Visual Basic NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 2 doc

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 2 doc

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 2 doc

... time that the data has been changed in the database, we refresh the data in the DataSet so that we have an accurate representation of what’s been done to it. This operation has been encapsulated ... so that our own code knows we’re creating a new record (used later when we save the data). Lastly, we update the application’s status line to indicate that a new record was successfully created ....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 303 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 5 doc

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 5 doc

... created between you and the HTML you’re generating by the ASP .NET Framework. ASP .NET Framework maintains state for you. Do you ever have to post to the server to apply validation logic to a data ... intrinsic VB .NET function: Format. We are in turn passing a value from our data item as a parameter to the format function. This function will be called by the data binding Web Portal with A...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 236 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 6 doc

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 6 doc

... of the DataList declaration. We will also have an EditItemTemplate element as a child of the DataList element. We’ll take a look at that later. Here’s the ItemTemplate: <ItemTemplate> <div ... for the data grid. The DropDownList control supports two additional properties that are specific to data binding operations, DataTextField and DataValueField. The first is the value that will...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 189 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 1 potx

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 1 potx

... NY 101 58-00 12, (21 2) 850-6011, fax (21 2) 850-6008, E-Mail: PERMREQ @ WILEY.COM. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in re- gard to the subject matter ... in: Screen.Width Pretty easy? Try it in Visual Basic .NET. There is no screen object in Visual Basic .NET. Simply looking it up was not an option. After digging through the .NET Frame...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 183 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 4 ppsx

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 4 ppsx

... installation was made with it. It was an indicator of an ama- teur attempt at installation and did not look professional. The Visual Studio .NET Installer tools not only create installations that ... installations of our own. Creating Installations with Visual Studio .NET You’ve been very patient so far. The basic knowledge behind the Installer is now yours. Your reward is an immed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 199 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 7 potx

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 7 potx

... Generator. This program will generate an XSD schema to match an existing database that can be distributed to users of the data to make sure that the data is correct. It will also communicate the ... Bold Radio Button rb1 Text=”Generate Toy Data (toydata.xml)”, Checked=True Radio Button rb2 Text=”Generate Toy Schema (toydata.xsd)” Radio Button rb3 Text=”Generate Other Data (XML and XSD)” Text...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 198 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 8 potx

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 8 potx

... more work than automatic pagination. To Paginate or Not to Paginate Usually you will want to stick with automatic pagination and use it when it is appro- priate. For example, you could create ... the configuration file, which I’ll cover in detail later. Forms Authentication and Authorization Forms authentication and authorization are ideal for Web sites and Web applications that are open ....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 334 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 9 ppt

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 9 ppt

... in the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Basic .NET. Each project looked at a specific technique. This project will bring several of them together to create a solution that just about any com- pany ... the generated code. Take a glance at it; it is not very complex: 424 Project 10 Begin by creating a new Web form and naming it prj10vacation.aspx. As with the other page, make sur...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

52 217 0
Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 10 docx

Visual Basic .NET at Work Building 10 Enterprise Projects phần 10 docx

... 159 attributes AutoGenerate- Columns, 22 2 BorderWidth, 22 2 Command Argument, 26 1 CommandName, 26 1 CSSClass, 22 2 DataTextField, 24 7 DataValueField, 24 8 Item, 26 1 WebMethod, 95 OnItemCommand, 26 1 RepeatColumns, 24 7 RepeatDirection, ... actions, 26 7 features, 25 9 26 1 FormatDateTime function, 26 3 Item attribute, 26 1 item creation, 27 4 Item types, 26 6 26 7 ItemData...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 01:20

45 263 0
ASP.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects PHẦN 2 doc

ASP.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects PHẦN 2 doc

... ‘ Public Sub Validate() Dim dr As DataRow ClearErrors() For Each dr In m_DS.Tables(0).Rows If dr.RowState = DataRowState.Added _ Or dr.RowState = DataRowState.Modified Then ValidateRow(dr) End If Next End ... sdrData As SqlDataReader Dim sb As New StringBuilder Dim strColor As String Dim db as New AtWorkUtilities.Database(“server=localhost;” _ & “database=ASPNetProject 02; uid=sa;pwd=;”)...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:23

64 263 0