... consider these issues: ✓ Timeliness—Over what period does an employee hope to achieve a specific objective? PAGE 193 1 091 6$ CH10 10-21-04 08:01: 09 PS 198 Sustaining the Impact of Training 3. The ... appreciate the impact these will have on trainees. ã Assign facilitators to deliver individual sections to the group after a comprehensive review of the manual. Allow them enough t...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
... Date(); var the_ hours = the_ date.getHours(); If the clock on the computer running the JavaScript thinks it’s 8 PM, the_ hours contains the number 20. Methods for Getting the UTC Date and Time The following ... the_ hours = the_ hours - 4; } else if (the_ zone == "sanfran") { the_ hours = the_ hours - 7; } else if (the_ zone == "tokyo") { the_ ho...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
Dust Explosions in the Process Industries Second Edition phần 9 ppt
... biannually in Poland, starting in 198 4. The 6th Colloquium was arranged in P. R. China. All the papers from the last colloquium in Poland ( 199 3) and the one in P. R. China ( 199 4) are referred to individually ... the minimum explosible dust concentration. The version of the 15 litre vessel used in the second step is shown in Figure 7.47, and the bas...
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Fundamentals of Database systems 3th edition PHẦN 9 pptx
... expressed by: 99 status(X,’gold’) :- 98 status(X,’gold’) AND 98 Miles(X,Y) AND Y>45000 1 Page 720 of 893 Time series are sequences of events; each event may be a given fixed type of a transaction. ... of database technology that are going to play a significant role over the next decade: data warehousing and data mining. 1 Page 746 of 893 computes the following r...
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Learning SQL Second Edition phần 9 ppt
... 888-88-8888 | | 9 | I | 99 9 -99 -99 99 | | 10 | B | 04-1111111 | | 11 | B | 04-2222222 | | 12 | B | 04-3333333 | | 13 | B | 04-4444444 | | 99 | I | 04 -99 999 99 | + + + + 14 rows in set (0.27 sec) mysql> ... top two performers: mysql> SELECT open_emp_id, COUNT(*) how_many -> FROM account -> GROUP BY open_emp_id -> ORDER BY how_many DESC -> LIMIT 2, 99 999 999 9;...
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LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS 3rd edition phần 9 ppt
... for fiber-channel devices, alloc_fddidev (< ;linux/ fddidevice.h>) for FDDI devices, or alloc_trdev (< ;linux/ trdevice.h>) for token ring devices. snull could use alloc_etherdev without ... Writers of drivers for other types of devices may want to take advantage of one of the other helper functions, such as alloc_fcdev (defined in < ;linux/ fcdevice.h>) for fiber-channel de...
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Beginning Perl Third Edition PHẦN 9 ppt
... results using Perl and DBI.We’ll look at the easiest and most common way, but you can read about all the various ways by typing perldoc DBI at the shell prompt. CHAPTER 15 ■ PERL AND DBI ... what happens. $ perl showinstruments1.pl Enter name of musician and I will show you his/her instruments: Roger Waters guitar vocals $ CHAPTER 15 ■ PERL AND DBI 3 79 # we h...
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Rock Slope Engineering Civil and mining 4th edition phần 9 pptx
... Civil engineering applications 14.5.5 Ditch and slope design The two principle design issues for the project were the dimensions of the ditch to contain rock falls, and the stability of the slope ... and the rock mass strength and the ground water conditions in the new slope would be identical to those in the existing slope. Chart number No. 2 showed that the factor of...
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Designing Enterprise Applicationswith the J2EETM Platform, Second Edition phần 9 pptx
... application such as the sample application, including: ã The client tier provided by the browser ã The Web tier provided by the server ã The EJB tier provided by the server ã The enterprise information ... to the user, the application must retrieve data and then format it properly. Not only must the application build the presentation page, it must also know the cor...
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o''''reilly database programming with JDBC and Java 2nd edition phần 9 pptx
... Attributes CONCUR_READ_ONLY static public final int CONCUR_READ_ONLY Description JDBC and Java 2 nd edition p age 199 void clearWarnings( ) throws SQLException; void close( ) throws SQLException; ... the current row from this result set and from the database. findColumn( ) public int findColumn(String cname) throws SQLException JDBC and Java 2 nd edition...
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Unix Shell Programming Third Edition phần 9 ppt
... command-line option, or after set –o posix is executed. Table 15.4. POSIX Shell, Korn Shell, and Bash Compatibility POSIX Shell Korn Shell Bash ENV file X X POS vi line edit mode X X X emacs line ... encountered. Examples $ read hours mins 10 19 $ echo "$hours:$mins" 10: 19 $ read num rest 39 East 12th Street, New York City 10003 $ echo "$num\n$rest" 39...
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unix unleashed system administrators edition phần 9 ppt
... (CALLER SCRIPT FAILED) uucp remote (5/14- 19: 48:40 ,97 92,0) SUCCEEDED (call to remote ) uucp remote (5/14- 19: 48:43 ,97 92,0) OK (startup) uucp remote (5/14- 19: 48:44 ,97 92,0) REMOTE REQUESTED (remote!D.netco56c3c71\ ... (5/14- 19: 49: 14 ,97 92,3) REMOTE REQUESTED (remote!D.duke4f4e043\ > duke!X.netcomsdbeb0 (netnews)) uucp remote (5/14- 19: 49: 17 ,97 92,4) OK (conversation complete...
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unix unleashed system administrators edition phần 10 pdf
... Window System A windowing and graphics system developed by MIT, to be used in client/server environments. X See X Window System. X11 See X Window System. X-windows The wrong term for the X Window System. ... 2 GB file and filesystem size limitation on most systems. With 64 bit operating systems, this limit is going away. FTP (File Transfer Protocol, or File Transfer Program) A syste...
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Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration Third Edition phần 9 pptx
... command must be run inside the directory that is going to be restored. So, restore can restore the /home directory with the following commands: Backing Up and Restoring the File System 791 39_ 599 496 ... 502680 97 .46 0 243484 1051524 724 0.07 144 10:27:47 PM 97 32 506068 98 .11 0 24 199 2 1051524 724 0.07 144 10:27:52 PM 5768 510032 98 .88 0 232348 1051524 724 0.07 144 10:27:57 PM...
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