KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 8 docx

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 8 docx

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 8 docx

... Default=0x00000002, Ok=0x00000004, Apply=0x000000 08, Try=0x00000010, Cancel=0x00000020, Close=0x00000040, User1=0x00000 080 , User2=0x00000100, User3=0x00000200, No=0x00000 080 , Yes=0x00000100, Stretch=0x80000000 }; enum ActionButtonStyle ... KHTMLVIew widget from a KHTMLPart object displays a Web page. 4 682 -1 ch19.f.qc 11/20/00 15:44 Page 5 38 511 Chapter 19 ✦ The Widgets of KDE KCont...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

74 277 0
KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 2 docx

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 2 docx

... “http://www.belugalake.com”, 78 “Asker of Questions”); 79 80 about->exec(); 81 } 82 void ShowAbout::kdeStandardAbout() 83 { 84 KAboutDialog *about = new KAboutDialog( 85 KAboutDialog::AbtKDEStandard, 86 KDE Standard ... Standard Configuration”, 87 KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Help, 88 KDialogBase::Ok, 4 682 -1 ch05.f.qc 11/13/00 14:10 Page 102 97 Chapter 4 ✦ Displaying a Pop-...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

74 219 0
KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 4 docx

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 4 docx

... just enter 4 682 -1 ch09.f.qc 11/13/00 14:11 Page 206 232 Part II ✦ Step by Step 80 QPainter painter(frame); 81 painter.setFont(font); 82 83 painter.setBackgroundColor(QColor(“black”)); 84 painter.setPen(QColor(“white”)); 85 ... painter.setBackgroundColor(QColor(“black”)); 84 painter.setPen(QColor(“white”)); 85 86 QRect rect = painter.window(); 87 painter.eraseRect(rect); 88 89 sw...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

74 195 0
KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 6 docx

KDE 2/Qt Programming Bible phần 6 docx

... string: 9421 Short value: 9421 Double string at 6: 281 3 .83 Double value at 6: 281 3 .83 Double string at 9: 281 3 .82 822 Double value at 9: 281 3 .83 Ulong string: cfa90b2 Ulong value: 217747634 The ... 12 04:32: 58 2002 Date: Sun May 12 2002 Time: 04:32: 58 Current date and time: Wed Jun 28 09:51:26 2000 Days between: 683 Seconds between: 589 92092 4 682 -1 ch16.f.qc 11/13/00 14:13...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 22:21

74 202 0
SolidWorks 2010 bible phần 8 docx

SolidWorks 2010 bible phần 8 docx

... However, in the example shown in Figure 26. 18, the result is very clear. FIGURE 26. 18 Using the Split feature Chapter 24: Working with Tables and Drawings 789 FIGURE 24.21 Adding a column to the ... Multi-bodies Chapter 27 Working with Surfaces Chapter 28 Employing Master Model Techniques Using Advanced Techniques Part VI Chapter 26: Modeling Multi-bodies 82 9 1. Create a sketch...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

118 240 0
The management bible phần 8 docx

The management bible phần 8 docx

... information about terminating employees. TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! 2 38 T HE M ANAGEMENT B IBLE indicates a fundamental problem with your employees’ attitudes or eth- ical ... addition, hourly workers run the meetings on TEAM LinG - Live, Informative, Non-cost and Genuine ! 2 18 T HE M ANAGEMENT B IBLE their own, while advisors—GE’s term for salaried employees— p...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 346 0
Xml programming bible phần 3 docx

Xml programming bible phần 3 docx

... <small_image>http://images.amazon.com/images/P/ 1 583 488 340.01.TZZZZZZZ.jpg</small_image> c5 382 92 ch 08. qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 44 AM Page 202 182 Part I ✦ Introducing XML Table 7-1 (continued) Element ... internal entity declaration. Supported by: SAX 2 and MSXML c5 382 92 ch06.qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 44 AM Page 161 c5 382 92 ch06.qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 44 AM Page 172 200 Part I ✦ Int...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

99 299 0
Xml programming bible phần 5 docx

Xml programming bible phần 5 docx

... the same as the classes that were reviewed in Listing 15-3 in Chapter 15. g5 382 92 ch16.qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 44 AM Page 3 58 381 Chapter 17 ✦ XML APIs from Sun <quote source=”Macbeth” author=”Shakespeare, ... associateid&amp;benztechnologies=9441&amp;camp=1793&amp;link_code= xml&amp;path=ASIN /84 32040231</tagged_url> </product> <product> <ranking>...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

99 244 0
Xml programming bible phần 8 ppt

Xml programming bible phần 8 ppt

... it in your code as if it were just a locally installed component. k5 382 92 ch27.qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 45 AM Page 6 78 687 Chapter 28 ✦ J2EE Web Services J2EE Web Service Architecture While it is true that ... portal interacts with the J2EE application server to Cross- Reference Note k5 382 92 ch 28. qxd 8/ 18/ 03 8: 45 AM Page 687 682 Part V ✦ Introducing Web Services Figure 27-11: The...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:22

99 273 0
Beginning Game Programming (phần 8) docx

Beginning Game Programming (phần 8) docx

... tutorial on how to use Anim8or to create your own 3D models. Here are the key points: n You learned that Anim8or is a free 3D modeling program. n You learned where to find Anim8or on the Web. n You ... software products still work with 3DS files, including Anim8or. The conv3ds.exe tool is very convenient for Anim8or users because Anim8or exports to the 3DS format, so I have included it on the ....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 03:20

50 383 0