the giant black book of computer viruses phần 5 pot

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 5 pot

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 5 pot

... function and then disassemble it. the virus is run. Thus, all of Developer A and Developer B’s clients could suffer loss from the virus, regardless of whether or not they developed software of their ... very hypothetical, though I got the feeling some of these guys were trying these ideas out. Looking back, I don’t know if the discussion was just born of intellectual curiosi...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 3 potx

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 3 potx

... free at the time of the ;execution of the boot sector. ORG 050 0H DISK_BUF: DB ? ;Start of the buffer ;Here is the start of the boot sector code. This is the chunk we will take out ;of the compiled ... SEC_SIZE - 1]/SEC_SIZE and the size of the file in sectors. The file size in bytes is stored at offset 1CH from the start of the directory entry at 0000...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 4 potx

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 4 potx

... writes. First, DEVIRUS finds the end of the host file and uses that as the offset for the new STRAT routine, writing this value into the header. Next it hides the address of the old STRAT routine internally ... DPMI function 7. 4. Set the limit (size) of the new segment using DPMI function 8. This is just the size of the memory we allocated above. 5. Set the a...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 6 pot

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 6 pot

... data at the end of the file where the virus is hiding, the virus can defeat the read, or simply truncate it so that only the host is read. If the read requests data at the beginning of the file, ... relative to the end of the file using Function 42H, Subfunction 2 must be adjusted to be relative to the end of the host. The virus handles this by first doing...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 7 pot

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 7 pot

... moves the ;base of the hardware interrupts for the 8 259 from 8 to NEW_INT_LOC. It also ;masks all interrupts off for the 8 259 . CHANGE_INTS: mov al,0FFH ;mask all interrupt controller ints off Right ... such techniques in the early 90’s. Some of the first viruses which employed such tech- niques were the 1260 or V2P2 series of viruses. Before long, a Bulgarian who ca...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 8 pot

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 8 pot

... You’ve got 50 EXEs in the directory where the file is missing, and you don’t have integrity data for any of them anymore. You scan them, sure, but the scanner turns up nothing. Why was the file ... Are any of the programs in that directory now infected? It can be real hard to say. So most users just tell the integrity checker to rebuild the file and then they go about their...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 1 ppsx

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 1 ppsx

... far. Not so, the computer virus, because it attaches itself to otherwise useful programs. The computer user will execute these programs in the normal course of using the computer, and the virus ... autonomous from man was the science fiction of the 1 950 ’s and 1960’s. However, with computer viruses it has become the reality of the 1990’s. Just the idea that...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 2 pdf

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 2 pdf

... relative to the start of the code in the EXE file. This is relocated by DOS at load time. 18H 2 Reloc Tbl Offset Offset of the start of the relocation table from the start of the file, in ... number of bytes in the final 51 2 byte page of the file (see Page Count). 4 2 Page Count The number of 51 2 byte pages in the file. The last page may only b...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 9 pdf

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 9 pdf

... 133,93,89,131,167,67,43,29,191,139,27,246,21,246,148,130,130,172,137, 60 ,53 ,238,216, 159 ,208,84,39,130, 25, 153 ,59 ,0,1 95, 230,37 ,52 ,2 05, 81,32,120, 220,148,2 45, 239,2,6 ,59 ,1 45, 20,237,14,149,146, 252 ,133,18 ,5, 206,227, 250 , 193, 45, 129,137,84, 159 , 159 ,166,69,161,242,81,190 ,54 ,1 85, 196 ,58 , 151 ,49, ... 146,196,201,106,37,71,129, 151 ,63,137,166,6,89,80,240,140,88,1...
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the giant black book of computer viruses phần 10 doc

the giant black book of computer viruses phần 10 doc

... follows: al=0 moves the pointer relative to the beginning of the file, al=1 moves the pointer relative to the current location, al=2 moves the pointer relative to the end of the file. Function ... Hydroxide virus. ; (C) 19 95 by The King of Hearts, All rights reserved. ;Licensed to American Eagle Publications, Inc. for use in The Giant Black Book ;of Compute...
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