Báo cáo sinh học: "Prion gene (PRNP) haplotype variation in United States goat breeds (Open Access publication)" ppsx
... Original article Prion gene (PRNP) haplotype variation in United States goat breeds (Open Access publication) Stephen WHITE 1,2 * , Lynn HERRMANN-HOESING 1,2 , Katherine O’R OURKE 1,2 , ... annually in the United States and rely heavily upon PRNP genotyping of sheep. Genetic resistance might reduce goat scrapie and limit the risk of goats serving as a scrapie...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
... scheme. OBTAINING THE MARGINAL DISTRIBUTIONS USING GIBBS SAMPLING Gibbs sampling In many Bayesian problems, marginal distributions are often needed to make ap- propriate inferences. ... full conditional densities in this case are in families, such as normal and inverted x2, where generating random numbers is not exceedingly complicated. The limiti...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 20:20
... were present in most of the time points (or all of the time points for donor A) within the respective individual but were not seen in any other individual. Overall, despite dif- ferences in HIV-1 genetic ... 2B) topologies were distinct suggesting that the nonsynonymous changes in the tat genes may have some bearing on the genetic relationship between tat clones from a single individu...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "SERCA2a gene transfer improves electrocardiographic performance in aged mdx mice" pdf
... (reviewed in [1]). Dystrophin is a large sub-sarcolemmal protein that plays a critical role in maintaining sarcolemma integrity. In a dystrophin-defi- cient heart, myocardial contraction results in ... (1:100 dilution). Histopathology examination General heart histology was evaluated by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain ing. Cardiac fibrosis was exami ned by Masson trichrome staining a...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Reference gene selection for quantitative real-time PCR analysis in virus infected cells: SARS corona virus, Yellow fever virus, Human Herpesvirus-6, Camelpox virus and Cytomegalovirus infections" doc
... it is an unsuitable reference gene in virus infected cells. The actin gene shows significant variations with increasing degree of infection. The best genes obtained from all three calculation ... out to be the best refer- ence genes in virus infected cells. These genes are a good point to start reference gene selection in gene expression studies in virus infection experiments....
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Báo cáo sinh học: " Identification of a truncated nucleoprotein in avian metapneumovirus-infected cells encoded by a second AUG, in-frame to the full-length gene" potx
... carboxy terminus of the full-length N protein, suggesting that N2 may not be involved in the polymerase complex. However the domains responsible for RNA binding of N-N and N-P binding remain intact, suggesting ... nucleus of infected cells. Mapping of several paramyxovirus N proteins, including Sendai and measles virus, indicated that the N protein has two major domains; the amino terminal...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Does gene dosage really matter" ppsx
... of different mammalian lineages independently; for instance, genes that escape X inactivation in humans do not necessarily escape in the mouse. Is a similar process shaping the transcriptional ... chromosomes have a phenotype equivalent to single gene defects. We have known since the 1970s that X-chromosome inactivation in marsupials is incomplete, at least in some tissues [7], and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo sinh học : "Prion variants, species barriers, generation and propagation" docx
... stimulated prion generation is striking. In each case, sequence differences largely blocked duplication of the donor prion conformation, resulting in only partial templating and generation of altered ... 88:: 47 translation termination. A chimeric protein made by fusing the similarly Q/N-rich N domain and the M domain of Sup35 protein of the yeast Pichia methanolica to the S. cerevisiae...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "The gene complement of the ancestral bilaterian - was Urbilateria a monster" potx
... genome resembling that of a modern vertebrate, but which also contained some genes lost from modern vertebrates, raising the issue of just how many genes were present in the ancestor. In this respect, ... perhaps lophotrochozoans in general) are less derived than the insects and nematodes investigated so far. One focus of the paper [1] was patterns of gene sharing and gene los...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21
Báo cáo sinh học: " Coordinated gene expression by post-transcriptional regulons in African trypanosomes" potx
... post-transcriptional regulon involved in the replicative process. Interestingly, genes encoding RNA-binding proteins were often found in the clusters of co-regulated genes and, as suggested in [3], some of ... small degenerate inactive retroposons (SIDER1 and SIDER2) in their 3'UTRs (reviewed in [11]). Kinetoplastid parasites have a proven record in generating novel con...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:21