LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 3 pot
... thing. You can see this in comparing animation that has been rotoscoped (traced from live reference) and animation that is just simply good animation. This is why good animation will always radiate ... your model moving in the most believable way possible. 133 Note: The most believable way is not necessarily the most realistic. The art of animation is the art of creating a visual...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
... 13. 3 Anticipation, Drag, Follow-Through Do your character s actions need to express the concepts of drawing through time? Do your characters anticipate their actions ... what is good animation and what needs work when I can’t stand over your shoulder and encourage your best work? I can do this by giving you good quality animations you can explore as 3D scenes to ... or foot. (The proper...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
... 19.29. A(Ace). 18. 2 Dope Track LightWave s Dope Track offers yet another way for you to quickly and easily modify your animations. 39 5 Chapter 18: Advanced Animation Tools Figure 18. 15. You access ... natural. Cheeks.Puffed Cheeks.Sucked Eye.Brow_Scowl Eye.Brow_Surprise Eye.Closed Eye.Lid_Lower_Dn Eye.Lid_Lower_Up Eye.Lid_Upper_Dn Eye.Lid_Upper_Up Mouth.Corner_Back Mouth.Corner_Front...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 1 docx
... 35 9 Exercise 6 36 0 Exercise 7 36 1 Exercise 8 36 2 Exercise 9 37 6 17 .3 Characterization 3 78 17.4 Character 37 9 17.5 The Animator’s Trust 38 2 Chapter 18 Advanced Animation Tools 38 3 18. 1 Dope Sheet 38 4 18. 2 ... easily be a character s bicep, forearm, and hand. LightWave 3D ® 8 Character Animation Timothy Albee Wordware Publishing, Inc. 17.2 The Psych...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 2 pptx
... knee. 49 Chapter 3: Prepping Your Character for Setup Figure 3. 7. Preserve the volume of the knees. Figure 3 .8. Pull the points of the pant cuff and shoe to make the bend of this area look believable. 3. With ... merging points). Rename the new skelegons appropriately. 78 Chapter 4: Boning Your Character Figure 4. 28. The hierarchy of the right arm is complete! 1. Copy the 3D d...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 4 docx
... and load BadPointFinder.lwo. 8. Copy the mesh and paste it into Layer 3 of your current work - ing model. (See Figure 7 .33 .) 160 Chapter 7: Point Weighting Figure 7 .33 . With Layer 1 visible in ... should only be rotated in pitch. 1 83 Chapter 8: Using the Controls Figure 8. 14. Rotating Index_Base and Pinky_Base in H to spread the fingers wide. Note: Because LightWave now allows...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 5 docx
... is a pause between 239 You can swing the hips and the entire carriage about by drag - ging one of the *Knee bones in 3D space. 1 93 Chapter 8: Using the Controls Figure 8. 23 Chapter 9 Life Drawing ... on the *Hand_Trans controls and move them about in 3D space (just like the Head). 196 Chapter 8: Using the Controls Figure 8. 26 2 08 Chapter 8: Using the Controls Note: I’ll ofte...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 8 docx
... the need of the analytical mind kicking in for even a 37 3 Chapter 17: Finding the Character 38 6 Chapter 18: Advanced Animation Tools Figure 18. 3. The first thing I’d do (after loading the scene, ... programmers of our 3D tools have now given us something far more powerful than any tra- ditional animator ever knew. In LightWave, it’s called the Dope Sheet. 38 4 Chapter 18: Advan...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20
LightWave 3D 8 Character Animation phần 10 pdf
... Level, 86 Dope Sheet, 38 4 -39 5 Copy, 39 2 Cut, 39 2 Delete, 39 2 Edit in Graph Editor, 39 2 Erase, 39 2 Insert Gap, 39 2 Paste Insert, 39 2 Paste Over, 39 2 Quantize, 39 3 Undo, 39 3 Zoom to Selection, 39 3 Dope ... 53 scene, critiquing, 30 6 -3 08 examining, 30 6 planning, 292-294, 299 -30 1 revising, 3 08 studying, 297-2 98 visualizing, 30 2 -30 3 Scene Editor (Clas...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20