concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 4 ppsx
... n fans. How many ways h(n, k) are there for exactly k fans to get their own hats back? For example, if n = 4 and if the hats and fans are named A, B, C, D, the 4! = 24 possible ways for hats ... land generate the following numbers of rightful owners: ABCD 4 BACD 2 CABD 1 DABC 0 ABDC 2 BADC 0 CADB 0 DACB 1 ACBD 2 BCAD 1 CBAD 2 DBAC 1 ACDB 1 BCDA 0 CBDA 1 DBCA 2 ADBC 1 BDAC 0 CDA...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
... 30 49 68 87 106 193 299 49 2 685 878 1071 12 64 1'1'1'2'3' 4& apos; 7'11'18'25'32' 39' 71'110'181'252'323' 3 94& apos; ... lo 1'10'9'8'7'b'5&apos ;4& apos;3'5'2'3'1'2'1'2'1'2'1'1'~'1'1'1'1' 1 I...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
... intended as an antidote to “Abstract Mathematics, ” since concrete classical results were rap- idly being swept out of the modern mathematical curriculum by a new wave of abstract ideas popularly called ... hard one to the easy one. time to do warmup Let’s apply these ideas to a useful example. Consider the array exercises 4 and 6.) (Or to check out al al al a2 the Snickers ba...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 2 pptx
... name and conquer. a = ~ap’J , a- ’ = a+ a’; The change of vari- able from k to j is b = [va-‘l , va-’ = b -v’. Thus a = {a ‘} is the fractional part of a- ‘, and v’ is the mumble-fractional part ... notations for rising powers as well as falling powers. Mathematicians have long had both sine and cosine, tangent and cotangent, secant and cosecant, max and min; now we also have both f...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 5 pps
... depth. It is easily proved by induction; we have, for example, K(ao,al,az ,a3 +l /a4 ) := K(ao,al ,a2 ,a3 ,a4 ) K(al, az, a3 + l /a4 1 K(al,az,as,ad) ’ because of the identity K,(xl,. . . ,xn-lrxn+Y) = ... continued fraction can also be obtained directly: Let CQ = a and for k 3 0 let ak = Lakj ; 1 ak = ak+ Kkfl (6. 142 ) The a s are called the “partial quotients” of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 6 doc
... sequences (al ,a2 . , al,,) of +1's and -1's have the property that al + a2 +. . . + azn = 0 and have all their partial sums al, al +a2 , . . . . al +a2 + +aZn nonnegative? There ... & z 0.268. This needs to be taken into account if we try to use formula (7.38) in numerical calculations. For example, a fairly expensive name-brand hand Icalculator comes...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 7 pot
... month each person is reassigned to an adjacent state, each adjacent state being equally likely. (Here’s a diagram of the adjacencies: The initial states are circled.) For example, Alice is restationed ... (8.82) that A would probably beat B, that B would probably beat C, and that C would probably beat A; but all three patterns are simultaneously in the game.) What are each player’s cha...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 8 doc
... “Eulerian” (eighteenth-century) mathematics. 9.3 0 MANIPULATION 44 7 This may look worse than the sum we began with, but it’s actually a step for- ward, because we have very good approximations for ... E S.) 44 4 ASYMPTOTICS Problem 4: A sum from an old final exam. When Concrete Mathematics was first taught at Stanford University dur- ing the 1970-1971 term, students were a...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 9 pps
... results about Fermat’s Last Theorem; see Ribenboim j 249 j.j A ANSWERS TO EXERCISES 527 If the harmonic aa and a bb. Thus each bb behaves like a drone in the bee tree and each aa behaves like a queen, ... thereby eliminating an upper parameter and a lower parameter. Thus, for example, we get closed forms for F( a, b; a - 1; z), F( a, b; a - 2; z), etc. Gauss [116...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21
concrete mathematics a foundation for computer science phần 10 docx
... Write Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 1973, 19 -48 . 142 Paul R. Halmos, I Want to Be a Mathematician: An Automathography. v. Springer-Verlag, 1985. Reprinted by Mathematical Association ... lat- 347 erum in polygona m laterum, per diagonales resolvi quzat,” Nova acta academia: scientiarum Petropolitana: 9 (1791), 243 -251. 110 Martin Gardner, “About phi, an irrational num...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21