfect competition

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch12 imperfect competition

... Price Competition 12.4 Competition versus Collusion: The Prisoners’ Dilemma 12.5 Implications of the Prisoners’ Dilemma for Oligopolistic Pricing 12.6 Cartels Chapter 12: Monopolistic Competition ... Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 7 of 35 Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ã Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION 1...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

35 854 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch13 game theory

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch13 game theory

... The Nash Equilibrium Revisited 13.4 Repeated Games 13.5 Sequential Games 13.6 Threats, Commitments, and Credibility 13.7 Entry Deterrence 13.8 Auctions Chapter 13: Game Theory and Competitive ... repetition change the likely outcome of the game? ● repeated game Game in which actions are taken and payoffs received over and over again. Chapter 13: Game Theory and Competitive Strat...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

42 803 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch14 factor markets

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch14 factor markets

... Competitive Factor Markets 14.2 Equilibrium in a Competitive Factor Market 14.3 Factor Markets with Monopsony Power 14.4 Factor Markets with Monopoly Power Chapter 14: Markets for Factor Inputs 3 ... 8e. MARKETS FOR FACTOR INPUTS We will examine three different factor market structures: 1. Perfectly competitive factor markets; 2. Markets in which buyers of facto...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

29 569 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch15 investment, time & capital market

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch15 investment, time & capital market

... 15: Investment, Time, and Capital Markets 3 of 35 Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics • Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. INVESTMENT, TIME, AND CAPITAL MARKETS Capital ... Fernando & Yvonn Quijano Prepared by: Investment, Time, and Capital Markets 15 C H A P T E R Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. ... 15: Investment, Time,...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

35 724 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch16 eqilm & econ efficiency

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch16 eqilm & econ efficiency

... Fernando & Yvonn Quijano Prepared by: General Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency 16 C H A P T E R Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ... Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ã Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. CHAPTER 16 OUTLINE 16.1 General Equilibrium Analysis 16.2 Efficiency in Exchange 16.3 Equity and Efficiency 16.4 Efficiency in Productio...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

37 691 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch17 markets with asymmetric information

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch17 markets with asymmetric information

... by: Markets with Asymmetric Information 17 C H A P T E R Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ã Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Chapter 17: Markets with Asymmetric ... Managerial Incentives in an Integrated Firm 17.6 Asymmetric Information in Labor Markets: Efficiency Wage Theory Chapter 17: Markets with Asymmetric Information...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

28 537 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch18 externality & public goods

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch18 externality & public goods

... Property Rights 18.5 Common Property Resources 18.6 Public Goods 18.7 Private Preferences for Public Goods Chapter 18 Externalities and Public Goods 3 of 35 Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, ... Fernando & Yvonn Quijano Prepared by: Externalities and Public Goods 18 C H A P T E R Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing ... solving Beijing’s problem is to r...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

35 879 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch01 introduction

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch01 introduction

... Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. Preliminaries microeconomics Branch of economics that deals with the behavior of individual economic units—consumers, firms, workers, and investors—as well as the markets that ... Offs Consumers Workers Firms Consumers have limited incomes, which can be spent on a wide variety of goods and services, or saved for the future. Workers also face constraints and make tr...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

17 1,5K 0
slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch02 supply & demand

slide bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch02 supply & demand

... 8e. ELASTICITIES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND 2.4 linear demand curve Demand curve that is a straight line. Linear Demand Curve Linear Demand Curve Figure 2.11 The price elasticity of demand depends not ... of Supply and Demand 7 of 52 Copyright â 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall ã Microeconomics ã Pindyck/Rubinfeld, 8e. SUPPLY AND DEMAND 2.1 The Deman...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2014, 12:56

52 781 1
bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 monopoly

bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 monopoly

... problems 1.granting TV monopoly rights 2.monopolizing by merging 3.Botox: patent monopoly 4.controlling key ingredient 5.price of textbooks 6.Chinese monopoly becomes dominant firm Monopoly ã monopoly: only ... = MC, ã determines the monopoly equilibrium at the profit-maximizing quantity of 1 million vials per year and a price of $400 per vial 25 400 p, $ per vial Q, Millions via...

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2014, 16:09

17 1,7K 0
bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 pricing

bài giảng kinh tế vi mô tiếng anh ch11 pricing

... 8e. INTERTEMPORAL PRICE DISCRIMINATION AND PEAK-LOAD PRICING 11.3 Peak-Load Pricing Peak-Load Pricing Figure 11.8 Demands for some goods and services increase sharply during particular times of ... phone service, which has grown explosively, both in the United States and around the world. Because providers have market power, they must think carefully about profit-maximizing pricing...

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2014, 16:10

41 1,9K 0