... the target. (continued) 293 Chapter 19: Securing SUSE Linux 26_75 493 5 ch 19. qxp 11/7/05 10: 03 PM Page 293 288 Part IV: Becoming a SUSE Wizard 25_75 493 5 ch18.qxp 11/7/05 10: 02 PM Page 288 Understanding ... file. 285 Chapter 18: Updating SUSE and Adding New Software 25_75 493 5 ch18.qxp 11/7/05 10: 02 PM Page 285 Updating SUSE Linux Online SUSE Linux comes with...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:20
... Book VIII Chapter 1 Programming in Linux Exploring the Software Development Tools in Linux 649 Option Meaning -r Get rid of all built -in rules. -R Get rid of all built -in variables and rules. -s ... named Point as follows: /* Declare a Point data type */ typedef struct Point { short x; short y; } Point; TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! Shared Libraries i...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:20
Linux all in one desk reference for dummies phần 9 ppsx
... see if BIND is installed. In Fedora Core and SUSE, type rpm -q bind and see if the bind package is installed. In Debian, type apt-get install bind9 to install BIND. In Fedora Core, log in as root, ... Managing Mail and News Servers In This Chapter ߜ Installing and using sendmail ߜ Testing mail delivery manually ߜ Configuring sendmail ߜ Installing the InterNetNews (INN) server ߜ Co...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 23:20
macbook for dummies phần 9 ppt
... in Figure 19- 2. If you don’t, your ISP or network is likely experiencing problems. 3 09 Chapter 19: When Good Mac Laptops Go Bad 28_04859X ch 19. qxp 7/20/06 10:37 PM Page 3 09 Chapter 19 When Good ... Troubleshooting, Upgrading, Maintaining 29_ 04859X ch20.qxp 7/20/06 10:41 PM Page 320 298 Part V: Sharing Access and Information 26_04859X ch18.qxp 7/20/06 10:40 PM Page 298 Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20
... parameter, the time zone to // convert the time to. The parameter can be either newyork, sanfran or // tokyo. // The function determines the time for that time zone and then sets the // value of a ... the_ hours = the_ hours + 9; } // now fix the hours if over 24 or under 0 // if (the_ hours < 0) { the_ hours = the_ hours + 24; } else if (the_ hours > 24)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 16:23
Flash CS3 For Dummies PHẦN 2 ppsx
... Web site, www .dummies. com/go/flashcs3. Exiting Flash When you finish creating something in Flash, choose File➪Exit (Windows) or Flash Quit (Mac). 28 Part I: A Blast of Flash 05_ 121 009 ch01.qxp ... Chapter 9 explains keyframes in detail. 37 Chapter 2: Your Basic Flash 06_ 121 009 ch 02. qxp 4/10/07 6:15 PM Page 37 Creating flashy drawings You can use Flash to create a compan...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 00:22
adobe InDesign CS5 Bible for dummies PHẦN 3 ppsx
... effects applied to them. Snippets in InDesign CS4 and CS5 have the filename exten- sion .idms; snippets in InDesign CS3 have the filename extension .inds — InDesign CS5 can work with both types. Snippets ... later. 3. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the document. Searching for library items You can search for library items based on the information specified in...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:23
adobe InDesign CS5 Bible for dummies PHẦN 9 ppt
... chapter. 34_614 495 -ch24.indd 391 34_614 495 -ch24.indd 391 4/2/10 1:52 PM4/2/10 1:52 PM 350 Part VII: Printing, Presentation, and Web Essentials Telling InDesign what to check for InDesign has its ... transitions, you need to run Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat in full-screen mode (for PDF files) or use Flash Player 10 (for SWF files). Previewing interactive documents InDesi...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 19:23
dreamweaver cs5 all in one for dummies phần 4 ppsx
... annoying to site visitors, so don’t use it.) ã None: Remove all decorative formatting, including underlines on links. This setting is the default for normal text. 17_610770-bk03ch01.indd 22917_610770-bk03ch01.indd ... more than one editable region before saving, continue mapping the remaining regions. 8. Click OK. Dreamweaver automatically closes the Inconsistent Region Names d...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:20
JavaScript FOR ™ DUMmIES phần 1 ppsx
... alternative. 05_576593 ch 01. qxd 10 /12 /04 9:55 PM Page 12 01_ 576593 ffirs.qxd 10 /12 /04 9:55 PM Page vi JavaScript ™ FOR DUMmIES ‰ 4TH EDITION 01_ 576593 ffirs.qxd 10 /12 /04 9:55 PM Page i JavaScript For Dummies, đ 4th ... 306 clientInformation 307 crypto 307 Date 308 document 308 elements[] 309 event 309 FileUpload 310 Form 310 Frame 311 Function 311 Hidden...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20
JavaScript FOR ™ DUMmIES phần 9 ppsx
... 2F4F4F darkturquoise 00CED1 darkviolet 94 00D3 deeppink FF1 493 deepskyblue 00BFFF dimgray 696 9 69 298 Part VI: Appendixes 28_576 593 appb.qxd 10/12/04 10:05 PM Page 298 Properties (Netscape Navigator ... 008B8B darkgoldenrod B8860B darkgray A9A9A9 darkgreen 006400 darkkhaki BDB76B darkmagenta 8B008B darkolivegreen 556B2F darkorange FF8C00 darkorchid 99 32CC darkred 8B0000 darksalmon...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 11:20