Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 7 potx
... 31K 0.3 K 1.8 = 31(186) 3 42 3 = 2, 692.481 K = 80. 471 179 (4) Substituting (4) into (1) L 0.25 = 42 186 (80. 471 179 ) 0 .7 = 4. 871 7455 L = (L 0.25 ) 4 = (4. 871 7455) 4 = 563.29822 Therefore, first-order conditions suggest ... p 1 q 1 + p 2 q 2 = p 1 (5 17 − 3.5p 1 + 0.8p 2 ) + p 2 (77 0 − 4.4p 2 + 1.4p 1 ) = 517p 1 − 3.5p 2 1 + 0.8p 1 p 2 + 77 0p 2 − 4.4p 2 2 + 1.4p 1 p 2 = 517p 1 −...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... on Table 3.1 Student no. 12345 678 9101112 Height (cm) 178 175 170 166 168 185 169 189 175 181 177 180 Weight (kg) 72 68 58 52 55 82 55 86 70 71 65 68 © 1993, 2003 Mike Rosser 8.Yousell900sharesviayourbrokerwhochargesaflatrateofcommissionof£20 onalltransactionsoflessthan£1,000.Yourbankaccountiscreditedwith£340 fromthesharesale.Whatpricewereyoursharessoldat? 9.Yournetmonthlysalaryis£1,950.Yo...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... 4. 17 TR = 80 - 0.2Q^2 2 3 Q TR 4 0 0 5 20 1520 6 40 2880 7 60 4080 8 80 5120 9 100 6000 10 120 672 0 11 140 72 80 12 160 76 80 13 180 79 20 14 200 8000 15 220 79 20 16 240 76 80 17 260 ... schedule. Thus p = 375 − 2.5q = 375 − 2.5 320 − 55t 6.5 + 4t = 2,4 37. 5 + 1,500t − 800 + 1 37. 5t 6.5 + 4t = 1,6 37. 5 + 1,6 37. 5t 6.5 + 4t = 1,6 37. 5(1 + t) 6.5 + 4t To che...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 4 pdf
... 35.5 -2 97 10 3 - 37 14 -598 25 - 675 36 -268 11 3.5 -73 14.5 -612 25.5 -6 67 36.5 -238 12 4 -108 15 -625 26 -658 37 -2 07 13 4.5 -142 15.5 -6 37 26.5 -648 37. 5 - 175 14 5 - 175 16 -648 27 -6 37 38 ... 15 5.5 -2 07 16.5 -658 27. 5 -625 38.5 -108 16 6 -238 17 -6 67 28 -612 39 -73 17 6.5 -268 17. 5 - 675 28.5 -598 39.5 - 37 18 7 -2 97 18 -682 29 -583 40 0 19 7. 5 -3...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 5 ppt
... 20000 7% 177 06. 57 8 4 25000 8% 14864. 67 9 5 25000 9% 12152.86 10 6 12000 10% 9563.64 11 11% 70 90.04 12 IRR = 14.14% 12% 472 5.54 13 13% 2464.06 14 14% 299.94 15 15% - 177 2.14 16 16% - 375 7.14 17 17% ... 1.26% 388. 47 10 16.50% 1.28% 389.30 11 16 .75 % 1.30% 390.13 12 17. 00% 1.32% 390.95 13 17. 25% 1.33% 391 .78 14 17. 50% 1.35% 392.61 15 17. 75% 1. 37% 393.43 16 18.00% 1....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 8 docx
... 13 3 144. 375 26.95 4.92 14 4 203.4 375 19. 57 -7. 38 15 5 114.84 375 30.64 11. 07 16 6 2 47. 73438 14.03 -16.61 17 7 48.398438 38.95 24.92 18 8 3 47. 40234 1. 57 - 37. 38 19 9 -101.10352 57. 64 56.06 ... 20K 0.5 L 0.25 R 0.4 = 20(23. 47) 0.5 (23. 47) 0.25 (75 .1) 0.4 = 1,200 The cheapest cost level for producing this output will therefore be 20K + 10L + 5R = 20(23.4) + 10(23...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 9 ppsx
... 277 .96 3 87. 96 13 3 272 .78 382 .78 14 4 269. 67 379 . 67 15 5 2 67. 80 377 .80 16 6 266.68 376 .68 17 7 266.01 376 .01 18 8 265.60 375 .60 19 9 265.36 375 .36 20 10 265.22 375 .22 21 11 265.13 375 .13 ... 265.13 375 .13 22 12 265.08 375 .08 23 13 265.05 375 .05 24 14 265.03 375 .03 25 15 265.02 375 .02 26 16 265.01 375 .01 27 17 265.01 375 .01 28 18 265.00 375 .00 T...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc
... 2. 2 3. 0.2 4. 7 5. 2.44948 97 6. 96 7. 10 8. 5. 278 0316 9. 0.03423 10. 87. 977 8 57 2.10 1. 270 ,818.98 2. 220.9 478 3. 2.8563 ×10 9 4. 1. 572 8 ×10 8 5. 1.2683 6. 16,552, 877 7. 93.696 376 8. 4.38228 9. ... 2. £314 .70 3. £ 17, 623.16 4. 74 4 .71 5. £40,441.40 6. £5,030.03 7. 2 1. £43 ,74 7.41;12.68% 2. £501,159 .74 ; 7. 44% 3. (a) APR 11.35% 4. £2,083.61; 19.25% 5. £625; 5.09% 6....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20