Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 4 ppsx
... Group Inc. is prohibited. graphics and images stored in standard data compress formats such as “bitmaps” and “jpegs” used to transmit data-intensive images and other digital media. For e-commerce ... Social Action. London: UCL Press. Forno, R. and Feinbloom, W. (2001). PKI: A question of trust and value. Communications of the ACM, 44 (6). Jones, S. and Wilikens, M. (2000). Trus...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... 10.92 4. 89 T ransport equipment 3,999 46 .96 1.63 7.15 2.58 S cientific equipment 2, 243 48 .02 4. 01 14. 00 3.97 R epair of capital goods 2, 240 25.89 0.80 1.96 0.36 E lectricity 3, 644 64. 71 0.93 ... 13.37 0 .41 0.95 1.09 B asic metal/alloys 6,915 41 . 94 0.93 3.69 1.72 M etal products 8, 243 31.68 0.92 2.86 1.01 M achinery/equipment 8,203 44 .46 2.12 5.63 2.66 E lectric ma...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... engineering campus 344 digital identity 105 digital processes 63 digital product elements 160 digital products 1 54, 155 digital revolution 63, 99 digital signature 110, 112, 115, 125 digital signature ... (DTP) 140 development of e-commerce 273 dhabas 240 differential pricing 157 diffusion rates 72 digital brands 137 digital cash 84, 85, 86 digital cash system 89 digit...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 1 pps
... were guided by the quality, relevance and coverage of the vital issues and proper analysis and depiction of the impacts, influences and challenges of the digital economy. The brief TLFeBOOK iii In ... Data Digital economy : impacts, influences, and challenges / Harbhajan Kehal, editor, Varinder P. Singh, editor. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 2 pps
... 13.56 12 .46 9. 04 11 .45 8.75 10.68 8.56 11. 64 10.88 Vodafone 4. 83 8. 94 8.61 8 .49 6.85 7.97 6.18 6 .46 6 .44 7. 84 7.26 Nextel 9.95 17.56 15 .41 15.88 ... Argentina 7.08 14. 92 13 .48 13.07 10.82 14. 25 9.02 9 .46 10 .43 14. 87 11. 74 Telefonica del Peru 6.70 11.33 10. 64 10.27 9.70 12.30 10.05...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 3 docx
... 1999 48 ,300,000 59 1998 46 ,530,000 57 1997 45 ,200,000 55 1996 44 ,200,000 54 1995 42 ,000,000 51 19 94 39,900,000 49 1993 37,500,000 46 1992 35,800,000 44 1991 33,700,000 42 ... demand unstable. The influence of digital cash was considered from the cash-supply side and from the demand side in a) and b) of this section. Then, the shift of the multiplier...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 5 potx
... strand of literature (Conner and Rumelt (1991), Takeyama (19 94) , Slive and Bernhardt (1998), Shy and Thisse (1999)) provides us with the unconventional wisdom on the issue of software TLFeBOOK Digital ... are: P * O = () q q q θ 3 4 12 −− − (4) P * P = () q q qq θ 3 4 1 −− − (5) Equilibrium demands are: −− − − = qq q D O θ θ θ 34 22 1 1 * (6) q q D P θ 3 4...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 6 docx
... 5,769,000 4. 9 A sia – South & Central ( 14) 4, 065,000 3 .4 A sia – Southeast (11) 11,182,000 9 .4 A sia – Southwest (17) 6,273,000 5.3 P acific Islands (11) 41 0,000 .3 A ustralia and New Zealand ... Pantheon. Hargittai, E. and Centeno, M.A. (2001). Developing a Global Geography. American Behavioral Scientist, 44 (10), 1 541 -1 544 . Janelle, D.G. and Hodge, D.C. (Eds.)...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 8 pot
... 17,075 18,602 17,685 19, 243 19,195 19,711 PC Café 14, 0 04 14, 235 16 ,40 9 16,681 15,970 12, 845 13,065 11 ,45 0 10 ,44 7 1Q_01 2Q_01 3Q_01 4Q_01 1Q_02 2Q_02 3Q_02 4Q_02 1Q_03 TLFeBOOK Internet ... 1 4 6. 7 3 4 9. 3 3 9 13.9 4 9 20. 7 Video 39. 8 3 5 43 . 0 8 49 .0 1 4 55 .4 1 3 62. 0 Arcade 60. 5 2 1 75. 6 2 5 98.2 3 0 129.0 3 1 170....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Digital Economy: Impacts, Influences and Challenges 2005 phần 9 potx
... 2 3 4 5 China 7 0.02 74 1 84 7 Japan 272 11.03 49 4 2 14 2 14 Korea (South) 150 4. 22 46 7 345 378 Taiwan 178 16.71 543 372 206 Hong Kong 310 20.09 5 84 538 362 Singapore 344 13 .45 46 5 525 ... (South) 47 8,910 17,300 Taiwan 22 14, 000 N.A. Hong Kong 7 25,920 25,590 Singapore 4 24, 740 24, 910 Indonesia 210 570 2,830 Vietnam 79 390 2,000 Philippines 76 1, 040...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20