Studying on the actual status of the vegetation cover and the process of natural forest recovery in Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province (Nghiên cứu hiện trạng thảm thực vật và quá trình phục hồi rừng tự nhiên ở huyện Vị Xuyên, tỉnh Hà Giang)

a study on malnutritional situation, some relevant factors and proposed solutions to under fives children at viet yen district - bac giang province, 2006-2008

a study on malnutritional situation, some relevant factors and proposed solutions to under fives children at viet yen district - bac giang province, 2006-2008

... nutrition status and intestinal parasitological infection in children. Then, the appropriate solutions will be suggested contributing to the malnutrition prevention and control initiatives in Vietnam. ... anemia during the 6 month duration of the study were also treated and excluded to the study then inform to the local health department to continuing monitor....

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 13:57

25 453 0
Analysis on the Optimal Dispatching of Mixed-pump Stations and the Operating-mode Adaptability Based on Safety Water Supply

Analysis on the Optimal Dispatching of Mixed-pump Stations and the Operating-mode Adaptability Based on Safety Water Supply

... time, many constrains were added into the optimization model to satisfy the actual demand. In China, the pump status and ratios of the variable speed pumps have been taken as decision variables ... speed. In this sense, the energy consumption can be reduced. The key of energy saving is to determine the best speed ratio according to the actual demand of wat...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:38

8 461 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Mutations in the docking site for cytochrome c on the Paracoccus heme aa3 oxidase Electron entry and kinetic phases of the reaction pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Mutations in the docking site for cytochrome c on the Paracoccus heme aa3 oxidase Electron entry and kinetic phases of the reaction pptx

... the contribution of additional charge(s) located on the two further subunits of the native oxidase. In focussing on the main interaction domain on subunit II, we introduced additional mutations ... down- shifts the transition considerably, also in the context of the above subunit criterion. Binding of F v to the subunit II epitope has a profound effect on...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 07:20

9 457 1
Báo cáo khoa học: On the mechanism of a-amylase Acarbose and cyclodextrin inhibition of barley amylase isozymes pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: On the mechanism of a-amylase Acarbose and cyclodextrin inhibition of barley amylase isozymes pdf

... of the control and to the compartment containing AMY1 in the sample cell. The AMY1 concentration in the control cell was adjusted accordingly by addition of buffer. Spectra were recorded in the ... carbonate containing 1.8 m M cupric sulfate and 0.2 M glycine (500 lL)andkeptonice[36].Therate of hydrolysis of amylose and rDP18-maltodextrin was obtained from the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

9 438 0
Báo cáo khoa học: On peptide bond formation, translocation, nascent protein progression and the regulatory properties of ribosomes ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: On peptide bond formation, translocation, nascent protein progression and the regulatory properties of ribosomes ppt

... LacZ-alpha protein [72], indicating that the elongation arrest is independent of the sequence context. Mutations in the 23S ribosomal RNA in the vicinity of the double hook binding or in the b-hairpin ... inclination of the tip of the b-hairpin [3,7]. This b-hairpin maintains its length in all species, whereas insertions as well as deletions exist in other re...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:22

14 337 0
Customary law of the lach ethnic group in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province and it's influence on modern life

Customary law of the lach ethnic group in Lac Duong district, Lam Dong province and it's influence on modern life

... role of society managing and controlling instrument; or in other words, instructing, adjusting, stabilizing the social relationships (among individuals, between individual and community and ... (stipulation on criminal behavior, crimes, evident, justice and penalties, etc.). On the other hand, it is figured with the characters of customs (conventions and ethic a...

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 17:13

28 413 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Investigation of some social factors on the evolution of Avian Influenza (AI) and Foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Investigation of some social factors on the evolution of Avian Influenza (AI) and Foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam" ppsx

... some of the basic agents, focusing on social factors on the evolution of Avian Influenza (AI) as well as Foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Luong Son, Hoa Binh province. The study surveyed investigation, ... veterinary services. We hope the local authorities, including veterinary services, will do their best to prevent the spread dangerous of AI and FMD. 4. CONCL...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20

7 349 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"The relationship between vegetation management and the wood and pulping properties of a Eucalyptus hybrid clone" pdf

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"The relationship between vegetation management and the wood and pulping properties of a Eucalyptus hybrid clone" pdf

... procedures and interpretation of the results obtained from the pulp and paper tests. J. Male, A. Havenga, J. Retief and D. Gama of the Forestry and Forest Products section of CSIR for the testing of the ... by clone interaction series of Eucalyptus grandis in the summer rainfall areas of South Africa, in: International Union of Forestry Research Organisa...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

8 387 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The physiological status of Douglas fir seedlings and the field performance of freshly lifted and cold stored stock Conor." ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "The physiological status of Douglas fir seedlings and the field performance of freshly lifted and cold stored stock Conor." ppt

... March. In Ireland deharden- ing began slowly in early February. In the mild lifting season of 1994/1995, seedlings were less cold hardy than in other years. Cold hardiness ... can respond in a similar manner in the nursery provided that ambient environmental conditions are not limiting. In the final 2 years of the study, the root...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21

10 172 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertiliser on the growth and nutrient relations of Prunus avium L and ’Colt’ (Prunus avium x Prunus pseudocerasus) in the nursery and after transplantation" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertiliser on the growth and nutrient relations of Prunus avium L and ’Colt’ (Prunus avium x Prunus pseudocerasus) in the nursery and after transplantation" doc

... any of the miner- als in the stem and shoots (fig 4). Early in the season the concentrations of N and Ca in the stems and shoots of ’Colt’ were greater than in P avium. ... irrigation has been shown to increase the concentration of extractable P in the soil (Bacon and Davey, 1992) and the concentration of P in the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:21

13 358 0