... Những bổ sung cho Exchange Server 2007 - Phần 3: Bảo vệ truy cập Email máy khách Ngu ồ n:quantrimang.com Marc Grote Trước khi bắt ... session. Exchange Server 2007 sử dụng một chứng chỉ gán cùng loại để bảo vệ việc truy n tải các thư tín. Chính vì đó mà bạn phải cấu hình máy khách email để có thể truy cập Exchange Server trên...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 17:20
... thông tin, kích thước màn hình sẽ được xác định. Chúc các bạn thành công ! Cấu hình Remote Desktop Administration trên Windows Server 2008 (phần 3) Kiểm tra Remote Session Với việc thực ... Active none 7/11 /2008 12:58 PM Đăng xuất một phiên Remote Desktop Khi Remote Desktop Client được thoát bằng cách nhấn vào ‘X’ trên bảng điều khiển t...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 19:20
C++ Programming for Games Module I phần 3 pdf
... BOUNDS INDEX !! In a syntax three columns. { }; d nm ì in fMatrix [1][2] fMatrix [12][10 ddition to performing individual element initializations, you can initialize ... to3. Conditionals are the key to make certain that a block of code will only be ex (i. e., if this condition is tr 5. An array is a c individual variab 2.7 Exercises Assume A is true, B i...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45
Mac OS X Programming phần 3 pdf
... Book: Mac OS X Programming Section: Chapter 2. Overview of Mac OS X Programming Adding a Picture to the HelloWorld Program The HelloWorld ... chapter; Example 3. 3 provides the complete listing for this program. Example 3. 3 Source Code for the BeepWorld Program #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> #define kBeepCommand 'beep' pascal ... ) { IBNibRef nibRef; Win...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
how to cheat at configuring exchange server 2007 phần 3 pdf
... the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server ■ Exchange 2007 Storage Groups ■ Exchange 2007 Mailbox Databases ■ Exchange 2007 Public Folder Databases ■ Managing Organizationwide Mailbox Server Configuration ... installation of Exchange Server 2007, a legacy Outlook client (that is, Outlook 20 03 and earlier) requires a Public Folder database to connect to Exchange Server...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22
Web Server Programming phần 1 ppsx
... in 10 Introduction 5 .15 .2 Database example 15 8 5 .16 Perl: CGI 16 3 5 .16 .1 ’Roll your own’ CGI code 16 4 5 .16 .2 Perl: CGI module(s) 17 1 5 .16 .3 Security issues and CGI 17 3 Exercises 17 4 Practical 17 4 Short ... Enterprise Java 435 10 .1 EJB background 437 10 .1. 1 Smart beans in s marter containers 437 10 .1. 2 Distributed objects 438 10 .2 EJB basics 4 41 10.2 .1...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 2 ppt
... A 127 .0.0.1 lust.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.1 gluttony.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0 .2 wrath.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.3 avarice.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.4 sloth.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.5 pride.viyce.com. ... 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.5 pride.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.6 envy.viyce.com. IN A 20 8 .20 9 .21 0.7 ; Round-robin load-sharing of www work acr...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 3 pdf
... log: 93 - - [20/Jun/2001:00 :30 :50 +1000] "GET /subjects HTTP/1.1" 30 1 2 53 2 03. 132 .226.245 - - [20/Jun/2001:00 :36 :22 +1000] "GET /images/staff.gif HTTP/1.0" 30 4 – A minimal ... dropped – we are Networking 151 J.Smith:Painter:Buildings & Grounds: :34 56 T.Smythe:Audit clerk:Administration:15.205 :33 83 A.Solly:Help line:Sales:8.177:4222 Perl...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 4 docx
... that will extract a (4- digit) phone number and an optional fax number fro m listings that in clude lines like: Phone: 6 744 Fax: none Phone: 543 3 Fax: Phone: 5 344 Fax: +61 2 42 345 678 (2) Here is ... Microsoft’s pro - prietary Active Server Page technology. The PHP4 system is simple to deploy (it inte - grates best with Apache, but can work with other web servers), and PHP4 scripting...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 5 pptx
... create the directories tomcat/webapps/demo /WEB- INF and tomcat/webapps/demo /WEB- INF/classes. The Java code shown earlier should be created as tomcat/webapps/demo /WEB- INF/ classes/SqrtServlet.java .Thejavax.servlet ... main d irectory associated with a web application, tomcat/webapps/demo in th is example, must contain a WEB- INF subdirectory. This WEB- INF subdirectory holds: ● web....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 6 docx
... In tom/demo /WEB- INF create a file web. xml with content such as: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web- app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web ... classes. (g) In another terminal window, cd to your tom/webapps directory, and make a demo subdirec- tory. In demo create a WEB- INF subdirectory, and in WEB- INF create a classe...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 7 docx
... would have to be deployed in your tomcat/webapps directory ( the s tatic .wml fileandtheJSPcouldgointomcat/webapps/xmlex, with the web. xml file in a WEB- INF subdirectory). The static WML file ... content (it outputs the current date). ● web. xml The web. xml file contains the mime type d efinition for WML; this is n eeded to make sure that the Tomcat server will return the response wi...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 8 pot
... e Tomcat server (or were sent to a log file). With EJBs, trace messages will appear in a window associated with the EJB server. 454 Enterprise Java most likely use servlets. This web server would ... transmit it to the server process. There the request is read, analyzed to identify the server object required, and converted into an invocation of the appropriate server operation....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 9 docx
... the page. Server- side scripting elements add yet more complexity to an HTML source document. A browser should never receive a page containing any server- side scripts; instead, the web server should ... extracted from a server- side database. A fully featured HTML source document can be very complex. It may contain server- side scripting elements that are interpreted on the web s...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
Web Server Programming phần 10 ppt
... DataGrid2 As System .Web. UI.WebControls.DataGrid Protected WithEvents DataSet21 As InfoPage.DataSet2 Protected WithEvents Panel1 As System .Web. UI.WebControls.Panel #Region " Web Form Designer ... from Microsoft’s System .Web. UI.Page class (e.g. MyNetPageClass). The .aspx file declares A new model for web serving 577 Protected WithEvents Label2 As System .Web. UI.WebControls.Labe...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20