... (Levin and Kimball, 19 84; Kimball and FIGURE 4. 7 A typical dose–response curve from ecotoxicology. 100 Percentage Kill 50 0 LD 50 Log Dose of Poison 146 Ecological Engineering: Principles and Practice microcosm ... (g dry wt. m -2 d -1 ) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4. 0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Month Biosphere 2 Florida 156 Ecologica...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 14:20
... 030 94 Colonoscopy 8296 11 310 10 6 14 94 ERCP 9 94 149 5 143 5 96 EGD, esophago-gastro-duodenoscopies; ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. (a) (b) Chapter 18: Preparation for Colonoscopy ... Froehlich and colleagues compared PEG-ELS and SF-ELS and found no taste preference [40 ,42 ]. In a clever attempt to recon- cile the conflicting data concerning taste pref...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:22
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 1 ppsx
... pore 968 (1 98 6) 5.57 7 .12 (1 99 8) 7.43 (1 99 9) 15 .7 16 .8 (Conklin, 20 01; Leonforte, 19 9 8) Red Hook Brooklyn, NY 2.6 (6 0) Diffused 232 (1 98 8) 16 .8 2.49 (1 99 8) 2.29 (1 99 9) 25 24 (Conklin, 20 01; Leonforte, ... (Hildreth, 19 99; Hildreth, et al. 19 9 7) MCUA Sayreville, NJ 6.5 (1 4 7) HPO ãturbine ãsurface 95.5 (...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 2 docx
... Equations (2 .1 8) and (2 .2 4) into (2 .1 7) yields the oxygen flux. (2 .2 5) Multiplying by the interfacial area per unit volume, the change in oxygen concentration with time, similar to Equation (2 .1 0) results. (2 .2 6) Equation ... conditions is defined similar to Equation (2 .4 2) . (2 .5 2) Dividing Equation (2 .5 2) by (2 .4 2) pro...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 3 ppt
... Mid-width TABLE 3. 3 Clean Water Oxygen Transfer Efficiency — Aspirators and Jets Type and Placement Airflow Rate (m 3 N /h/unit) Submergence (m) SOTE (% ) SAE (kg/kWh) Reference Jets Dir 21.1 119 ... calculation TABLE 3. 2 Clean Water Oxygen Transfer Efficiency — Nonporous Diffusers Type and Placement Airflow Rate (m 3 N /h/unit) Submergence (m) SOTE (% ) SAE (kg/kWh) R...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 4 ppt
... h s21 1 () = () + () ⋅∆ SOTE h SOTE h SOTE h h s () = () − () 21 ∆ SOTE h d SOTE h dh SOTE SOTE h zH h Hh SOTE SOTE h h s so S S so () = () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () () 1 1 0 ... h zH h Hh SOTE SOTE h h sso S S so () =⋅− () [] ⋅ +⋅ − () [] +⋅− () [] =⋅− () [] ⋅ () ()...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 5 doc
... diffuser 40hp/1unit 45 (6 0) * 23 (1 1 6) 210 (2 6. 1) — — 1 .55 (2 .5 5) Field/d = 9.2 m gas flow = 420 scfm Stenstrom, 1989 ST Draft tube turbine/75hp 2 units 123 (1 6 5) * 60 (8 0) 106 (1 4 2) 182 (2 4 4) 24 (1 1 0) 11 (5 3) 20 ... turbine /50 hp 1unit 45 (6 0) 22 (3 0) 16 (8 0) 7 (4 0) 69 (8 . 6)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 6 pdf
... LLC FIGURE 6. 21 Effect of depth on aeration tank diameter for I-SO ™ design example using three aeration tanks each with a 29.8 kW (4 0 hp) motor, 0 .61 m (2 4 in) impeller and a 3 .66 m (1 2 ft) off ... efficiencies in aeration tanks (Okun and Lynn, 195 6) . In 1953, Budd and Lambeth (1 95 7), under the auspices of Dorr-Oliver, conducted studies on a 55– 160 m 3 /...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 7 pot
... conditions. (7 .1 5) FIGURE 7. 6 Off-gas analysis schematic. C ∞ * V dC dt G C GC K a V C C G G GGL f L f L =− () −− () ∞ 00 * OTE GC GC GC KaV C C w OTR w f GG G L f L f L o f o = − = − () = ∞ 00 00 * ... C i i n RRi i n L f iR f R f L ff R == = − − () − () =− () == ∞ ∞ ∑∑ 11 11 0 , * * Steady-state overall tank value...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
AERATION: Principles and Practice ( VOLUME 11 ) - Chapter 9 (end) ppt
... will be most effective. The manual of practice FD-13 (WPCF, 198 8) and the EPA fine pore aeration design manual (EPA, 198 9) provide an excellent data base and biblio- graphy on experiences with porous ... between initial investment and long-term operation and maintenance (O and M) expenditures. Many long-term O and M expenditures are determined by the capabilities and con...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
banking principles and practice volume 1 elements of money, credit, and banking
... Conn. December 6, 19 21. CONTENTS VOLUME I ELEMENTS OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING Chapter Page I Metallic Money 3 Relation of Money and Banking Principles The First Exchanges Primary Functions of Money Minor ... correlation of banking theory and banking practice, giving in the first volume the underlying theory of money, credit, and banking as a p...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 10:52
banking principles and practice volume 2 the banking system of the united states
... financial and commercial world. 2l6 BANKING SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES The Second Bank of the United States After the dissolution of the first Bank of the United States and during the war against Great Britain, the money ... at his demand, but not oftener than once a week. The Secretary of the Treasury had the right to inspect the books...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 10:56
banking principles and practice volume 4 domestic banking— earning assets
... FIVE VOLUMES VOLUME IV DOMESTIC BANKING EARNING ASSETS NEW YORK THE RONALD PRESS COMPANY 1921 Copyright, 192 1, by The Ronald Press Company All Rights Reserved HG CONTENTS VOLUME IV DOMESTIC BANKING EARNING ASSETS Chapter Page XLII ... a Trust Department The Savings Department FORMS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 33. Loan Envelope for Securities (face) 838 34. Substitution...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 11:00
banking principles and practice volume 3 domestic banking—cash and deposit operations
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 11:05
banking principles and practice
... details of execution. 8. To present an intimate correlation of banking theory and banking practice, giving in the first volume the underlying theory of money, credit, and banking as a prerequisite to an effective presentation in the ... Comptroller's Examiners National Bank Reports -Powers and Duties XVI Domestic and Foreign Branch Banking 296 Branch Banking Within th...
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 11:19