fifty major economists a reference guide phần 1 potx

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 1 potx

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 1 potx

... Galbraith (19 08–) 15 3 Milton Friedman (19 12–) 15 7 Paul Samuelson (19 15–) 16 2 Franco Modigliani (19 18–) 16 7 James M.Buchanan (19 19–) 17 0 Douglass Cecil North (19 20–) 17 4 Kenneth J.Arrow (19 21 ) ... ix Thomas Mun (15 71 16 41) 1 William Petty (16 23 16 87) 4 John Locke (16 32 17 04) 7 Richard Cantillon (16 87? 17 34?) 10 François Quesnay (16 94 17 74) 13 David Hume (17...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

22 223 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 2 pps

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 2 pps

... would make tax payments each year arbitrary rather than certain. A third principle of taxation was that taxes should be levied at a time, and in a manner, that is most convenient for people to pay. The current ... disrespect all laws and thereby harm social relationships as well as economic relationships. After reading Bentham’s book, Adam Smith was persuaded that his support of usury l...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 262 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 3 pps

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 3 pps

... Given the many important conceptual and analytical advances he made, and given the mathematical nature of these advances, it is surprising that his reputation has not been much greater. In part, this ... domestically less the 10 0 traded for cars). Here all the gains from specialization and trade go to Japan. On the other hand, if Japan trades 15 0 cars to the US for 10 0 tons of rice, all...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 210 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 4 pps

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... his mathematical economics, Walras supported himself as a newspaper columnist and as an administrator for a railway company. Finally, his efforts began to pay off. In 18 70 he received a teaching position ... Press, 19 75 Works about Marshall Groenewegen, Peter, A Soaring Eagle: Alfred Marshall 18 42 19 24, Brookfield, Vermont, Edward Elgar, 19 95 Keynes, John Maynard, “Alfred Mar...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 212 0
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... already regarded as one of the leading mathematical economists of his day, and Yale immediately hired him as an economics professor. Many accolades and awards soon followed. In 19 18 Fisher was elected ... Barons: The Great American Capitalists, 18 61 19 01, New York, Harcourt Brace, 19 34 VILFREDO PARETO (18 48 19 23) Vilfredo Pareto (pronounced pa-RAY-tow) is remembered by economis...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 276 0
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... became enraged and called it “an act of true and real sabotage of Italian finance” (Kaldor 19 85, p. 618 ). Mussolini contacted Sraffa’s father, insisting on a full and complete retraction. Sraffa ... psychological, historical, sociological, and cultural factors as the cause of these changes. Myrdal was born in 18 98 in the village of Solvarbo, a rural, farming area in central Sweden. H...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 262 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 7 pdf

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... out, all his statistical work was driven by a “deep-seated concern for human welfare and a conviction that scientific, mathematical analysis can be combined with a broader humanistic approach.” Tinbergen ... that there is always a rational course of action for two players in a game. The rational course of action may be to use a pure strategy (always making the same choice) or a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 277 0
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... Quarterly Journal of Economics 51, 1 (19 37), pp. 337– 51 The Structure of the American Economy, 19 19– 19 29: An Empirical Application of Equilibrium Analysis, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 19 41 “Wages, ... work, and their practitioners are knowledgeable and skilled in data gathering and analysis. These other disciplines can therefore teach economists a great deal about t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 206 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 9 ppsx

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 9 ppsx

... writings have also had a clear policy slant. He has opposed all government programs that are obtrusive to individual decision-making. Friedman (19 75) has argued against wage and price controls, against ... predictions actually be tested against an alternative, null hypothesis that some factor was not important. This was to be done by gathering relevant historical data and then analyzing t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

21 219 0
fifty major economists a reference guide phần 10 pptx

fifty major economists a reference guide phần 10 pptx

... for political anarchism. A second major contribution by Arrow was to prove mathematically that a general equilibrium existed. As far back as Walras and Pareto, and possibly as far back as Quesnay, economists ... that child #1 prefers Aladdin to Barney and Barney to Cinderella; that child #2 prefers Barney to Cinderella and Cinderella to Aladdin; and that child #3 prefers Cinderella t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:21

30 252 0
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