Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 2 pot

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 2 pot

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 2 pot

... example, for MATLAB 6.1, see Figure 1. 12. Chapter 2: MA TLAB Functions, Operators, and Commands 34 Chapter 2: MA TLAB Functions, operators, and Commands 27 Chapter 2 MATLAB Functions, ... help: Chapter 2: MA TUB Functions, Operators, and Commands Symbol MATLAB Statement + atbtc - a-b-c * and .* a*b*c and a. *b. *c / and ./ a/b anda...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 298 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 9 potx

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 9 potx

... Case 1: k= 5 and kl=l; Case 2: k= 100 and kl= 1; Case 3: k = 100 and kl= 0. Chapter 6: SIMULINK 185 6 .2. Engineering and Scientific Computations Using SIMULINK with ... function and assign the - The initial conditions xo = [I::] = [ -22 ] are assigned by double-clicking the Integrator blocks and typing xl0 and x2 0 (the specified v...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 259 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 3 ppt

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 3 ppt

... double-clicking the MATLAB icon: MATLAB 6.5.lnk The MATLAB Command and Workspace windows appear as shown in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1. MATLAB Command and Workspace windows The line Thus, aa =2, and Figure ... given as qlx1 + q2x2 + + aln-lxfl-l +a,,x,, = bll, a2p1 + aZ2x2 + + a2n-1~n-l + a,x, = a,-ll~l + an- 12~ 2 + + an-ln-I~n-l + an+pn = bfl-,, ,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 281 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 4 ppt

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 4 ppt

... -1 .25 00e-00 1.6000e+0 02 2.8000e+0 02 2. 4000e+0 02 0 1.6000e+0 02 0 4.0000e+0 02 7.6000e+0 02 6.4000e+0 02 8.0816e+000 7.9192e+0 02 1.6000e+0 02 1. 024 0e+006 B= ans = ans = Chapter 3: MATLAB ... 1 0 123 456769 Figure3.1l.Plotsofthexydata(x=[O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]andy=[1 2. 5 2 3 3 3 2. 5 2. 5 21 1) and its approximation by p(x) = 0.001~~...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 334 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 5 pptx

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 5 pptx

... 42= 41 12~ + 5y - 72 = - 26 - 5x + 2y + 6z= 14 b. 12x-5y= 11 - 3x +4y + 7z= - 3 2. 5% + 5x3 + XI - 2x2=,4 6x+2y+3z =22 25 x2 - 6 .2~ ~ + 18% + 1 Oxl = 2. 9 ... Example 3.6 .21 . Electric circuits are described (modeled) using Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws. The electric Rlil + R2i2- v, = 0 - R2i2 + R3i3 + R5i5 = 0 v2 +...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 235 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 6 ppt

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 6 ppt

... following MATLAB script is developed: 2 + sin t -0 05, 2+ sint - 02, e ,O<t<30 and x2(t)= e ,O<t130. 2 - cosit 2 - cosit The resulting plots are shown in Figure 4. 12. Functions ... calculate and plot two functions x = sint and x = sin(0.5t). We type >> t=0: .25 : 12; xl=sin(t); x2=sin(0.5*t); plot(t,xl,t,xl, '+',tlx2,t,x2,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 408 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 7 pps

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 7 pps

... all=-15; a 12= 10; a13=10; a21=-5; a 22= -2; a31=-5; a 32= 10; a33=-15; yprime= [all*y(l, : ) +al2*abs (y (2, : ) ) +a13*y( 1, :) *y (2, : ) *y( 3, : ) ; . . . a21*y(l, : ) *y (2, : ... equations using the MATLAB ode4 5 solver 4 (t) =-15x1 +10~x2~+10xlx2x3,~,(t0)=x,,, dt d2 (1) - = -5x1x2 - sin xI + x2 - x3 , x2 (to) = x20 , dt -5X,X,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 258 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 8 pps

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 8 pps

... exp(- 1 /2 t) f(t) %2 dt %2 \ + I 3 exp(- 1 /2 t) f(t) 11 %2 - 11 exp(- 1 /2 t) f(t) %1 dt %ll I / I/ +I I/ 1 /2 I / I / exp(1 /2 t) + c1 exp(-t) + c2 exp(1 /2 t) %2 + C3 ... 1 /2 1 /2 + 2/ 55 %1 sin(%4) 11 + 2/ 55 %2 COS(%4) 11 - 4/55 %2 sin(k3) 11 - 4/55 %2 sin(b4) 11 1 /2 1 /2 + 4/55 %1 cOs(%4) 11 + 4/55 %I COs(%3) 11 + 2/ 5 %...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

23 377 0
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 10 docx

Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB phần 10 docx

... 69-73, 89,90, 21 7 Print, 21 6 187- 190 ,20 3 -20 5 Plot, 27 ,45,46,60, 99- 120 , 125 - 1 32, 2 12- 2 14 Quit, 22 Save, 24 Saving, 24 Scalar, 50-5 1 SIMULINK, 1 ,2, 1 72- 206 SIMULINK demo window, ... 1, 22 2 Exit, 22 Figure window, 8,9 File window, 8,9 Flight servo, 14 1 Format, 68 Fourier transform, 22 2 ,22 3 Functions, 27 -30 General purpose commands, 14,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 06:22

32 331 0