VHDL Programming by Example phần 4 ppt
... obtained: PROCESS(a) VARIABLE len1, len2, len3, len4 : INTEGER; BEGIN len1 := t_4valX1’LENGTH; returns 4 len2 := t_4valX2’LENGTH; returns 4 Chapter Seven 1 74 The configuration can also be used to provide ... example, for the type smallint, the upper bound is 32,767, and the lower bound is -32,767. To use one of these value attributes, the type mark name is followed by the attribute d...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21
... */ 41 : 42 : /* 43 : * Use a server address from the command 44 : * line, if one has been provided. 45 : * Otherwise, this program will default 46 : * to using the arbitrary address 47 : * 48 : ... ",stderr); 24: fputs(on_what,stderr); 25: fputc('\n',stderr); 26: exit(1); Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 179 The pointer returned by...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
... range is from 0 to ϩ2, 147 ,48 3, 647 . This subtype is defined as shown here: TYPE INTEGER IS -2, 147 ,48 3, 647 TO ϩ2, 147 ,48 3, 647 ; SUBTYPE NATURAL IS INTEGER RANGE 0 TO ϩ2, 147 ,48 3, 647 ; After the keyword ... minimum range -2, 147 ,48 3, 647 to ϩ2, 147 ,48 3, 647 . In the Standard package (a designer should never redefine any of the types used in the Standard package; this can resul...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example phần 4 pdf
... Average Length Columns 3 .44 82758E-2 4. 0 SupplierID 1.2987013E-2 8.0 SupplierID, ProductID Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 242 Figure 7 .4. Using the Properties form, ... Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming by Example 238 The number of UNIQUE constraints in a table is limited by the maximum number of indexes per table, which is 249 nonclus...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
Linux Socket Programming by Example PHẦN 2 ppt
... adr_inet; 40 : 41 : /* 42 : * Classify this address: 43 : * 44 : * 1. Get the Most Significant Byte 45 : * 2. Classify by that byte 46 : */ 47 : msb = *(unsigned char *) 48 : &adr_inet.sin_addr.s_addr; 49 : 50: ... any Linux Socket Programming by Example - Warren W. Gay 96 41 : adr_x25.sx25_family = AF_X25; 42 : strcpy(adr_x25.sx25_addr.x25_addr,x25_host); 43 : len_x...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example phần 4 pptx
... SetModifiedFlag(); } } The Tetris Application [ 1 54 ] } else { iRow; } } } When a row is completely lled, it will ash before it is removed. The ash effect is executed by redrawing the row in color and ... AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(TEXT(“Ring”), TEXT(“Color”), m_nextColor); } Ring: A Demonstration Example [ 1 14 ] RingView.cpp void CRingView::OnInitialUpdate() { CScr...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 21:20
VHDL Programming by Example phần 5 potx
... DFFX(2) DFFX(3) Z(3)Z(2)Z(1) Z (4) Z(0) B A CLK Figure 8-1 Schematic Represent- ing Generate State- ment. END GENERATE; b <= z (4) ; END gen_shift; This example represents the behavior for a 4- bit shift register. ... following example, different types of function calls are shown, and the results obtained with each call: USE WORK.p_shift.ALL; ENTITY shift _example IS END shift _exa...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21
VHDL Programming by Example phần 6 doc
... shifter. 265 VHDL Synthesis CHAPTER 10 VHDL Synthesis In this chapter, we focus on how to write VHDL that can be read by synthesis tools. We start out with some simple combinational logic examples, ... ‘0’; ELSE shift_val(3 downto 1) <= dout(2 downto 0); Chapter Nine 244 Created by User Translate Optimize Map to Gates VHDL RTL Description Unoptimized Boolean Description Optim...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 00:21