excel for scientists and engineers phần 5 docx
... 1.94 2.07 1.23 0 .52 0 3.66 0.18 0 .51 1.84 1.89 2.64 2. 65 0 .51 0.38 1.48 0.40 2.88 1.46 0 2. 65 2.94 1 .55 1.71 1.06 2.46 2.97 - 7.93 9.79 26.19 5. 10 8.43 - 15. 74 7. Solve the ... equation.Formula End If If Left(FormulaText, 1) = "=" Then FormulaText = Mid(FormulaText, 2, 1024) FormulaText = Application.ConvertFormula(FormulaText, xlAl...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20
... 2002 for Scientists and Engineers A 1 Table D 2 3 B C D E F G Timet 2 4 6 8 10 Population N 250 0 6000 150 00 350 00 90000 Ln(N) 7.824046 8.69 951 5 9.6 158 05 10.4631 11.40 756 4 5 ... Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers Steve %passing 13 018 59 2 I 33 33 33 42 42 58 60 89 23 3 59 2 89 0 961 99 9 100 0...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
... equation.Formula End If If Left(FormulaText, 1) = "=" Then FormulaText = Mid(FormulaText, 2, 1024) FormulaText = Application.ConvertFormula(FormulaText, xlAl , xlAl , - FormulaText ... Reference') The formula in cell B5 is =slope*AS+int and in cell C5 =aa*A5"2+ bb*A5+cc Using the same method as in the preceding section, y1 is the function...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 1 pot
... Entirecolumn EntireRow Errors Font FormatConditions Formula FormulaArray FormulaHidden FormulaLabel FormulaLocal FormulaRlCl FormulaRlCl Local HasArray HasFormula Height Hidden HorizontalAlignment ... of Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide, 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH, New York, 2001. He has presented the 2-day short courses "Advanced Excel for Scientists...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 2 potx
... ;32;33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39;40;4 1 ;42;43;44; 45; 46;47;48;49; 50 3 1 323334; 55 ;56 ;57 ;58 ;59 ;60;61;62;63;64; 65; 66;67;68;69;70;71;72;73;74; 75; 76;77;78;79;80;8 1 ;82; 83; 84; 85; 86; 87; 88; ... 3. 75~ ~ + 18x - 5, F"(x) = 6ax + 2b = 7 .5~ + 18 and F"'(x) = 6a = 7 .5. At x = 1, F'(x) = 16. 75, Ff'(x) = 25. 5 and F&q...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 3 pdf
... named formulas. The following table lists the named formulas and ranges used to calculate the first derivative shown in Figure 6-7. x-values =Sheet2!$A $5: $A$ 85 y-values =Sheet2!$8 $5: $B$ 85 lookup-value ... Figure 5- 1 ; cell G24 contains the formula =InterpL(F22,$A$3:$A $54 ,$B$3:$B $54 ) Figure 5- 11. Using the InterpL function for linear interpolation. (folde...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 4 pdf
... 9309996,0.2 955 24224714 753 ,0.066671344308688, 0.149 451 3499 150 58,0.21908636 251 5982,0.269266719309996, 0.2 955 2422471 4 753 ) AJ = Array(0.066671344308688,0.149 451 3499 150 58,0.21908636 251 5982, If IsMissing(to1erance) Then ... Figure 8 -5, the initial values xl and x2 were entered in cells A3 and C3, respectively, and the formula for the function in cells...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 6 pot
... Y REFERENCE AND DERIVATIVE FORMULA XAddr = x-variable.Address ForJ=IToN YAddr(J) = y-variables(J).Address FormulaText(J) = Application.ConvertFormula(deriv-formulas(J).Formula, - xlAl, ... hidden). For simplicity, the values of deflection y and slope z in rows 6 through 1 85 were calculated by using Euler's method; the formulas in cells B6 and C6 are, respe...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 7 pot
... = 3x3 + 25x2 - 5x - 11 into the corresponding Excel formula = 3*A9"3 + 2 .5* A9"2 - 5* A9 - 11 The utility can handle linear, logarithmic, polynomial, power and exponential ... 33.3 wt% and 42.3 wt% ethylene glycol. -28.9 I Wt% Ethylene I Freezing Point, OF I ~~ ~ 55 .0 60.0 ~. ~ -42.0 -54 .9 22.2 20.0 17.9 25. 0 12.7 40.0 45. 0 -...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22
Excel for Scientists and Engineers phần 8 ppt
... and K,,, and SolvStat returns the standard deviations of V,,, and K,n. CHAPTER 15 RANDOM NUMBERS & MONTE CARLO METHOD 359 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 X coordinate Figure 15- 18. ... involves the use of random numbers, we will begin by examining how random numbers are produced and used within Excel. How Excel Generates Random Numbers In Excel 2003, an impro...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22