head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 9 potx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 2 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 2 ppsx

... it. 1 Main kicks off a Cocoa Touch Application. The standard main( ) kicks off a Cocoa Touch UIApplicationMain, which uses the information in your application’s Info.plist file to figure out what ... each other. you are here 4 61 iPhone app patterns Delegate or datasource?Picker characteristic (or method) Match each picker characteristic to where it belongs the delegate or...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 366 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 3 potx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 3 potx

... sending a message.  Arguments can have an internal and external name.  Use a “-” to indicate an instance method; use “+” to indicate a static method. you are here 4 99 objective- c for the iPhone Auto-generated ... and the one after the type? A: In Objective- C you can have a public name and a local name for arguments. The public name becomes part...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 464 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 4 doc

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 4 doc

... NavigationController to push the new view controller onto the view stack. Let’s put all of this together by creating the callback into the delegate and creating the new view controller to push onto the stack: // ... Stinger Cupid’s Mojito Miami Vice Captain ecracker Captain The tableview takes the new cell and scrolls it in As the user scrolls, some cells slid...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 400 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 5 docx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 5 docx

... left and right buttons for save and cancel. This time we’ll build the buttons in code. Create the save and cancel buttons Since both the save and cancel buttons need to dismiss the modal view, ... update the @"name" to the new constant, NAME_KEY. 1 The view controller needs direct access to the datasource, and the easiest way to get to that data is...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 365 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 6 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 6 ppsx

... a Cocoa technique called NSCoding. Any objects you want to load an save must conform to the NSCoding protocol, which includes initWithCoder and encodeWithCoder method— basically, load and ... a drink to add to the list (it’s the new house drink in the Head First Lounge). Red-Headed School Girl Canadian whiskey Cream soda Add the whiskey, then the cream sod...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 430 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 7 ppsx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 7 ppsx

... icons to the tab bar tabs? A: Absolutely. The easiest way is to pick a standard icon using Interface Builder. To do that, click on the question mark icon on the tab you want to change, then change ... with the application icon earlier). There are a couple of peculiarities with Tab Bar icons, though: they should be 30 x30 and the alpha values in the icon are use...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 452 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 8 docx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 8 docx

... inspector. To get the simulated navigation bar, in the Inspector set the top bar, simulated interface element to “Navigation Bar”. you are here 4 35 9 tab bars and core data Copy the database to the correct ... to our data. It keeps track of active Managed Objects.  The Managed Object Context is part of the Core Data stack that handles reading and writing our da...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 433 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 9 potx

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 9 potx

... an app is that it can work on all devices that can run apps, which for now includes the iPod Touch and the iPhone. Part of the approval process for apps is that they are checked for compatibility ... different The simulator doesn’t have a camera! Right! And neither does an iPod Touch. The simulator is reacting to the fact that you are asking for the camera and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

54 449 0
head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 10 pps

head first iphone development a learners guide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 10 pps

... instance you can access. Like many other iPhone OS classes, the UAccelerometer has a delegate protocol, UIAccelerometerDelegate, that declares a single method for receiving acceleration information. ... *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration; To receive acceleration information you simply need to tell the accelerometer about the delegate and how fre...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

63 354 0
head first iphone development a learnersguide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 1 docx

head first iphone development a learnersguide to creating objective c applications for the iphone 3 phần 1 docx

... Development Head First JavaScript Head First Physics Head First Statistics Head First Ajax Head First Rails Head First Algebra Head First PHP & MySQL Head First PMP Head First Web Design Head First ... textField and the controller. Renee is catching on 90 Make room for custom input 91 Header files describe the interface to your class...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:21

55 329 0
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