Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 8 pot
... hierarchy. UIComponentBase UICommand UIMap UIArea 3 48 Chapter 10 16_462071 Ch10.qxd 5/17/04 10:24 AM Page 3 48 String outcome = null; // usually null so we come back FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); try ... user interface technologies for the Web that have come before is that it can be extended with new user interface elements. With the advent of JSF, you can write reu...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 4 potx
... </description> <property-name>coords</property-name> <value> 53,109,1,110,2,167,19,1 68, 52,149,67,164,67,165, 68, 167,70,1 68, 72,170,74,172,75,174,77,175,79,177 ,81 ,179 ,80 ,179,77,179 ,81 ,179, 81 ,1 78, 80,1 78, 82,211, 28, 2 38, 15,233,15,242,31,252,36,247,36,246, 32,239 ,89 ,209,92,216,93,216,100,216,103,2 18, 113,217,116,224, 124,221,1 28, 230,163,234, 185 ,...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 9 pot
... Listing 11. 18 is the Logon.jsp converted to JSF. The following JSP conversion steps are included in the listing in bold: 4 08 Chapter 11 17_462071 Ch11.qxd 5/ 18/ 04 8: 37 AM Page 4 08 } /** * @jsp.attribute ... The message is time stamped. Listing 11.3 Add new message use case. 386 Chapter 11 17_462071 Ch11.qxd 5/ 18/ 04 8: 37 AM Page 386 Figure 11.1 SimpleBlogger use case diagram....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 10 potx
... and, 93–95 Faces request defined, 83 Faces response defined, 83 FacesContext and, 85 –93 flow control, 88 non-Faces request defined, 83 non-Faces response defined, 83 overview, 20, 81 82 phase identifiers, ... request defined, 83 Faces response generated by, 83 non-Faces response generated by, 84 85 Faces response defined, 83 generated by Faces request, 83 generated by...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
... is Y Element [1,1] is Y Element [1,1] is Foo Element [1,1] is Foo Original: ARRAY(0x 180 06c4) Copy: ARRAY(0x 180 06c4) To get around the shallow copy problem I can make a deep copy by freezing and ... Image::Info::PNG; sub process_file { my $signature = my_read($fh, 8) ; die "Bad PNG signature" unless $signature eq "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a"; $info->push_info(0, &q...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 1 pps
... Tiles 33 JSF Component Trees 36 Contents v 02_462071 ftoc.qxd 5/ 18/ 04 8: 34 AM Page v External Context 87 Flow Control 88 Localization 88 Message Queue 90 Event Queues 93 Standard JSF Request-Processing ... Contents 02_462071 ftoc.qxd 5/ 18/ 04 8: 34 AM Page viii
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 2 ppt
... tasks. So what makes a user interface component? Every user interface component in JSF implements the javax.faces.component.UIComponent interface. This comprehensive interface defines methods for navigating ... later in this chapter. 24 Chapter 1 05_462071 Ch01.qxd 5/ 18/ 04 8: 36 AM Page 24 must implement the javax.faces.convert.Converter interface. A custom Converter from the Car Demo samp...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 3 pdf
... four scenarios here: Faces request generates Faces response non-Faces request gen- erates Faces response, Faces request generates non-Faces response, and non- Faces request generates non-Faces response. ... listener interface that must extend the javax.faces.event.FacesListener interface. Application components or other user interface components may implement any number of listener interfaces...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 5 pps
... ModifyInvoice.jsp. 180 Chapter 6 11_462071 Ch06.qxd 5/17/04 10:16 AM Page 180 package com.wiley.masteringjsf.ch6ex4; import javax.faces.component.UICommand; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.faces.event.ActionListener; public ... com.wiley.masteringjsf.ch6ex5; import; import java.util.*; import javax.faces.component.UIData; import javax.faces.component....
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22
Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 6 ppt
... bean: package com.wiley.masteringjsf.ch7ex3; import javax.faces.component.UICommand; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException; import ... modifyInvoice() { FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Listing 7.9 2 48 Chapter 7 12_462071 Ch07.qxd 5/17/04 10:20 AM Pag...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:22