computer network internet security phần 4 pdf

computer network internet security phần 4 pdf

computer network internet security phần 4 pdf

... the 15th National Computer Security Conference. Baltimore, MD, Vol. 1, October 15, 1992. pp. 244 -251. Fites, P., and M. Kratz. "Policy Development." Information Systems Security: A Practitioner's Reference. ... 1993. pp. 41 1 -42 7. Lobel, J. "Establishing a System Security Policy." Foiling the System Breakers. New York, NY:McGraw-Hill, 1986. pp. 57-95. Menku...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 305 0
computer network internet security phần 1 pptx

computer network internet security phần 1 pptx

... 113 4. 1.0.6 Process 7 - Accept Residual Risk 1 14 4.2 RCMP GUIDE TO THREAT AND RISK ASSESSMENT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 14 4.2.1 Introduction 1 14 4.2.2 Process 1 14 Preparation 115 4. 2.2.1 ... Command 240 10.3.2 The /var/log/ syslog File 241 10.3.3 The /var/adm/ messages File 242 10.3 .4 The “netstat” Command 243 10 .4 DETECTING A SNIFFER 243 10 .4. 1 The “ifconfig...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

33 383 0
computer network internet security phần 2 ppt

computer network internet security phần 2 ppt

... storm, although the computer system may be functional. 2.2 .4. 4 MALICIOUS HACKERS Hackers, sometimes called crackers, are a real and present danger to most organizational computer systems linked by networks. ... data. Many programs, especially those designed by users for personal computers, lack quality control measures. However, 44 44 Finally, your legal counsel should evaluate your s...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 241 0
computer network internet security phần 3 pptx

computer network internet security phần 3 pptx

... may periodically leave the network (e.g., by crashing, or by being disconnected) and then rejoin; 4. Network configuration aspects that can impact the security of the network system; (For example, ... by comparing the reduction in risk with the cost to achieve it. 848 4 2. 14. 9 Cost Considerations Costs associated with physical security measures range greatly. Useful generalizati...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 289 0
computer network internet security phần 5 ppt

computer network internet security phần 5 ppt

... 1989. [STIE85] Steinauer, Dennis D.; Security of Personal Computer Systems: A 141 141 Firewall Security Risk 4 recommended choice 3 effective option 2 acceptable 1 minimal security 0 unacceptable Firewall ... services is logged. Summary and exception reports will be prepared for the network and security managers. 146 146 5.5 .4. 5 Documentation It is important that the opera...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 281 0
computer network internet security phần 6 pps

computer network internet security phần 6 pps

... predisposed that there is a real firewall in the network path BEFORE the system being accessed (running network security firewall software) 1 641 64 to access the corporate facilities plus supply ... network environments. True, functional network security must be a layered approach and use different types of security technologies to ensure proper control over data as it moves a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 316 0
computer network internet security phần 7 ppsx

computer network internet security phần 7 ppsx

... second example concerns the incident whereby a network worm used the collection of networks known as the Internet to spread itself to several thousands of computers located throughout the United States. ... jeopardizing network security. The access control is what ultimately distinguishes the level of security among VPN solutions. Without being able to control exactly who has access...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 323 0
computer network internet security phần 8 docx

computer network internet security phần 8 docx

... correct authorization. NT Security Subsystem The Windows NT security model is based on the following components: Local Security Authority (LSA) Security Account Manager (SAM) Security Reference Monitor ... hierarchy. 9.2.5 C2 Security Requirements for a C2 compliant system are defined by the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) of the United States Department of Defense, i...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 302 0
computer network internet security phần 9 ppt

computer network internet security phần 9 ppt

... firewall concepts, network security concepts, advanced network security technologies and security management must be undertaken. Failure to provide adequate 269269 Appendix H: Network Terms Glossary AAL ... files. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) A formal organization operated by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and dedicated to addressing...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

32 321 0
computer network internet security phần 10 pot

computer network internet security phần 10 pot

... aggregate bandwidth of 8 .44 8 Mbps. E-3 A multiplexed circuit that combines 16 E-1 circuits and has an aggregate bandwidth of 34. 368 Mbps. E -4 A multiplexed circuit that combines 64 E-1 circuits and ... providers meeting at a NAP is facilitated. 291291 IPv4 An acronym for Internet protocol version 4. IPv4 Address An IP address based on IPv4. These addresses consist of 32 bits (0 thro...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 18:20

36 250 0