... 195 Heavyweight/Lightweight 2 03 Heartbeat 20 9 Connection Multiplexing 22 9 Chapter 7 Concurrency Patterns 27 5 Session Object 27 7 Lock File 28 5 Static Locking Order 29 1 Optimistic Concurrency 29 7 Thread Pool 30 3 Ephemeral ... logMessageReceipt(plainText:MimeMsg) {concurrency=guarded:out} out:PrintStream 1.1: print(:Date) 1 .3: print(message:String) :Logger 1 .2: getSessio...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 2 potx
... thing that you should do to ensure the consis- tency of a transaction is testing. The Unit Testing and System Testing patterns described in Patterns in Java, Volume 2 are useful in designing appropriate ... in Volume 2) Ÿ The Copy Mutable Parameters pattern (described in Volume 2) Ÿ The Copy on Write Proxy pattern, which is used as an example in the description of...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
... moveMe(m1,env2) m2:MobileAgent :Connection 1A.1: create(env2) 2A: readAck 5A: writeConfirm :ObjectOutputStream 1A .2: writeObject(m1) 1A .2. 1: write :ObjectInputStream 2B: m2:=readObject( ) 2B.1: read 4A: ... way of doing things and Java s way of doing things. Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is a Java- based Object Request Broker implementation that is part of the core Java API. Because R...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 4 docx
... writing software for a new kind of smart food processor that turns raw ingredients into cooked, ready-to-eat food by slicing, dicing, mixing, boiling, baking, frying, and/or stirring the ingredients. ... SIX :Client p:ProtectionProxy 2b: doIt( ) :ServiceThread 2b .2: continueUsingTrustedThread() {concurrency=guarded} 1:ServiceThread(p,s) s:Service 2a.1.1:continueCall(s) 2a.1.1.1: doIt( ) The...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 5 potx
... = this .in; int c1 = in. read(); int c2 = in. read(); int c3 = in. read(); int c4 = in. read(); if ((c1 | c2 | c3 | c4) < 0) throw new EOFException(); Distributed Computing Patterns ■ 22 7 3A. Call ... the predetermined value. Distributed Computing Patterns ■ 23 5 s2:Socket m2:Multiplexer 1B: creàte(s2) 2B: ms2:=accept( ) ms2:MultiplexerSocket 3B: cis:=getInputStream( ) cis:Chu...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 6 pptx
... object. InputStream in = actualSocket.getInputStream(); int otherBufferSize = new DataInputStream (in) .readInt(); BufferedInputStream bin; bin = new BufferedInputStream (in) ; actualIn = new DataInputStream(bin); // ... connection. 26 6 ■ CHAPTER SIX RELATED PATTERNS Singleton. The Singleton pattern (described in Volume 1) uses a single instance of a class for an entire program. The...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 7 potx
... restoreState(s1) 4.6: unlock( ) 3. 1: s2 := lock( ) 4 .2: restoreState(s2) 4 .3: unlock( ) s1:StateSaver1 s2:StateSaver2 :Stack 2. 2: push(s1) 3. 2: push(s2) 4.1: s2 := pop( ) 4.4: s1 := pop( ) FIGURE ... findInsertionIndex(node); expirations.add(insertionIndex, node); } // scheduleRemoval(LinkedList) /** * Determine where in a LinkedList an object belongs * based on expiration times. *...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 8 doc
... if int latestIndex = 0; Interval latestInterval = intervals[latestIndex]; for (int i=1; i<length; i++) { if (intervals[i].endsAfter(latestInterval)) { latestIndex = i; latestInterval = intervals[i]; Temporal ... if int latestIndex = 0; Interval latestInterval = intervals[latestIndex]; for (int i=1; i<length; i++) { if (intervals[i].endsAfter(latestInterval)) { latestIndex = i; latestInt...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 9 docx
... void update(:Organization): void protected Object instantiate(ResultSet rs) { try { long id = rs.getLong(1); String name = rs.getString (2) ; String cuisine = rs.getString (3) ; // Create the <code>Restaurant</code> ... to other objects. Updating the persisted version of such an object in a data- base can involve the equivalent of updating multiple objects. In the class di...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20
Patterns in JavaTM, Volume 3 Java Enterprise Java Enterprise Design Patterns phần 10 pdf
... Objects pattern, 109–1 13 Shared Object pattern, 83 88 Distributed Computing patterns, 137 27 4 Connection Multiplexing pattern, 22 9 27 4 Heartbeat pattern, 20 9 22 8 Heavyweight/Lightweight pattern, 2 03 20 8 Mailbox ... thisRestaurant; } // if String name = rs.getString (2) ; String cuisine = rs.getString (3) ; int rating = rs.getInt(6); Integer starRating = (rating>=1 ? new I...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:20