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... lo7 2 8 24 4. 42 4 16 1.34 x 10s 3 7 36 .21 6 14 23 07.06 4 6 7.54 8 12 87.89 5 5 2. 16 10 10 6.89 6 4 0.84 12 8 1.09 7 3 0.45 14 6 0.35 8 2 0.36 16 4 0 .25 9 1 0.37 18 2 0.48 10 0 0.68 20 0 3.74 Table 2. 1 Likelihood ... independent, then E(XY) = E(X)E(Y). 72 2 Mathematical Foundations 2. 2.5 RELATIVE ENTROPY (2. 41) K ULLBACK-LEIBLER DIVERGENCE (2. 42) TRIANGLE...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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manning schuetze statisticalnlp phần 7

manning schuetze statisticalnlp phần 7

... the signal. 12. 1 Some Concepts 427 ( 12. 17) = attach) = gc) if top is not gc 0 otherwise ( 12. 18) = = if top is not gc 0 otherwise Where these operations obey the following constraints: ( 12. 19) ( 12. 20) If ... telescope)))))) Figure 12. 8 Penn trees versus other trees. Error Errors assessed Rec. of NP 0 1 0 of VP 1 0 0 Another VP instead of NP 2 2 1 NP instead of VP 2...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2013, 10:59

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... Briefly noted 22 2 6.3.5 Language models for Austen 6.4 Conclusions 22 4 6.5 Further Reading 22 5 6.6 Exercises 22 5 7 Word Sense Disambiguation 22 9 7.1 Methodological Preliminaries 23 2 21 8 22 0 22 3 7.1.1 Supervised ... 54 2. 1.11 Exercises 59 42 2 .2 Essential Information Theory 60 2. 2.1 Entropy 61 2. 2 .2 Joint entropy and conditional entropy 63 2. 2.3 Mutual informati...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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... Treebank PRP VBD VBN IN DT NN MD VB PRP ICE PRON(pers,sing) AUX(pass,past) V(ditr,edp) CONJUNC(subord) ART(def) N(com,sing) AUX(modal,past) V(montr,infin) PRON(poss,sing) PUNC(per1 Figure 4 .2 A sentence as tagged according to several different tag sets. Tag set Basic size Total tags Brown 87 179 Penn 45 CLAWS1 1 32 CLAWS2 166 CLAWS c5 62 London-Lund 197 Table ... from alphabetical orde...

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... . 25 07 NV 90 120 86 98 99 . . . 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Trigrams N, Y 40 421 1 28 325 14 29 10056 30 4780 31 24 91 32 1571 1088 189 749 20 2 5 82 214 4 32 366 . . . 378 Nr 35 32 25 18 19 . ... 0.0005 0.0003 1 3.96 x lo-” Bigram 0.00 529 0. 121 9 0.0000159 0.183 0.000449 0.003 72 3.14 x 10-15 n used 2 2 1 2 2 2 Trigram 0.00 529 0.0741 0.00001 62...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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... 1998). 29 0 Noun class c people furniture food action SPS S(v) 8 Lexical Acquisition P(c) P(cleat) P(clsee1 P(clfind) 0 .25 0.01 0 .25 0.33 0 .25 0.01 0 .25 0.33 0 .25 0.97 0 .25 0.33 0 .25 0.01 0 .25 0.01 1.76 0.00 0.35 Table ... (Pereira et al. 1993). 3 02 8 Lexical Acquisition Focus word Nearest neighbors garlic sauce .7 32 pepper . 728 salt . 726 cup . 726 fallen fell...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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... NN VI3 PERIOD 0 0 0 48636 0 19 1973 0 426 187 0 38 43 322 0 1 325 17314 0 185 1067 3 720 424 70 11773 614 21 3 92 60 72 42 4758 1476 129 1 522 8016 75 4656 1 329 954 0 First tag AT BEZ IN NN VB PERIOD Table ... VBG DT 99.4 .3 .3 IN .4 97.5 1.5 .5 JJ .l 93.9 1.8 .9 .l .4 NN 2. 2 95.5 .2 .4 RB .2 2.4 2. 2 .6 93 .2 1 .2 RP 24 .7 1.1 12. 6 61.5 VB .3 1.4 96.0 VBG 2. 5 4.4 9...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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... word :2 (14.10) H(L,7T) ” & 1 C(w1w2) logP(c2lcdPwlc2) w1w* Formula (14.10) can be simplified as follows: (14.11) H(L,?T) E - c [ c(w1w2) [logP(w2(c2) + logP(c2)] w1w2 N-1 2. ... Alignment 473 Lr alignment 1 L2 L1 alignment 2 Sl t1 cost(align(sl, tl)) cost(align(sl , s2, tl)) tl + + s2 t2 cost(align(s2, t2)) + cost(align(s3, tz)) t2 8 s3 cost(align(s3...

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... 29 .0 2. 0 formed est. 78489.0 775.3 30.5 1 .2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 soviet act. 710 92. 0 3038.0 127 7.0 784.0 544.0 400.0 356.0 3 02. 0 25 5.0 124 8.0 est. 710 92. 0 1904.7 14 62. 5 1 122 .9 8 62. 2 6 62. 1 508.3 390.3 29 9.7 23 0.1 students act. 74343.0 ... 29 9.7 23 0.1 students act. 74343.0 25 23.0 761.0 413.0 26 5.0 178.0 143.0’ 1 12. 0 96.0 4 62. 0 est. 74343.0 1540.5 1061...

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manning schuetze statisticalnlp phần 10 ppsx

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... Computer Speech and Language 6 :22 5 -24 2. Kupiec, Julian. 1993a. An algorithm for finding noun phrase correspondences in bilingual corpora. In ACL 31, pp. 17 -22 . Kupiec, Julian. 1993b. MURAX: ... 3, pp. 22 39 -22 42. ESCA. Ney, Hermann, Ute Essen, and Reinhard Kneser. 1994. On structuring proba- bilistic dependencies in stochastic language modeling. Computer Speech and Language 8:1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:22

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