modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 7 docx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 1 pdf

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 1 pdf

... Inc. Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft  Excel  A Step- by -Step Guide KEITH A. ALLMAN John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft  Excel  2 MODELING STRUCTURED ... 125 Internal Testing 125 Cash In versus Cash Out 125 Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

23 321 1
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 2 docx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 2 docx

... 2.1 Each individual loan has a principal balance, rate, and term. 6 MODELING STRUCTURED FINANCE CASH FLOWS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL Obtain All Necessary Information The more information available ... cells. 20 MODELING STRUCTURED FINANCE CASH FLOWS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL FIGURE 1.8 An example of a data validation list. FIGURE 1.9 Create a data validation list i...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 327 1
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 3 pdf

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 3 pdf

... Prepayment terminology 43 38 MODELING STRUCTURED FINANCE CASH FLOWS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL MATCH(AssetFltIndx1,lstInterestRates,0)),(F6−AssetMarg1) +AssetPdCapFl1,AssetLifeCap1),(F6−AssetMarg1)−AssetPdCapFl1, AssetLifeFloor1),F6) This ... be extraordinarily rare to have a rate increase or decrease by 100 percent in one month.) Name this cell AssetPdCapFl1. 30 MODELING STR...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 595 0
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 4 potx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 4 potx

... formulas. In cell AD8 enter the following formula: = SUMPRODUCT(C8:OFFSET($B8,0,$AC8),'Raw Data'!C7:OFFSET ('Raw Data'!B7,0,$AC8))/SUM('Raw Data'!C7:OFFSET('Raw Data'!B7,0,$AC8)) 62 ... to calculate them on a percentage basis. First, to create an area for the rates, copy C 37: AA 37 and paste this cell range in C66:AA66. Also copy B38:B62 and paste t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 674 0
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 5 pot

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 5 pot

... sheet. 84 MODELING STRUCTURED FINANCE CASH FLOWS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL and was classified as a default in August 2005. The balance of the loan at that time was $1,580. At this point, from a transaction ... priority of payments will have all of the cash that is available from the assets for payment. Once that liability is paid, the cash available is appropriately reduced...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 336 0
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 6 pot

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 6 pot

... is 1 07 Liabilities and the Cash Flow Waterfall 91 Each individual liability needs to be set up in a way that shows exactly what is needed, what can be paid based on what is available, what is unpaid, ... Copy and paste the formula over BA7:BA366. 9. In cell BB7 enter: = AZ7−BA7 This subtracts the principal paid from the principal due and displays any unpaid amounts. Copy and paste the f...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 392 1
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 7 docx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 7 docx

... (&apos ;Cash Flow'!Q7+&apos ;Cash Flow'!R7+&apos ;Cash Flow'!T7 +&apos ;Cash Flow'!U7)/(1 +$E$5) ∧ $A1 6 This formula adds the voluntary prepayments, amortization, interest, and ... Out has more references since there many points that cash comes out of the transaction. Enter the following formula in cell CK7: = AI7+AN7+AT7+AV7+BA7+BC7+BJ7+BP7+BU7 +BY7 +BZ7 The formu...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 281 0
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 8 ppt

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 8 ppt

... Conditional Formatting dialog box. FIGURE 8.11 Goal Seek dialog box. 146 MODELING STRUCTURED FINANCE CASH FLOWS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL FIGURE 9.1 In structured transactions cash is typically created and ... long an assets balance is outstanding. CHAPTER 10 Automation Using Visual Basic Applications (VBA) A powerful capability of all Microsoft Office applications is the ab...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 344 1
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 9 docx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 9 docx

... scenarios, counting variables i and k are created, and array and string variables are declared. Arrays are a new concept for this section. An array is a range of data that can be multidimensional (containing ... " Application.ScreenUpdating = False Const DebtBal As String = "FinalLoanBal" Const AdvRate1 As String = "LiabAdvRate1" Dim UnpaidLoan As Range Dim Advanc...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 290 1
modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 10 pptx

modeling structured finance cash flows with microsoft excel a step by step guide phần 10 pptx

... 158 Buy and hold transactions, 24 Caps, 36– 37, 95 Carry cost, 84 Cash flow analysis, 2 Cash flow analysis, 2 delinquency and, 61 generation of, see Asset cash flow generation; Cash flow generation model, ... that make financial models more powerful and capable of handling larger amounts of data. The most obvious changes are graphical, namely a noticeable update to the toolbar command sy...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 09:20

22 259 1