Analysis of Survey Data phần 9 docx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 9 docx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 9 docx

... 78.6 1.851 0 .95 5 0.186 79. 6 1.838 5 n 0  378, m 1  371 78.4 5 .95 2 0 .95 9 0.236 79. 3 5.804 5 n 0  38, m 1  371 77.3 16.648 0 .98 0 0.374 78.3 16.324 3 m 1  371 75.6 32. 799 0 .99 5 0. 690 76.6 32.142 (b) ... adopted to create a public-use dataset consisting of over 70 of the main NHANES-3 variables (Ezzati and Khare, 199 2; Ezzati-Rice et al., 199 3, 199 5; Khare et al., 199 3...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 295 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 1 docx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 1 docx

... response data 202 Chapter 14 Random Effects Models for Longitudinal Survey Data 205 C. J. Skinner and D. J. Holmes 14.1. Introduction 205 CONTENTS xi Analysis of Survey Data Analysis of Survey Data. ... 235 15.6. Analysis of event occurrences 236 15.6.1. Analysis of recurrent events 236 15.6.2. Multiple event types 238 15.7. Analysis of multi-state data 2 39...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 408 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 2 docx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 2 docx

... finite population surveys (Ericson, 196 9, 198 8; Basu, 197 1; Scott, 197 7b; Binder, 198 2; Rubin, 198 3, 198 7; Ghosh and Meeden, 199 7). Chapter 18 in this volume applies this perspective to the analysis of survey ... and weights for nonconstant variance (Konijn, 196 2; Brewer and Mellor, 197 3; Dumouchel and Duncan, 198 3; Smith, 198 8; Little, 199 1; Pfeffermann, 199 3). . As illus...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 353 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 8 docx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 8 docx

... time Frequency of spells (%) Mean no. of spells Base case C 19. 7 Ð 18.2 (see Table 16.1) E 56 .9 70 .9 39. 0 2. 59 U 7.2 9. 0 24.1 YTS 16.2 20.2 18.7 Non-white C 58.7 Ð 55.3 E 24.2 58.6 17.8 2.01 U 9. 3 22.5 ... AND ITEM NONRESPONSE 17.5. COMBINING SURVEY DATA AND AGGREGATE DATA IN ANALYSIS combining survey dataand aggregate data in analysis Many populations that are...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 305 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 3 doc

Analysis of Survey Data phần 3 doc

... 0.1 09 X 2 P (2j1)a ^ dX 2.73 0.255 2.76 0. 097 X 2 P (2j1)a ^ dX(1  ^ a 2 ) 2.71 0.258 n.a. n.a. 96 CATEGORICAL RESPONSE DATA FROM COMPLEX SURVEYS 6.2. ANALYSIS OF TABULAR DATA analysis oftabular ... 198 8), and the recent book by Lohr ( 199 9) includes a description of methods for analyzing regression data and count data from complex samples. The objective of this chap...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 277 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 4 pot

Analysis of Survey Data phần 4 pot

... ( 199 2) and Simonoff ( 199 6). Local polynomial regression techniques are described in Ha È rdle ( 199 0), Wand and Jones ( 199 5), Fan and Gijbels ( 199 6), Simonoff ( 199 6) and Eubank ( 199 9). Here we examine how ... polynomial regression. Bellhouse and Stafford ( 199 9, 2001) have analyzed data from the Ontario Health Survey. Chesher ( 199 7) has Analysis of Survey Data. Edite...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 273 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 5 pdf

Analysis of Survey Data phần 5 pdf

... Rinott ( 199 8). 11.2.2. What are the data? The words `complex survey data& apos; mask the huge variety of forms in which survey data appear. A basic problem with any form of survey data analysis therefore ... articles by Pfeffermann ( 199 3, 199 6). In fairly recent articles by Krieger and Pfeffermann ( 199 7), Pfeffermann, Krieger and Rinott ( 199 8) and Pfeffermann and S...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 333 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 6 pps

Analysis of Survey Data phần 6 pps

... levels 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.10 0 .90 0 .95 0 .97 5 0 .99 Emp. dist (Ca(2)) 0.01 0.02 0.04 0. 09 0. 89 0 .95 0 .98 0 .99 Emp. dist (Cb(2)) 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.08 0 .91 0 .96 0 .98 0 .99 three informative sampling ... Altonji and Segal ( 199 6). Table 14.3 shows for one cohort the effects of weighting, of the use of data from all attrition samples and of the use of the multilevel mod...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 270 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 7 potx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 7 potx

... from survey data. Sections 15.5, 15.6, and 15.7 deal with survival analysis, the analysis of event occurrences, and the analysis of transitions. Section 15.8 considers survival data from a survey ... birth of children. After dissolution of a first marriage, subsequent marital unions and dissol- utions may be considered likewise. 15.7. ANALYSIS OF MULTI-STATE DATA an...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

38 393 0
Analysis of Survey Data phần 10 potx

Analysis of Survey Data phần 10 potx

... builds confidence and skills in all team players. One of the advantages of having a vision and values that become part of the personality of the workforce is that it enables management to push ... be rearranged, people notice who gets promoted and for what. The leader who outwardly professes to believe in the value of rewards based on merit, yet promotes staff members based on time...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

13 283 0