Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 9 potx
... vendors quote these values with the number of 9 s it yields, e.g. 0 .99 999 . The effect of parallelism or redundancy on reliability can be treated as a facsimile of the Ohm’s law problem, by noting that ... These are called open systems and closed systems. • Open system: This is a subsystem of some greater whole. An open system can be thought of as a black box which takes in...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
... Kephart of IBM in ref. [175] and later expanded upon by Forrest et al. [118, 291 , 121, 1 19, 156, 290 , 317, 155, 94 , 120, 238, 93 ]. The analogy between system administration and immunology was discussed ... 6 Models of network and system administration Understanding human–computer systems requires an ability to see relationships between seemingly distinct parts of...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
... SECTION: 10 191 9 IN A 118216 IN A 199 .232.76.162 118216 IN A 195 .68.21. 199 10 191 9 IN A 118216 IN A 2 09. 115.72.62 ;; ... the system at hand. The aim of this chapter is to learn how to navigate network systems using standard tools, and place each piece of the puzzle into the context o...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 3 pptx
... which replace many of the older Unix equivalents, like ls and cp. GNU software has its own system of installation and set of standards. GNU will also eventually become an operating system in its own right. ... user database. User account administration has been discussed many times, see refs. [1, 299 , 78, 190 , 163, 195 , 73, 216]. The special problems of each institution...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 5 pot
... attempts to keep track of changes in individual systems using a method of revision control. A typical Unix system might consist of thousands of files comprising software and data. All of the files (except ... automating system administration have been reported; see refs. [138, 114, 180, 194 , 21, 191 , 10, 116, 2 59, 113, 84, 258, 2 49, 76, 2 29, 217, 92 , 145, 173]. Most o...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 6 pot
... instance, has four networks: 128. 39. 89. 0, 128. 39. 73.0, 128. 39. 74.0 which includes 128.38.75.*.So we would create files master/rev.128. 39. 89, master/rev.128. 39. 73 etc., one for each network. These ... for the upgrade and contingency plan for loss of some of the hosts. EXERCISES 327 8. What is meant by the environment of a system? 9. How does one find the boundary between s...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 7 doc
... Scientific Principles of Network and System Administration, J. Wiley & Sons, 2004. 10.4. ALTERNATIVE NETWORK TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGIES 399 by N bits, or wavelengths of the bit signal, and the right-hand ... large packet size (90 64 bytes) yields something like this: cube$ ping -s 90 64 daneel PING daneel (128. 39. 89. 230) from 128. 39. 74.16 : 90 64 (90 92) bytes 90 72 b...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 8 pps
... nature of possible threats to the security of a human–computer system. 444 CHAPTER 11. PRINCIPLES OF SECURITY Authentication is usually performed at the start of a session between client and system. ... examines filesystems. 4 As the reviewer of this book put it: ‘They’re done. Stick a fork in them.’ 446 CHAPTER 11. PRINCIPLES OF SECURITY 11.8.2 Denial of service (DoS) a...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21
Principles of Network and System Administration 2nd phần 10 pps
... Communications of the ACM, 40:88, 199 7. [1 19] S. Forrest, S. A. Hofmeyr, A. Somayaji, and T. A. Longstaff. In Proceedings of 199 6 IEEE Symposium on Computer Security and Privacy ( 199 6). [120] S. ... to the 199 9 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 199 9. [318] A. Watson and B. Nelson. Laddis: A multi-vendor and vendor-neutral spec nfs benchmark. Proceedings of the Six...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21