analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 3 pps

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 3 pps

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 3 pps

... 1986, pp. 15-27, 1 73- 188, 235 -244. [3] K. Lee, M. Shur, T.A. Fjeldy and T. Ytterdal, Semiconductor De- vice Modeling for VLSI, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, c. 19 93, p. 63. [4] MicroSim Corporation, ... Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1969. [3] Edward S. Yang, Microelectronic Devices, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. [4] P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 296 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 6 pps

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 6 pps

... 1998. [2] Gray, Paul R., and Mayer, Robert G., Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, c. 1984. [3] Millman, Jacob, and Grabel, Arvin, Microelectronics, ... voltage gain and output resistance? 15.FortheMOScascodeamplifiershowninFigure5 .30 A,I D = 100 µA, V GS =1.3V , and V TH =0.85V . K = 600 µA/V 2 and λ =0.04V −...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 371 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 8 ppsx

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 8 ppsx

... Circuit Design, Layout and Simu- lation, IEEE Press, New York, c. 1998. [2] Gray, Paul R., and Mayer, Robert G., Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, ... CEsat(Q3) + V BE2 As V BE3 decreases, V B traverses from −VCC+V CEsat (Q3) to −V BE(on) . Q2 and Q3 operate in the forward active region. Q2 acts as an emitter follower and V o...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 286 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 10 pdf

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 10 pdf

... Duvvury and Ajith Amerasekera, State-of-the-art issues for technology and circuit design of ESD protection in CMOS ICs, Semiconductor Science and Technology, June 96, pp. 833 -850. [5] EOS/ESD Standards ... current? 6.IftheESDprotectioncircuitshowninFigure9.23iscomposedof BL/ISO zeners with series resistance of 30 Ohms and a turn on voltage V z of 10 V and NSD/ISO zeners with ser...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

24 277 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 1 potx

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 1 potx

... Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Rhode Island Denis P. Galipeau Cherry Semiconductor Corp. Practices and Pitfalls Analog BiCMOS DESIGN 6.2TheBandgapReferenceComparator 6.3OperationalAmplifiers 6.4AProgrammableCurrentReference 6.5ATriangle-WaveOscillator 6.6AFour-BitCurrentSummingDAC 6.7TheMOSCase 6.8ChapterExercises 7AmplifierOutputStages 7.1TheEmitterFollower:aCl...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

23 282 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 2 doc

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 2 doc

... of NMOS and PMOS transistors is useful in the design of analog and digital circuits. Figure 1.15 CMOS structure. 1.6.1 Simple MOS Model A simple model for the MOS transistor, useful for hand calculations, ... B, and C in Equations 1.56, 1.57, and 1.58: I nc = A  e V be V T − e V bc V T  I pe = B  e V be V T − 1  (1.59) I pc = C  e V bc V T − 1  Plugging Equations 1.59 into E...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 215 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 4 docx

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 4 docx

... i o r o4 (3. 28) v gs3 = v bs3 = −v 4 (3. 29) v o =(i o − gm 3 v gs3 − gm b v bs3 )r o3 + v4 (3. 30) Substituting and rewriting gives v o = i o (1 + gm 3 r o4 + gm b3 r o4 )r o3 + i o r o4 (3. 31) Then r o = V o I o = ... i o r o4 (3. 31) Then r o = V o I o = r o3 + r o4 + r o4 r o3 (gm 3 + gm b3 ) (3. 32) Since r o3 is much less than r o3 r o4 (gm 3 + gm b3 ), this simplifies to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 441 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 5 potx

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 5 potx

... =4, R 1 R 2 =8.4. Example ForthebandgapcircuitinFigure4.5,ifn=4thevoltageacrossR 2 is about 36 mV .IfR 2 equals 450 ohms, I will equal 80µA and R 1 should equal about 3. 7K. The drop across R 1 is 2IR 1 =2x10x10 −6 x3.7x10 3 = 0.6V . The bandgap voltage V bg is ... (5 .3) The unloaded voltage gain is then given as A V = V o V I = −g m (r o  R C ) (5.4) The input resistance is given as...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 304 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 7 potx

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 7 potx

... sinks 66.66µA while N2 sinks 33 .33 µA. At this point, N1 is capable of sinking all the current provided from P2B and P2C. The comparator output is still capable of 33 .33 µA of pull-up current. If ... 5KΩI C (N3) = 11.51V We can work backwards to find some more points. Consider the case when N3 is saturated. Assume V out =0.3V . Then I C (N3) = 11.7V 5KΩ =2 .34 mA Then I B (N3) = 2 .34 mA...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 292 0
analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 9 pdf

analog bicmos design practices and pitfalls phần 9 pdf

... inversion voltages as low as 5. 23 V for the 14 V process, and 12.27 V for the 30 V process Figure 8. 23 A small current turns on the base-emitter diode of P 4 and clamps the base of P 2 one V be above ... high input, N 3 , P 3 and P 1 are conducting. The emitters of P 1 and P 2 are at about 2 V be plus the saturation voltage of N 3 . This is about 1.4 V at room temperature....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 04:21

22 266 0