Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 8 potx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 8 potx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 8 potx

... 144 184 Value ($m) 4 946 27 631 124 87 3 Securities – Europe 2 National – intra 18 46 49 National – cross 7 26 28 Global – intra 5 17 25 Global – cross 6 8 18 Total 36 97 120 Value ($m) 3 036 .8 4 ... long run. In Nathan and Neave (1 989 ) a similar methodology was applied, using cross-section data (1 982 84 ) from the Canadian banking system, PR values for 1 983 and 1 984 were foun...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 267 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 3 potx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 3 potx

... 000 10 000 8 500 Assets (week they mature) 1 500 8 000 2 000 1 000 Sales planned 10 000 1 000 3 000 2 500 Agreed credit lines 500 1 000 5 000 6 000 Cash outflows 11 700 9 500 10 700 8 900 Liabilities ... organisations have become the drivers for domestic regulation, the subject of Chapter 5. For example, the 1 988 Basel agreement (‘‘Basel 1’’) was for international banks operating in OE...

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73 364 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 1 pptx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 1 pptx

... institutions 1 030 1 223 1 85 2 1 413 16.7 15 Credit unions 349 na 11 3 28 9 529 5.6 6 Total 6 150 7 462 22 488 18 711 100 100 Securities firms & Capital – 7 776 ∗ 5 286 investment banks 30 ∗ Sources: ... Meaning of Banking 1 1.3 Organisational Structures 5 1.4 Banking Structures 15 1.5 Financial Conglomerates 26 1.6 Central Banking 29 1.7 Summary: Why are Banks Special? 36 1 .8...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

74 319 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 2 pps

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 2 pps

... index. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 1976 1977 19 78 1979 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 1 989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19 98 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 486 0 1976–2003 3200 1600 80 0 400 200 100 50 Index ... index Corresponding index values: [ 84 ] M ODERN B ANKING Figure 2.14 UK bank index compared to the FTSE100 index. 9 8 7 6 1 986 1 987 1 988 1 9...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 220 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 4 pot

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 4 pot

... ratio (%) HSBC Holdings 38 949 759246 59.44 1.27 13.30 Royal Bank of Scotland 27652 649 402 55.65 1. 18 11.70 HBOS 23 83 6 5121 68 50.70 0.92 10.43 Barclays Bank 22 89 5 637946 58. 48 0 .81 12 .85 Lloyds TSB Group ... 2472 (1) Commercial 35 1455 (2) BS +mortgage banks 78 683 (3) Other UK owned 53 52 (4) Foreign owned 70 281 Insurance companies 782 10 18 Life 182 942 Non-life 600 76...

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73 259 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 5 ppsx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 5 ppsx

... 67 .8 1.5 18 5 18 East Asia 58. 7 4.7 4 779 N-Africa & M-East 52 2.1 5 736 Latin America 51.3 1 755 Transition countries 47.2 −3 543 Africa (Sub-Saharan) 46.2 −0.9 775 South Asia 45.7 2.1 2 38 UK ... of banking in Europe, without clarifying how this goal was to be achieved. The Second Banking Directive (1 989 ) was passed in response to the 1 986 Single European Act. It remains th...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 381 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 6 ppsx

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 6 ppsx

... 14.10 .83 TX 1 410 37.3 First Oklahoma 11.7 .86 OK 1 754 9.6 BancOklahoma 24.11 .86 OK 4 68 16.9 BancTexas 17.7 .87 TX 1 181 12.7 First City Bancorp 20.4 .88 TX 12 374 8. 9 First Republic 29.7 .88 TX ... $3 billion at the end of 1 986 . The 1 987 Competitive Equality Banking Act (CEBA) authorised the issue of $10 .8 billion in bonds to recapitalise the FSLIC, but in 1 988 its deficit stoo...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 355 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 7 pdf

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 7 pdf

... the purchase of assets, usually Chart 8. 1 Nikkei index: highs and lows, 1 988 –2003. 20 000 10 000 5 000 1 988 1 989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 19 98 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 30 000 40 ... 000 Date Source : Datastream. Nikkei Annual Highs and Lows 88 -03 Index Value (JPY) 15 000 35 000 45 000 389 16 21217 1 480 9 2 083 3 76 08 22667 [ 424 ] M ODERN B ANKING Though domesti...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 501 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 9 pps

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 9 pps

... 1. 48 62.29 18. 7 Banca Serfin 85 6 15 80 3 NA NA NA NA 16.7 Dec 2000 Banamex 2 469 34 902 1 009 4 .8 2 .89 54.19 12.3 BBVA Bancomer 1 985 41 151 3 98 NA 0.97 68. 13 7 .83 Santander Mexicano 1 0 18 40 186 ... 291 −27 .8 1. 08 69.7 14. 08 Banca Serfin 912 18 115 −203 NA −1.12 106.35 NA Dec 19 98 Banamex 1 9 08 29 84 4 201 −39.6 0.67 56.6 18. 8 Bancomer 1 461 25 83 6 93 −66.5 0.36...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

73 371 0
Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 10 pot

Shelagh heffernan modern banking phần 10 pot

... 104 84 5 3 481 −23.2 81 .81 0.34 5.2 13.9 Bankers Trust Dec-90 2 616 62 85 4 81 9 Na 1.33 Na Na Dec-91 2 987 63 684 85 7 0.4 1.35 Na Na Dec-92 3 637 72 172 925 4 .8 1.41 Na 13 .89 Dec-93 4 84 6 92 082 ... 10.4 Dec-95 18 937 503 429 2 487 −1Na 0.49 Na10.1 Dec-96 18 571 569 906 3 145 35 71.7 0.55 Na 9.9 Dec-97 17 371 581 979 1 140 −59 68. 51 0.2 6.4 10.6 Dec- 98 18 680 732 534 4 713...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:21

81 248 0
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